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... I COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, TurESDY, Dec. 17. (Be/ore Lord Chief Jusfice Jervis and a Special fury.) Somrma e v. iPope.-Mr. Knowles, Q. C., and Mr. Wool- moer were counsel for the plaintiff, and Mr. Serjeint Byles and Mr. Lush for the defendant. Mr.Knowles said tlis was an action for breach of a pro- mise ot' narriage,which was atall times an injury of n very serious description, and the injury ...


... IPSWICHI BOROUGH SESSIONS. These Sessions commenced at the Town Hall, on Thursday, before David Power, Esq., the Recorder. There were 18 prisoners for trial. The Recorder, in his charge, said, he should call their attention to two or three cases on the calendar. But be- fore he did so, he had to observe that, the number of pri- soners was large, there being altogether eighteen cases; out of ...


... IPSWICH POLICE- In consequence of the attendance of the Mayor and s Clerk to the Justices ?? at Bury St.Edmund's,r there was no sitting on Monday last. THURSDAY.-Before the Mayor, T. D'Eye Bur- j. roughes, Esq., S. B. Chapman, Esq., H. Miller, Esq., T. BI Ross, Esq. t Damage to Turnrip g ?? of these cases r came or for hearing, showing how extensive have beenc the depredationsduringtheseasoni. ...


... IPSWICHI BOROUGHd SESSIONS. Thbr~e- Slc essions were held at the Town Hall, on Tursday last Tbe Itecorder in hi!s charge, said, he was gled to sec that, upon tihs occasion, there would be but little busi- tics to O-cUpy their attention. The only case which clled (;r ° ny Observations, was the case of ThomasI Browni t heb d with jstealing iron. He called attention I to this not hecrause in ...


... CENTRAL. CRIMNINAL COURT, M.vtcst 5. IWillinm Griffiths 3, was indicted fora ssau'ting and woundiii- Alfred Mills, with intent to murder him. Mr. Bodkin and Mr. Clark conducted the proset tion. It appeared that the priwoner was a eonvictand that he had been removerd from Portland prison to the Peniten. tiary at Milbank to undergo a sentence of penal servi. tudc, anm he had on several occasion- ...


... There has beets n very serious collision between the Alilitia and police at Sunderland. After notwral of the former had bcen captured the Mayor telegraphed to Sir hlarry Smith. stating that unl.e the corps he removed he would not be answerable for the peace of the town. It has been definitely arranged that the execution of the wretched convict. Thomat William John Corrigan, for the murder of ...


... The interviews between Walter and William Palmer, at the Gresham assurance Office. in the Old Jewry, are spoken to by Mr. Farren. the actuary and secretary of that office. The following is Mr. Farren's account of the trarstac- tion: -It appears that the proposal for insuring the life of Walter Palmer for 1IQOtl. was left at the offices of the compaur by e person kho was not known there. It wae ...


... IPSNVICIT POLICE. For Monday's report t'ide fourth page Tit ?? the Mayor George Christopher- aon. Eaq.. T. D'Eve Burroughes, Esq.. II. Miller, Esq., S. n. Chatittn0 Etq. ,tsundaoy DePrier L-Mr. John Wells. Irnlfi of the Co and c wtt a WAS chiaseed Wilit hairir p hit house open sdter twelve o'clock on the itight of Saturday ul.t Th leteoce was ?? the ?? was ?? Sor the reception or travezlersr ...


... BEECLES, Nonday, Juie 29. These sessions commenced this day before John Ker. rich, Esq., chairwan; E. P. Montagu, Edwd. Leathes, J. W. Brooke, and H. Leathes, Esqrs.; Revds. G. A. Whitaker and J. C. Safford. The Grand Jury baving been empanelled, and the Queen's Proclamation against Vice and Immorality read by the Clerk of the Peace, the Chairman addressed the Grand Jury. and said,-It is ...


... TeiuRsDAy.-Bofore T. D'Eye Burroeghes, Esq., Chairman, Chas. Burton, Esq., T. B. Ross, Esq. A Magistrate brought up for Drunkenness--A gentleman who gave the name of John Sherrott, of Bosmere Hall, and who stated he was a macistrate for the county of Middlesex, was charged by the police with drunkenness and riotous conduct in the streets of Ipswich between 2 and 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning. ...


... X COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN's.INN, Dec. 2. (Before i-e LoaaD ChANCELLOR.) Raned v. Raadfield.-This vwes au appeal from Vice.Cbanecflor Kindersley, argued last term, and stood over for judgment. The bill was filed to administer the estate of William Randiield, late of Hnrwich, shipowner, and the question arose underhis will. made in his own handwriting. and dated Oct. 18, 1837. The testator ...

The Oyster Fishery in the Orwell

... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, JuaE 17. -Before 7ilr. Jteeice ERLE, Mr- Justice CROMrPTOrN and Mr. Jn>oiiee HILL. Co'c/ester v. cook-Mr. rower and mr. Dasent for the p ain- tiff. ;tr. IKeane and Mr. 'Marriott for the detlntiartl, rfr. Power: This is an ACUtin of trespass brougit by tlle plaintiff against the defendant for trespasses committed by the defendant on the - day of October, ISS7 by dredging ...