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Advertisements & Notices

... and the 2s. Pd. boxes (which contain three times the quantity) on receipt of forty stamps 'addressed Woolley, Chemist, Maidstone. pATROXNI.ZED BY THE FACULTY.: 0OLLEY'S PECTORA-L CANDY V for the instant relief and speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarmeness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tbe 2s, Sd. boxes (which constalns three times the quantity) on receipt of forty stamps, addrcssed W~oolley, Chemist, Maidstone. PATRONIZED BY THE FACULTY, OOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY W for the instant relief and speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir, your asost grateful servant, Tuos. WzLwAm Gin'ty, Corporal, 84th Regiment, Light Division. To Mr. Woolley, Chemist, Maidstone, Extract fros a Letter addressed by Mr. Wrn. Grjgth,.. Cheinfst, Aber'ayron, Card'iqanihire, to the Propo'metor of Woolley's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... your most grateful servant, . . Tuos. WILLIAM GREY, Corporal, . 31th Regiment, Light Division. To Mr. Woolley, Chemist, Maidstone. Extract from a Letter addressed by Mr. Win. Grigths, Chemist, Aberayron, Cardigalnshire, to the Proprietor of Woohley's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reduced to Ladies boots, ?? to vear under cver-shoes. . Io. 6d. 3s. Odd Ladies' boots. ?? ?? DS. C. 4d. 9d. Lrcselie' ela- tic ?? s..I. . 4B . as, 3d. Sicort Wellington ?? 1?2S: Gi: q- Wellington boots . .. . . 4B I '3B 3d _ Wellington boots. best quality ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Market-street. Bradford. MATTRESSES, long and short PILLOWS, of every description, kept In stock. 18460 BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, 71, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. ELECT your BOOTS and SHOES, for Dress, Walking, and Family use, from the large, varied, and fashionable Stock uniformly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nowv i souch ?? demniid throughout the coinnticc of Norfolk, Ro'ex. Caniibrid'C, SitffolIk, licvets. Liticoln, Notts, Di-ilsy, Kent, tii0000, Norttiainptco, 6tc.. aid rcspecefuhly solicit their hint orders. For testiio~nilsh Orc handbllslt. So d also tby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on the let and 15th of every month, and two of the vols, neatly bound together in cloth, monthly, price Is. 6d. London: W. Kent and Co., 51 and 52, Paternosler-row; and sold by all Booksellers. On January lst, will be published, No. 1, price 2d., of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sire thes increased circuolation of the Sacrd Volume shousld read and recokmmeno this excellent periodical. ciy London- W. Kent and Co., 51 and 52, Paternosoter row; and sold by foort all Booksellers. end AR'I-JOURNAL.-Vol. II. New Series. t in HE AliT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sykess. Solicitor, Castle. a ford; or Is Mir. THOM1AS TAYLOR, S:olicitor, Wakefield. e East Farleigh, two mites from Maidstone. Kent. aeMr. TOOTELL is directed to Salt by Auction, at the Mart, near the ni Bank of England, London, on '7hss-sday, July Scosad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cyt~raiidf~r and Valuer, M adidt stoe. The Downs House Estate, Yalding, Kent, two miles from the Yalding Station, and one and a h alf m iles from the Watering bury Siation, on t the Maidstone Branch of the South-Eastern Railway, and abutting to the priish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVE R PILLS, -D prepared without any Mercurial ingredient, from thie Recipe of Dr. Scott, of Bromley, Kent. These pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer Irom bilious and liver com- plaints, indigestion, %vind, spasms, giddiness ...