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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... PAINTING; .ubject, The Dcctii of Mari Aritony. By ELDERtt. ANTONY- I smn dying, Egypt-dying; a Give me some wine. aid et me speak ile. o :atony aod Cleqpalra, A.c zlls, Scene 13ht. n Oss view every dily previous. tC Importanit SALE of HOUSEHOLD F URNITUBFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tLawi, have resolved Dpon repeating liruto that exoellent-oid coinedyaor Th atron Thuarsday next. dinnEf The Bath critics speak of their acting in termis of! high eulogy, streej and we tract that their appearance in Bristol will be productive Cami to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OIL PAINTiNG - Subject, lhe Death of Mark Antony. By iLDEa. ANTONY.--P Tam dylsgREgypt-dylg;n Give me sonae wie, and let me speak a llttle; Anstony ande (leopatra, Act 4ti, Scene 13th. Onveow every day previoau. Ca Ital HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CH1NA, GLASS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vorkchonso at Bridgend. Ils cocust be Man ocaldWife, svrleoutencucnctraccce. and of accexceptlnellie ichacactr. and be able to speak both lie Egllsh ttao Welsh itt guages. The Plaster nust also oe fully condpetent to keel all 2 lce e cessary books and aeccts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Union-Workhouse at Bridgend. They mest be Mtn and Wtfe,wlthoutencumbrante,and of unexceptionable olharacter,'and be able to speak both the English and Welsh Ian- guages. The.-Master must also be fully competent to keep all the ne- cessarybooke .And accounts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Instrootlona far greater degree of attention than Is usualiy accorded to them, and which, In due timn, enables his Papils both to speak and werite theso Languages with fluency and accuracy. The ettuntion of Rtdinnd-OHall and Its ample accommodatlion ren- der ...

Advertisements & Notices

... well as from many I officers of both army and navy, and nearly 1000 private letters from the gentry in town and country, speaking In Ilgh terms of this valuable remedy. CAUvToN.-Obsorve I Unprincipled medicine vendors suppli spn I rions articles for thoese; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a Young. Man, of good WT address and sober andindustrions habits, aSITUATION in a Grocer' Slop, either In town or country. Speaks the Welsh and EnclishLanguagesandean iaveccnaxceptionablercference.-Address to T. P. Post-Office, Aberavon, Glamorgaushire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as frees many ulticers of both arnmy oand navy, and nearly 1000 p~rivate leitters fromt is, thle gentry in townad country, speak log InI high terms of this ho valuable remedy. CAUTmON.-.Observe I Unprincipled medicine vendors supply spu- rious articles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clorks, striking hours and half-Ihoncs.. ., 2 10 0 Old Gold, Silver, Watchese, &c * taken In exchange. DELL,BROTHEIIS, In speaking oftheirocon mnote, refer tothetoirwn ibonci-filerminufacture, botie ofeclecks andl vaiches; aicdtliey may add Clet tter aragemcet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... well es from itany offeers of both army and navy, and nearly 1000 private letters front tiee gentry In towvo and country, speaking in hcigh terins of thcis valuable remedy. CAuTioNc.-Observe I Unprinccipled medicine vendors supply spiu- rious articles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8-day Clocks, str khig hours and half-hours.. 2 10 0 Old Gold, Silver, Watches, &c taken in exchange. pELL, BllOTHERS,ln speaking oftheir ownmake, refor to tlelrowIn of clocksand watches aidtiheymay add tiattiheir arrangements ...