... bench was disposed to decide summarily-it was one which a sessions jury of the citizens would best decide on. He Ah (Mr. Porter) would, therefore, send the case to the next p1 quarter sessions. Be would take Mr. Pollard's information, su and would accept ...


... it. Mr. TRAcr-Well, I'll give you another chance be- fore you go to Quarter Sessions. You are to be im- 'prisoned for three months each. Rice (in a great ?? me to the sessions at once, you old blackguard-(laughter)-or I'll have it in for you. He was then ...


... I PETTY SESSIONS DISTRICTS. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act 21 and 22 t Vict. c. 100, B. 6, it is ordered and declared, that from c *tnd after the let day of May nest, the following petty b se9siona districts shall be served by one and the same ...

Assize Intelligence

... ady Sessions that persons natined Jackson and Robert NeRly stole the onts. The Neelys live about twenty perches from the sanmdbole where witness found the oats. The case against them was dismissed at Nr Pett ssie u. h IMr. M'Baio, Petty Sessions Clerk ...


... thtc Croaglue AMinittng Compnery.-TheEe cases camae before the court for hearing together. The first suit was brought by the Croghan Mining Company to compel Lord Templo- town specifically to perform an agreoment alleged to have been entered into between ...


... onchsal Croghan, and for creaitin an affray on Chridtmas Day, B appearsse by the pohee archives, Eventuslly, as a qnueston arose as to the juridiction of the Bench the sentence wacost abide, and the pdsoner wts committed for tial to the Sessions. ALLIGED ...


... BI3MIQMHGAM QUARTER SESSIONS YESTERDAY. EMEOM MR. A. B. ADA-US, Q.0., BCOORDIR. ST'OAL2N A HAND~IMMH11.-Johnl Bagpoi (17), *1l. cloth maker, was Indicted for stealing a hanidkerchief, Mme property of William Stafford. Mr. Yeatmnan poueted. On the 191% ...


... and she are now agred respectively about 51 and 49 years} ; net rental, 661. 12s. Ojd. Purchased for 3201. by Mfr Edward Croghan.- Messrs. Cathuart and H~emp- hill, solicitors, had carriage of proceedings; POLICE INTELLIGENCE. SOUWERN DIVISIOK.. (Before ...


... a.denying that there was negligence by the company, X lI h and averring contributory negligence by the plain- tiff, of it Croghan v. the Midland Great Western Railway tit Me Comnany.-Thils was an action to recover damages Ci efor injuries alleged to have ...


... referred to the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee.--Mr. Lloyd said that a few days ago, the late Master of the Workhouso (Mr. Croghan) calleI upon him, with the request that he would bnng his case under the notice of the Board again, with the view of getting ...


... OU R T. ?? Wam. E'Gan, ;sq., M.D., J.P., and DAVID TAYLOR, Esq., J.P.] DrXnjIC WHILE IN CHARGE OF A HORSE AND CciRT. James Croghan was brought up in custody, charged with having been drunk in charge of his r horse and cart on Saturday evening, on the Antrim ...


... evideuicand stated he could. pot ,,y rho lstiabbed limi, as he was very tips7'. 'X'e 4ccused wis con~mitted for trial to the city sessions. Assault.-Charles Reilly, Mary's-lane, labourer,'was qharged with tlaving .ueed profane language and as- saulted a woman ...