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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Owseners,aniittICaptaiiisof Veosels InitlilorFoi'gn Trad~e- ,T. S. & Co. beg to refer to Conltinlental and othor ads'ieeo, speaking of the uiiexalnplctt popuolarity of tllis exquisite Santic tIn every part whlere l,,lrotluced aibroad.l Rlespectabile partles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... clocks, striking liotiraant i talf-Irours . . 21 tO I OdGold. DIlver, Witehes, &c., takeon Ini exeliomge. DELLBROTIERStn speaking ofthlretoen merke, refreto theirewn lroafie aorifririte. rot ofcloks nd atces andth iev nify add tatierraeaelardwrrtiolp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Owet ~~n~ers08Caud Capdtailnsof oeuvselslc the ForeiguTrado- J. S. rz Co. beg to refer to Continental andoether advices, speaking of the uoexacn~ledd PoladItY of this exqesllieSaue Sane iDvery part ohereta patigdues wanodted for WO LE AoEAccEs in large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iCheistGrcrsa Cnectioners. w5T lrietOenorsan CatisoWeS~eelsn the ForelgnTraide- .5 o e orefer to C ontretal and other advicen, speaking of unxcpe opulrity of this exquiusite Spaute In every part ~elccc Intoduce eroad. Itsctl~ aties wanted for WHtOLESALE Aoisxcess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... courseof which hewillthrowhIsvolce several Isundred yards-imitate mountain echoes-canse several per- _ sons of tlhe audience to speak or sing-imitate a full mlltery band. The intermediate voices from a lisping child to venerable age-from a meowing kitten to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Confectioners. Pbicr thts, Owners, and Captainsof Vossolsin the ForeigalTrade- Co. beg-torefor to Csntsnetal and other advices, speaking of exnampled popaer rity of this exquisite Sauce mt every part ictradneed ahroad.f lectublo parties wanted for W sOLESAE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clocks, strtkln hoarsandhalf-hours .. 2 10 0 0 Old (old, Sliver, W'atchss, &c., taken In exchange. 0 DELL. BlOTHERSl, in speaking of thelr own make, refer to their own 0 toad fide maunfacturo, both of clocks and watches t and they may add 0 that their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clocks, atr king hours amed hialf-hours.. .. 2 10 0 . Ch O(Sold, Slvor, Watches, &c., taken In exchange. DELL. BRtOTHERS, In speaking oftheir oummnake, refer totholrown t bor Jide manufacture both ofielee and watches and they may add sthat eher arrangements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clocks, striking hours and half-hours .. 2 10 11 1-I 01a Gold, Siver,,Watches, ao., taken in exchange. 1. DELL. BROTHERS, in speaking o their oswnmake, refer to thelrown to bonfhfe manufacture, both ofolocks and watches; and they may add is that chair ai ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FrnhidyClucks, siriking honce and half-hours - .. 2 10 e Old Gold, Silver, WYatochs. &c. taken in exehan a. SDELL. BROT'HERS,in speaking of their own more, refertothel1rown a iooi .tee mssfacur, bthof luks ndwaches; and tisey may add thatIher aranomelean wo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8-day Clocks, stiklDg houirs and half-hours.. 210 0 Old (iold, Silver, Watches, &ec., taken In exchange. DELL. BlROTHEERS, In speaking oftheir osonmake, refer to thelr own bond fu de ssnufolure, both of clocks and watches; and they may add thsat their arrangements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... greatest eminence, as well an from many sa officers of both army and navy, n ery111 rvt etr frsm tngentry In town and conry, speaking In high terms of this r valuabl remedy. dr CAUTION.-Observe I Unprincipled medicine vendors supply apu- hIl liaus artchel ...