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Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTRO PLATE, IN =j.SVZCESrOlt:!E5, Z ?OO1S, s 17T6s, &c., PLA!TED ON NICHLE SILVER, E3AUTIIFULLY FINISHED, AND OF A MIOST DUAIt3L.E QUALITY. FIDDLE PATTERN. VICTORIA, ALBEPT, ANH Y QIINITAliN:TAT, PArTTER N. 12 Dinner Forks, *-- £' 8 0 'Fable Forks, F' doz. 3 '3 0 12 Tablie Spoons, ..* 2 8 oS° Thble Spoors, ,, S S O 12 i'essCrt Forks,.-. 2 2 0 Dessert Fors ,, 2 G 0 12 Dessert Spoons, 2 2 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATE ROAL, DUBLIN., Ti HIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 1st, .. 1850, will be performed the Play of TIlE FOUNDLING OF THE FOREST.- Count de Valmont, Mr. Calcraft; Florian, Mr. H. Bland; Baron Longueville, Mr. Barrett; Bertrand, Mr. Lingham. Sanguine, Mr. Hastings; Eugenia, Mrs. Brougham; MO: nice, Mrs. Barrett. After which (for the Sixth time) the New Pantomime, ied THE YELLOW DWAF) on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PICTORIAL ALMANACK, FOR 1859, 'atrsENTED GRATUITOUSLY TO Till' 5'Arr.Os O0l THE PAwrECHN'ET55ECA. TO THE INITABfTTXNTS OF, BELFAST, AND THE NOKRT' OF, IRLA.ND, GENERALLY. IN PRESEINV7VG to You on te First Day of the ANeio Year, this slight tokes of oufgaatit ide, we would Ie- sp))clfittly tender to you. our gratf.t-anIc, for the very liberal andl greatly increased patrone/e wehici we have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURKEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE AND T RETAIL. S. WEINGARTEY, IMPORTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOWV-STREET, (Within seven doors of Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey Honeycomb Sponges, which are suitable foreither Carriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLINL rnqHIS EVENING (Wffednt ;y) Janusary 2d, T 1850 'will be performded'the PRbmantic Dramlia of, THE LADY OF THE LAKE. Jarjes Fitreatnes, 11r II. Bland; 0Roderic Dhu Mtir. Ling- ha; Doetgle, Mr. Robers; Mal~olmi Grteemo, Mr. Hough- ton; Brian,': B'a~r'stt ?? e. Cooke; Blanche of Devon, Miss N90rttan. 2 : To conclude'ilthl a Gratd Fairy Tale Pantomlise, cdlled T£IE YELLOW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE. Dublin Castle, December 21,1849. H IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold H a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on W ES the 23d day of January, 1850, at ONE ?? It is requested that each Gentleman atten g t ee will bring Two Cards, with his Name andP ceo nece legibly written or printed thereon, one to v to the Person appointed to receive them in the Corrid or, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIATRE ]ROAL-; )DUBLIN.; T InsEX EV-ENING (Thursday), January 8d, 1850, viI be performed Sir E. L. Bulwer'sicelebrated ?? ploY of -RICHELIEU ; Olt, TMIE CONrsrtiAcY.. Cardtral Richelieu, Mt., Calctaft; The Cosot depjddas, Ar. Lugham; Chevalier de hIrujprat,' Mr. H. Blin j Sieur do ,ringben, Mr. Uastings; Father Josepbl IAl3arrett; Jurlb de Mlortemar, Miss C. Coolq; ?? doeL rme, Mrs. llgham.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIVE DOORS FROM STEPHEW'S-GREEN. MR. IHYMAN DAVIS, SURGEON- DENTIST, 48, GRAFTON-STREET, (Successor to Mons. Desirabode,) Has an infallible method of adapting ARTIFICIAL TEETH To any case, however difficult. They adhere to the gum, rendering unnecessary every descrip- tion of fastening, are made of any shade, so as to correspond exactly to those left in the mouth, and may be had from One to a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEIFST ANACREONTIC SOCIETY. lIE COMMITTEE bave much satisfactiori in announe- I ilg to tile Meinmbers, Associates, and Shareholders, that tIhe first CONCERT, for this Season, vill take place *)n WEDNESDAY Eveninig, the 9th of January, for which oc- casion they have been so fortunate as to susceced in engaging the following highly distinguishled arlistes Aladame DULCKEN, Pianist to her Majesty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURKEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE AND T RETAIL S. WEINGARTEN, IMPORTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOW-STREET, (Within sevendoorsof Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey Honeycomb Sponges, which are suitable for either Carriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PICTORIAL ALMIANACK, FOR 1850, 'RESENTED Gt ATkI1rOrSu.Y TO THlP PXTRONS OF THnE PA NT EC lX T Ii iC, A TO TIHE INIIABITANlS OF BELFAST, AND TIlE NORTH OF IRELAND, GELNiLR.LLY. ,i '. RESEVTTING to Yea, a, the rirst Day of the Nell Year, this slight token q ofto' gratitude, ?,e would re- specifultq tenzder to you 0our grate/ul thawks, for the very liberal and greatly increased patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'frEATRi ROYALR, DUBLIN. T jttS JVENING ,,(Pridy), January. 4th, TT5O,yill be performed, for the first time these eight years Shak, hi play of the 'irst Part of .THE Poy TH. ?? Henry the Fourth, Mr. Linglgam; Henr', Prince of ales, Mr. II. Bland; }otspur, Mr. Calcraft; Sir John Falstaff, 31r. Barrett; Lady Percy, M~rs. Liugham; M~rs. ?? Mrs. BarrottM Q To conclude with a Grand Fairy Tale ...