... ALL-ENGLISH SPEAKING GATHERING. I Tto Hon. A. J. Balfour and Earl have expr.*aed their Mr. J. Cooper's proposed pericolic All-English Speaking Gathering. The Hon. Jamas Berries, late Premier Yictona, Australia, writes—*l think the idee periodical festival ...

Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Birmingham last night, drew attention to one the inconvenient results of the ..

... Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Birmingham last night, drew attention to one the inconvenient results of the Government'* very natural reluctance to meet the country at a general election. It is only one of many results, but is well worthy of serious co ...

Consumption Curablk. Dr. Bretts, late professor of chemistry and medical jurisprudence at the Liverpool Koyal ..

... Consumption Curablk. Dr. Bretts, late professor of chemistry and medical jurisprudence at the Liverpool Koyal Infirmary, thus speaks:—l consider the balsam of horehound and aniseed, as pre pared Mr. Martin, chemist, Copperas-till, an excellent and etiicacious ...

Lord Norton has been speaking very severe terms of the House of Commons. He considers it a very low sort

... style of speaking calculated to arouse the passions. Impatience it may have provoked, but not the sort of impatience which is stirred by the too eloquent and fervid enunciation of unpopular opinions. It is ungrateful of Lord Norton to speak harshly of ...

Mr. Ktaveiev Hill, Q.C., M.P., speaking at Wolverhampton last night, referred to Mr. Gladstone's speech at ..

... Mr. Ktaveiev Hill, Q.C., M.P., speaking at Wolverhampton last night, referred to Mr. Gladstone's speech at liaikoith the circumstances uuder which he brought in his Irish Church Disestablishment Bill. Mr. Gladstone had, said, represented that gaol in ...

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... the chest, as a result of so much public speaking, I immediately rcsort to your Emulsion, und this enables me tocontiuse speaking, which I would otherwise not lie able to do. I probably do as much ot-11oor speak. ing all the year round as asy other pliblit ...

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... the chest, as a result of so much public speaking, I immediately resort to your Emulsion, and this esables me to continue speaking, which I would otherwise not be able to do. I probably do as much out-door speak. iug allthe year round as ally other public ...

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... the chest, as a result of so much public speaking, I immediately resort to your Emulsion, and tbis enables nic to continue speaking, which I would otherwise not be able to do. I probably do as much out-door speak- itg allthe year round as any other public ...


... General Sir Evslyn Wood, speaking sub. sequently, expressed aieacties at the declare- tien thit Esgland, as far as one Cabinet Mirister was concerned, mesas to be firmi in regard to Seuth-Africa. (Loud cebers.) He went on to speak of the uavy. in this ...

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... swimmin- the Chaunel from Boal'gne to Folkestone. my voz7y food ol the pussage was BOVRIL. . whic Was yery ssntaining. I Cannot speak too bdehly of it. - DAMLTON. 13817 ...

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... until after you have read t;he letter. 13, Chaplin-st.reet, Forest HEiR, S.E., I 1ay 2nd, 1898. Sirs, - I feel I cannot speak too highly of your vaiu- able preparation, it has done my baby so much good. ime had a b'a attack of broachitis last Noveinber ...


... SPANISH FINANCIAL SCANDAL. telegram, dated Madrid. Tuesday, Fays— The newgpaptrs of last night speak of a financial scandal resembling the Panama affair. The matter question in connection with certain works for the improvement the Ebro or. It stated that ...