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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Night but Two. In consequence of the immense success of the Mehdelssohn Festival given by M. Jullien at the Theatre Royal, Drury- lane, on Thursday, November 27th, and in compllance 'with thr wish of many amateurs, that an evening should be set eoart for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31usic-ERall'will re-oopen for taie deasoit on which occasionlaMr. DONALD W.,1KING (principaal Tenor of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane), Mr. D. W. KliNG (principal Soprano of the 'Theatre Rofal; Drnry-lane), Sigr or BORANI (of her Majesty's Theatre, London) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DONALD W. KING (principal Tlor of the Theatre Royal, Drury-laue), Mrs. D. WV. KING (Pnincipal Soprano of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane), Signor BORANI (of her Majesty's Theatre, London). Conductor, Mr. O'Rorke. Bv the kind permission or Colonel Burdett, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Soprano of the 'I'heatre Royal Covent Garden,) ?? JIORRANI, L (Of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane,) le AND) M3r. DONALD WV. KING, (Principai Tenor of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane). Conductor, Mr. O'RORKE. PRO';RAMME. PART-I I. G; Glee- We Fairy Folk delight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVENING (Wednesday), 6th Febrnary, T OPERATIC CONCERT. Vocalists: Mrs. D. W. KING, (Principal Soprano of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane,) Mr. D, W. KING, (Principal Tenor of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lare,) AND Signor BORRANF, (Of her Majesty's Theatre.) Conductor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M-Mahon) Begs to announce that her BENEFIT will take place. Vocalists: Mr. D W. KING, (Principal Tenor of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane,) AND Signor BORRANI, (0f her Majesty's Theatre.) Pianist-Miss BRAUN. Doors open at a quarter past Seven. Concert to com- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Box- effice, frona Eleven till Four o'Clock, as usual. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. BUNN (Late L~ssee of the Theatres Royal, Drury-lane and Covent Garden), IS engaged for Three Nights, and will make his 1first appearanee on SATURDAY NEXT, May 4th, 18u5. in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... where Tickets and Plaees maw hv e had of Mtr. Barry. - THEATRE POYAL, DBLIN. MRR BUNN (Lte Lessee of the Theaitres Royal, Drury-lane and Covent Garden), S engaged for Three Nights, and will make his fir t appearanre on SATURDAY NEXT, May 4th, 0, in his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B 0 1~ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR BUNN (Late Lessee o f ile Theatres Royal, Drury-lane and Covent gisd fo r Three Nighits, and anil make is tt ep:iretraee on1 TO-DIORROW, May 4th, 850, SIIitiAsleslARKSPERIAN MONOLOGUE, e i~vrel hT him , with mnost unprecedented ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]-7 \T RtOYATL. DUBLIN. llf p ,NT EVENING, May 8th, 1850, ?? ' I3U'g (l: he1 Tlicatres Rioyal, Drury lane and J. . Cill (I IIer ii PS I)lWAIATIC MIONOLN ( UE, C.11lA I. 1 tasined timmeinese suecers in Lqidlon. 11 It q ri el ; ' iS he dividlell into two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (prile Donna from the Princess's Theatre, London, er first appearance Ler). sIR. AND AIRS. WEISS (Frora tlt, Theatres Royal Drury-lane and Princess's, their first appearance here). MR. H. CORPl. e MR. W. HARRISON. The Orchestral and Choral Departments will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (prima Donna from the Princess's Theatre, London, he rt appearance here). MRlE. AND MRS. WEISS I (From the Theatres Royal Drury-lane and Prince their first appearance here). MR. H. CORRI. MR. W. HARRISON. The Orchestral and Choral Departments will be most ...