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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO SHIPOWNERS, CAPTAINS, &c., dc. J. BELL is now prepared to it M v execute orders for the LANTERNS fr( required by Sailing Ships. Prices given H for Lanterns, Screens, and Fixing,com. fri Iod 15 i plote.-38, Whitefriargate. _ BULL TO LONDOrN FOR TWO SHILLINGS. EAST OF ENGLAND SCREW-COASTING COMPANY, LIMITED. .-T ULL & LONDON STEAMERS, I L to and fronk Custom-House Quay. London, at REDUCED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE P U B L. IC B AT 1'H S AND WASH- M1O USES F OR ON E YEA Ru, ENDING ON T1-1E TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1858. DR. To amount received from the PUBLIC for the b;$E of the ESTABLISHMENT, between the 29th day `E Sep- temuber, 1857, and the 29th day of March, 1858 ?? LESS-Amount of WEEKLY WAGES to Ser- vants on the Establishimet ?? £ s. d. £ s. d. 244 4 7 138 14 0 To amount received from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !OrelaneouO. TO N T! :ND OTHERS. %tITING PAPERS of all descriptions XV may be purhbased at the Rui Packet Offlee, or, hiteffargate~ as Cheaply as at any Establishinent jOUlxcNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. - EN'f'S IMPROVED WVATCHIES and CLOCKS. E. J. DENT, Watch and lociker by distinct appointment to the Queen, cloc Highness Prince Albert, and his Imperial bi'°} tire emperor of Russia, most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D WIN DAVIS, MARKET-PLACE, [lull, has bought from the Assign'ees of J. SWAIN, E Insolvent, Savile-Street, the Stock of Rich DRAPERY (£2:700) to be SOLD OFF, at his Premises (late ULLATHORNE and DAVIS). NOW OFFERING, a MANUFACTURER'S STOCK of BLACK SILKS, amounting to £7,000, at EDWIN DAVIS'S (late ULLATHORNE and DAVIS). At E. DAVIS'S, late ULLATHoRNE and DAVIS, is now OFFERING £4,300 worth of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. ~TRITING PAPERS of' all description, IN AA may be purchased at the Beul Packet Office,gut 22I ~hitefriargaste, as Cheaply as at any Establishment rgutt ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. Tura -- for t DARI R' S L I FE P I LL S sighi ARE ACKiNOWLEDGED TO BlE THlE secoi BEST MEDILCINE IN THE WORLD. able 30,000 BOXES SOLD WEEKLY, light snuf The fine balsamic anid invigotrating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FAMILIES ~~BOOKS FOR PRESENTS, &c. BOND AND BOTTLING WINE CELLARS, JOSEPH WV. LENG begs to announce that 51, HI Gi STR EETr, HUTLL, he has prepared for the ensuing Season, alarge NZAR TO SCALE LA141. Assortment of elegantly BOUND BOOKS, in every Cal E Old Crusted PORT, and Golden department of Literature, among which will be found all F olored SHERRY, 30s. per Dozen; MARSALA the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ft[isrcdlantotu0. IMPOSITIONS PRACTISED IN DENTISTRY; AND HOW THEY MAY BE AVOIDED. .ust Published, Demy 8vo., pp. 84, price, in cloth, 3s. in boards, 2s. fd.: a popular Work, entilled rT511E MIRROR OL ' D ENTISTRY; T BY J. W. DAVENPORT, Surgeon-Dentist, 46, George-Strect, Hall, Inventor of the Imttroved Forceps tbr the extraction ofl'entth To be had of all Booksellersin towtt or country. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... glre be fi~t. 0 LET, a GROCER'S SHOP, situated in T 2 central ?? to TIuos. MIDDLETON and SON, Market-Place, Hull. T BE LET, the commodious DWELL. TLIN G-HO USE, Offices, and Pretinises, lately occu- pied by tbelate Mr. B. Boyes, Merchant, Castle-Street, close to the Humiber and Junction Docks.-Apply at No. 15, Nile-Street. TURNPLATE FROA ARO L Wh JTE c1.0s ou atO BEVERLEY. 1TOTICE IS HEIREBY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... clfie Uran aui 0. F ROM £5,000 to X50,000 a year may be T, Trealised by either sex, whether imployed or un- employed, by comparatively TRIFLING OUTLAYS, 'so certainly as to render FAILURE ABSOLUTELY i IMPOSSIBLE; also, by mere fractional outlays pro. G portionately smaller incomes may be certainly realised. of Theselucrative undertakings involve neither partnership th nor risk, do not subject ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM FROMt HULL. *,OR ST. PETERSBURG and I) COPENHAGEN, (carrying Post. Offie Letter Bags,) the splendid irst.claso stearn.Ship LION. J. F. Kueuoat Commander, is intended to leave Hlfal On MONDAY EVENING, August 13th, after Nine o'Cloek.- cBROWNLOW, PEARSON, & CO. lull, July W0tI. 1853. F OR PILLAU and KONIGS- ;BERG, taking Goods for ELBING, BRANDSIIERG, MEMEL, and ?? Ports, th fle A I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP g1 ; eetire NEW STOCK of LINEN A-ND WOOLLEN At APE RY, all bought within the last twelve Month, SELLING OFF at a GREAT SACRIFICE, as the whole must be CLEARED OUT in a short time, A MESSRS. SUDDABY AND HURST'S, 61, MALKET PLACE. ECOLEs & COMPANY WISH to call the attention of the Public to tl!eir Selection of the Finest Class of TEAS, cleared at the V v Reduced Duty. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... antnts &r. 1 Al L & LEVICK, FURNISHING H IO jeVoroas, 54, Lowinate, Hull, are in WANT of a 5sablC yOUTH s an APPRENTICE. - AN 'FED by a steady industrious man, a situation as Foreman in a Warehouse, or .. ,ker of w-etkrnen, or in sorme irtoilar capacity. The °Ctirer is capable of keeping recounts, and can produce 5d'trOl i5lsas to tis trustworthy ?? not so much rr object ass c comfortable and ...