Law Intelligence

... in that case he should order the fee paid to the solicitor by the bankrupt to be returned ; as the ?? did not choose to attend to do his duty, he was not entitled to the fee. The bankrupt's account was not satis- factory, his debts and liabilities were ...


... Conimissioner IHolroyd.] IN RE 1iSllOP-THiE OIEiNTAL HOTEL. The bankrupt, Bishop, had beeI an attorney's clerk, and subsequently becamc tile proprietor ef the aboe hotel. Be- cominwg a bankrupt, the hotel and property that it contained were foulnd to be in ...


... heate, hin apperhd feir' ast'examigatioo. Clarke. ire-has,, however,. a~bsconded; 1antd r.]i Tairlor, 'alIiorfr som te .bankrupts, 'applied for, arn ajurm to thee )fthe haiu' tr ls 'for~ weeks in. otder to make'out his balatneesbeet, and-further ?erin- ...


... Immediatcly afterwards Geering became bankrupt, and the plaustiffs were appointed assignees of his estate, in which capacity they sued in these proceedings. The learned Sergeant contended that whatever the bankrupt might have recovered for the breach of ...

Law Intelligence

... artgiste m hpubl c , officer, ?? a they bad made to retire a 'ilt of aex- - Change for 175j.'s. 3d., which one Geeris's, a bankrupt, had accepted, arid whichwas made payable at lliej branch bank ratArundel.,. .. Soijein b tie andkr ii e f6r the plain ...


... t'aceount in 'brtersor in the usual ; If the latter, ''th6 detendant will have to pay the account. due to the bankrupt. ini fellamnd take the diridendoraiss his ow. Mr.;Sciater stated- that with fese'pct 'to the pairtnership, there wast no ...


... Wednesday this bankrupt appeared before Mr. Commissioner Stevenion on his adjourned last examination. A witness named Purcell% a brother-in-law to the bankrupt, underwent an examina- tion by Mr. M'Oubrey, relative to the settlement between the bankrupt and Mr- ...


... Covent-garden, Mr. Cbidley, the bankrupt's solicitor a plied for an sadjournmentof his examination, ontheground Athat it had not been practicable to file the required accounts, in consequence of some of the bankrupt's papers having been removed from ...

Law Intelligence

... nthe ann claimed for wages and provisions. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY.-YESTEXDAY. d Btopas MR. Cowntastona Ers . IN BB WEDn. , The bankrupt was a ham, and beef dealer in Great Russell- n b street, Coveni-garden, This waes the day appointed for the b last examination ...

Law Intelligence

... sdjsurnment from Soturday usc,. The bankrupt, it widl be remembered, was a coarpetuter in Westminster, and attributed his failure to b aeitgodvanced 4001. on sorae acceptances which turned out to be stolen. O. the bankrupt's Cxlmintion being road ever, he ...


... enable the ' bankrupt to prepare the balanre-sheet, which, after some op. d position on the part of 31r. Stone, was allowed, the Registrar observing that a lady could hardly be expected to be capable of making out her balance-sheet. g The bankrupt was then ...


... withheld unless the bankrupt should have been in prison three mionthis. IN R, INGLISH. The bankrupt was a druggist in the Poultry. Mr. Linklater supported his application for his certificate. Mr. Sturgeon opposed, onthe ground that the bankrupt had, whilst in ...