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Councillors on each side . the Aldermen composed the majority. Mr Councillor SxsL was led to anticipate ..

... capabilities of the men proposed, the representations of the opponents only were listened to, and an imbecile and truckling whig, without enquiring with the troth of the representations, derided to with• hold the commission. Would they be in abetter position ...


... meeting of Mr Stansfitida friends ass held at the Geotge Hotel, on Wednesday evening, at which were present several influeneal Whigs, when it was meshed to bring forward Mr Starkey. It is generally bored by all parties that no will tar place;. and is in believed ...

F.LASICHOLV.—fIet doing goud• Mt let of kindness a ill have more influence on tb, spirit than all the sa4-water ..

... three years in the face of sinking majorities. and against his lordship's owu ii ishes, for the sole purpose of keeping out the Whig% whom he regarded with a leeling of the bitterest aversion. So deeply was this feeling rooted in his Majesty's mind, that when ...


... coadjutors will do sad will not do to relieve the industry of the country. We rather think that, as usual, it will•be found that a Whig-Radical Ministry is more apt at devising incites of taxation, than sagacious in proposing plans of remission. ...


... right hon. gentleman was upbraided with the violation of his pledge, his reply was, that he had pledged himself for the old Whig Ministry, and had given none for the Cabinet now in power. Comment upon this transaction would be thrown away.—Standard of ...

[We do not hold ourstlves responsible for the opinion or statements of our correspondents.) AN APPEAL TO THE ..

... conservative notions in politics, and Church of Englandism in religion ; yet strange to say, the radicals, chartists, wbigs, whig-radicals, political dissenters, Roman catholic', peace association men, financial reformers, republicans, democrats, and several ...


... The Balls, Keoghs, Scully*, Monad's, Sidi irs, Bel, lews, and O'Flahertys combined and confederated with the base, brutal Whigs, as they have been in the habit of designating the party now in power, to upset the minister who would impose trifling income ...


... simple question was whether the Irish Church, as at present etinetinite 1, fil e l the high and numportate funmion of adtilillia Whig to the epiritnal views of the Irish people. The result of his inquiriee led him to believe that the sourer of sittimositiee ...


... the conservative section, and establishing themselves once more in power for some years to come. The tenacity with which the whigs had previously held the reins of office, after most signal and almost disgraceful defeats, were sufficient ground* for such ...

gotta% of Soaks

... desirable, and likely to become remunerating to the shareholders and useful to the country. A SLAVE bssz.—The Feliciano .S.) Whig, of April 20, relates the folluwieg shocking affair:— On Saturday last, a runnaway negro was killed in the parish of East ...


... Indian Government in every depart. went. Mr Fhinn opposed the bill because it WAS a departure from the great principle which the Whig party had always professed—that all government should emanate from the crown. He trusted that the House, if it did not reject ...

Vat Mits

... Stockhouse, Ist, and assumed the names et Wynne sad Pendency. lie represeteed %scat Cornwall myttutereeptedly yeast 1d26, lle was a Whig, is I of abort Perlis. Manta stud though formerly opposed she repeal the Corn Lass. a supporter 1644 of Pmtrade measures. A ...