... bon: a consists, not he cheapness of production, but in the so- periority of our metal for strength and durability. In reviewing the transactions of the past year, we are sorry that we have upon tie whole to chronicle a retrograde movement-iron being ...


... ih. future ha delegated, and who wvould meet from time to tisose, ?? to as to have tbs county expeniditure constantly undcr review. When these accounts are presented to the annuali sessions In Ut June, they are read over prefjrsra, and tire passing of tircu ...

Law Intelligence

... taeththe wished for * time to examine the accounts, ho d ubtI wotld. ~ have been granted.- Had this ppa ?? to di td Court ~of Review, tha *radtor nuat hve shown. that they, either, proved or itldainedto proe. These parties could not have 'donei so on thei ...


... story. continues to be receiiredfwitlo the faivouer it Es e deservbes by our priatipal critics. The 'fluseciser, I ito its review - -says, 1 We have read thisobook wvith unusual pleasure. It has - spoints of merit in the delineation of Scottish life and ...


... to rescind an order of Mr. Baron Parke, calling on the owner of the rent-charge to show cause wvhy the Master should not review his taxation by disallowing the costs in- curred subsequent to the inquisition in this case. Mr. Lush and Mr. Bovill now showed ...

Law Intelligence

... stes Mr. Cebbett moved new in person for a rule calling on the WI sub defendaints to show cause why the officer should not review tht touh nttohae ifts t n atim pna b to onsidr.me nublie Mr uhadCuao'I~ ITflIOr. Mr.r.usovand showed cause against a role ...


... family, itistead o1 r beitig a tax uponthem, having bocoase reproductive Co Ctie cern- mattity (checers). He aske t Clent to review all those matters ticn Icoming to a deeision that day. 1-Cs lied no personait feeiitsg in Cthe nmatter at all ; he weould ...


... COMPANY. ~f This canoe had been also fully argued last term, and stood oover for jctdgment. dslsd n ttdta te His Lrslhip reviewed the facts dslsd n ttdta [ethis was a bill filed by the plaintiff to restrain the company )f and its directors from msaking ...


... Lordship therefore thouglit he must adopt tire couarse taken bythie Vice-Chancellor, and refer the matter back to the Master to review hsis report. As the matter stood at present, no case bad been macie of which the court, under tire restrictions of thre act ...


... conduct to their censure or do pprov.7l. He made no promise he wasi not prepared to t Ition fulfil. It would not be necessary to review the 202 rt beet divisions of the last seasion of Parliament. 'An attempt ente, h1ad been made to represent those who gave ...

Law Intelligence

... back to Master IFatter, who is b 10 charge d with the windingup of. the affairs of the above IL 10 company, his ;eport to review the same, The Master had p 10 struck out the name of Lord mansfield from the list of contri- s, 10 butoriss brought in by ...

Law Intelligence

... certain tnap marked C, and cor- sn bhs mnarked B and 0, ought to form part of the caae, -- , e Master's zeriflrt . might be reviewed, nd th5 0iap aid bcoks might form pait c-f ltre cse. JMessrs. Wslpole }5alinss, and D erguus, supported the e T Ooi~dt:mseelra ...