... WHIG TYRAN1Ny. THE CASE OF THOMAS JONES. On. the 17th of September last Thomas Jones's sentence of two Years' imprisonment expirede; On that day the reqnired sureties for his good behaviour for five years were in attend- ance _at the Westminster Police-court ...


... opinion of others, to the commission of perjury? Let it do so, and then wve will be able to understamid the claims which the Whig possesses upon the confidence and respect of any genuine Protestant in this psrovince. And notn, to show that it is the grossest ...

The New Whig of the General Hospital.—A circular has been* issued from the General Hospital, announcing the ..

... The New Whig of the General Hospital.—A circular has been* issued from the General Hospital, announcing the completion of the arrangements for laying the foundation stone of the new wing the eastern end, This, the circular states by far the most important ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. THE QUEEN (ON THE PROSECUTION OF JOHN BlLL) v. JOHN WHIG (COMMONLY CALLED LORD JOHN WHIG.)P rCopy of an Indictment for obtaining place by false pretences, to be preferred at the Session opened at St. Stephens, West- ...


... confidence. ev There was a general thanksgiving that the Whigs were out. of Men as heartily disposed as we ourselves are to say of the ins Derbyites, confound their politics, gave tharks that the Al Whigs could do no more harm tio Irish institutions. The judges ...


... Radicals because 3 they do not efficiently support the Whigs, as if a party 'nd could be held together by the supremacy of one see- alL- tion, and the unquestioning submission of the other. If the Whigs ani adicals are expected to work toge- thbt, ther, it ...


... ng to restore that equilibrium of political opinion which Whig. Radical selfishness had impaired ? These Simon Pores, who sat so remarkably taciturn during the nefarious partiality of Whig appointments, are cer- tainly not blessed with mathematical ...


... - national and partisan -has been thrown away; because they to whom it was vouch- safed were incapable of grasping it. The Whigs, with their surplus revenue, have totally failed to recover their place in the waning confidence of the pablic, by applying ...


... through the principal street On arriving at Mr. tlealy's hotel Healy thanked the electors, saying his return was in the face of Whig prosecutors. A jury Irish people had brought in a verdict landlordism, and decreed its eternal doom. the impotent menaces ...