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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. 'The Distinguished Native Vocalist, MISS CATHERINE HAYES, is E ngaged for a very fewv Nights, and will make her Last Appearance but Four tpO-MORROW EVENING (Saturday), March . 2d, 1850, supported by the following eminent Ar- tistes engaged for the occasion:- MISS POOLE, MR. TRAVEVS, / SIGNOR POLONINI, HERR MENGIIIS. Conductor, Signor Vera; Leader, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. The Distinguished Native Vocalist, MISS CATHERINE HAYES, is Engage(l for a very ftw Nights, &nd will make her Last Appearakee but Four ()N THIS EVENING (Saturday), March the 0 2d, 1850, supported by the following eminent Ar- tistes engaged for thc occasion:- il ISS POO LE, MR. TRAVERS, SIGNOR POLONINI, IIMElI MENGUIIS. Conductor. Signor Vera; Leader, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RoYAL IRISI ACA&DEMY. ANTIQUE BROOCHES. Amongst the lars and Beautiful Co!ection of Antiquities at the Royal Irish Academy are some choice SpecinEns of Brooches, which were worn by the Irish Chieftains about the Tenth Century. WATERHOUSE and COMPANY, anticipnting that the revival of these Brooches of the olden timie would find favour in the present day, have by registration secured the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C'AI'iOIAU UNIVLRSITY. TIIIE Catholic Clergy, Nobility, Gentry, and 1 othors, desirou3 of contributing towards the Funds now 1iing raisetd for tile Establishing and Endowing of a CA- THOLIC UNIVERSITY ia Ireland, are respectfully in- 'ormed, that an accouit ba beenopenedin the 11BEliNIAN BANK, Castle-street, ?:hublin; and iii the NATIONAL BANK, College-gieen, Dublin , where all Donations and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - fIIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. The Distinguished Native Vocalist, MISS CATHERINE HAYES, is Engaged for a very few; Nights, and will make her Last Appearance but Four. O N TI-Il EVENING (Mloniday), March the 4 1th, 1850, supported by the following eminent Ar- tidses engaged for the occasion:- MISS POOLE, MIR. TRAVERlS, SIGN OR POLON 1Nrf BUERR MENGIS. - Conductor, S*nor Wera; Leader ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 F MANKIND are more liable to one Disease than another, or if there are any particular Affections of of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of Dieorders treated oi, in the New and Improved Edition of the SILENT FRIEND The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IhEATRE' ROYAL, I)UBLIN. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF TIIE ITALIAN OPERAS. The Distinguished Native Vocalist, MISS CATHERINE HAYES, is Engaged for a very feir Nights, and will make her Last Appearance but Two ON THIS EVENING (Tuesday), March 5th, 0 1850, supported by the folloving eminent Artistes, engiged for the occasion:- IlJSS POOLE, Ml. TRAVERS, SIGNOR POLONINI, IlERR MENGIS. Conductor, Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. THE, Cathjolic Clergy, Nobility, Gentry, and otHer, E erirousf cnntributi11g tov rds the Funds now ?? for the loslablishin g and Endowm of A- TbeinLIC UNIVERSoth ia Ireland, are repe tf' in- frmned, that all account has been opened in the M ht A, BANK, Castle-street, PuIlill: and i tbe N itz6 3ANKl, College-gceenl. Dublin, jvhere all Dupatfons and Snbs Ciptiol may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ROYAL, D)UBL[N. ST NIGIT BUT 'WO OF TIIE ITALIAN OP ERAS. FOR THlE BEnNE1t'r OF IMISS POOLE. Ilast appearance but Two of MISS C. TAYES, 'dIE. TRA-VEItS, SIGSO1tR OLONINI, IMI Ril MENGIS. adetor, Siignor Veral' Leader, Mr. Levey; Prompter, Signor Silallert. O M0RRW1,0) (Thursday), 7th March, 1 ?? the retrnialices will colteimettce with (in Italian) I ni- , tr( ld Op[jeri ;emi-seria (in Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 F MANKIND) are more liable to one Disease than another, or if there are any particular Affections of of the Hlulman flody we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of Disorders treated of, in the New and Improved Edition of thle SILENT FRIEND Tle Authors, in thus sending forthl to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TH1EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. L IST NIGHT BUT TWO OF TIIE ITALIAN OPERAS. FOR TiE BENEFIT OF MISS POOLE. Last appearance but Two of / MIISS C. HAYES, MR. TRAVERS, SIGNOR POLONINI, IIEI'R MIENGIS. Conductor, Signor Vera; Leader, Mr. Levey; Prompter, Signor Salabert. ,-nnIS EArENING (Thursday), 7th Marci, 1850, F t le perfrirmances will coanmnence with (in Italian) Doni- zetti's CrmuIl Opera Senmi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r>'IUPLIEY SPOXGES, WHOLESALE AND T INETAIL. S. W1EINARE N, IMPOtt'laEri OF SPONCGES, 7 VINICRLOW-S'nREE'r, (Withilnsoven doors if Graftol-street), 11 a; a large stockl of prile Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sp nges acahavs ou hand, and ?? for immediate delivery, G at very moderate and reduced prices. 11 N. li-S. W. has also on hanl a large quantity of Turley (, Holwyvcomb Sponges, wiicil haro ...