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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... ELBOUREPOR~rnLL~W~thPI~IIarid 1 IEMPERANCR LINE of 'PACIk S fro LIDOtoACUTRALIA, Wiltri at PIp~h-s Q~ I~irLLP ridS~DNEY (callitig off Aeh~).b enio e shp HISTORIA, -A, . 850 tons burtheit, T. R. MOWATP.~ 0am~n der to sail ~the 25th of March., To; load' itm the, Estiledle Docks she offers unoatial advantages aaeogera, h~rmavt gpt ?? Saloon cables, upwards of 7 feet height, betwoee deas. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR~NIA -NtOTICE to PASSENGERS.-- 'he Ship LADY FIlTZl4RBERT' his THREE CABINS still bC e sP ill ash on Wednoeday tho 12th ?? to t ?? AGOtEON eud Col , 6, Billiter-.quare, agents for the Original JuoorniaM Lire ot Packet Ships. AD Djt'ct, the beautitul fast sailing ship jy . 5 ~Nt ON. A 1, 4i3 ton'^ register. CHARLES GcltlBBLE, Xm BAdr iag intheLojdoflnDioks, will havedeapaveh, having ,u, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ICH SILKS at frreatly reduced Prices-r ?? 5 AF.SPlAl,1 and 8S ELG~tOVE beg to ~announae thatthev ave nw ready fon iurreccion a aplondil tollection of BROCADED and o &I.'.NE aIIS3 , Flounced Silk Dre-ceS, Boyadere Robes, &o. M.1 e ati , invite espectal attelaiesn to tbese goods, which are of the coasti 1 novel and choice dercription, endeinorder ton othtare aspeedylsaet they will be offered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jm (ALVANISM.-.-By raeaaei of STRINOFEL.. ?? LOW's PATENT POCKET BATTERY mhemaushtm, General on Debility, Bromehits, Tlcdolorenx, Tocth.aache, ail nervous and vea. )re ralgiec, and many other disease, may be cured, without the slightest rla pain or Inconventence. The batteries are used at the hospitals, and tee by the most eminent of the mediosi profession, eud are contained in o a card ease. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E X'HI BI T 0R The following system of advertising -ham been adopted for the purpose of affortding to Exhibitors a greiatex promine nce of description than ise. Possible in the very con- 'fined Space allowed- byi the WfIcial cktalogae of the Great Exilibitiors; and to' ?? thhman~ Aopotunisty of referring to thir gneralsnorhondi~, o which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In some) oases FL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PDORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS. - The DIVI I DEN DS for tje FIlBST liALF.YEAt 1850w of tho Five per Cent. Stock, 841, and FWariper cent. Sock 184, W thahlf of eaid dividend ot the Old Uneonerted Bonds, and likewise Ike 12 months' interest then duc 0n the LebeLtures ef rho June bnd July CoUpons, WILL BE PAID at the PortaguesaTinastell Aglgncy, on MONDAY, the 2ndFeb'uiary, 1852, andevery suceeding Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL MARI ONETTE THEATRE, jLR Ada de-*lrecet, NWe Slt.inid.-TIrIS EVlINl.-G the per- iorlolnces will ci;enirere with an INTRODUC'TORtY AD: 'LSa by the Mar;ger; aher h' ?? e New Scene of Aroppou., eftillcd the Ll-:NAGI:R'S ROOM. 'lo he ?? by the ?? icl ltaliemque of BOWBA''rES FUltIOSO. 'Ihe cholc to conclude wlha it NXw Grand Ballet, ci.Id PlAU iel'E . the P'upil of S3ture.-Priva.c ntDo; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fR11EATRE ROYAL, DRuJRY-LANE, J.TTlll ElVENXING, the LAST JUVENILE NIGHT; the Pratot itime at :atn e :i hour; and the LAST APPE '.ANCE of the BATE- MAN C:TlLDii.N-To.AIl.0ov the famtus trt-r, Mr. SIMS RlEEVES, ;sill jlpacar in tRA DI ?? vv1ih the PRlnominle.- On IIDAtY. ROli'.ERT TllE DEVIL; with ti'! ltrst appearmice of Mr. Flldor, Mir. Dr5yton, Miss (richt.n, and the celubn at'd prima ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN iii the ( .L3. City, being desirous of lightening his labours, oroposce to take' I? anARTICLED CLERK, who, upon payment of £t,000,,ballrerei¶e1 a £ moderate eater during the pe:iod of his ertiele' ? ? ? U eompboien than reeelved as a partner upon liberal terms.-Address1 A. Z., care of Mesars. Jones and Ceuston, etatloners, 47, Eastebeap. v ANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MPORTANT NOTICE. - Au EXTENSIVE - BONA FIDE SALE of Messrs. HAMPTON and RUSSELL'S, 14, Leicester-square.-In consequence of great alterations, their large and valuable stock of £27,000 sterling value, must be sold off immediately, without reserve. It conaistb of CABINET FURNI. TURE and BEDDING, velvet piles, tapeatry, Brussels, and other carpetting; druggets, stairearpets, and hearth rogs; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11= (AUTION.-WheNea aeveral Ho8e ana Drapers Dj are selling an irritsloug,~ to be theasame es GLENNVS EALEBIGGAN SOCE~ wene ntroducedto thepublicat the Great. Exhtbio . and theprime medal. beung tbe most elastil and -adub stocking -made) CHARLES GL& dems It expedient, for t proegt ofep pub O himsel to saytbtno OeasO anyauthoritytomako such s bs hi Balbelgan Hosery can only be obtained at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HEAD) OF HAIR FOR ONE; VENTE.-Ifyou ould posesra Iahee of hair~ie full. ?? and beauty tryo bo~ttle of, HAYDN'S CIIsrALLISED HONEY, Al~~ Act AstO enfrsperior'to meany of the prepratins sld it xtimoes the porse.~ It Is comlposed of -numerous basmelgdlnte is'delightiulfly perfumaed, limparts to the hair, pliacy nd lstr, an gies I a setig cre.It also insinuaese its balsas~o popetie Ino ...