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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... .`L¾I1EAd TRE VtYAr, 'nrVi,' dparean4e of the ?? ,Phenomen'on, Tbi'Ld appe Yol~WOV j3IWNANDEZ. . ., E EVENINLG ; (Thursday),: January 24th, ithO, tbe perforntiances 'will vitmeiice *ithb te RbL- TiflE LADY OF THE1 L4R4 : Jams Fitzjaies Ar. I ?? Bland; Poderlic Dbuii, 3r. Ling: baa;Deagl5~' Mir. Boberit; Malolni 'Grcmme, Mr. HoutLL; te,; Briael, 'Jr.l Bnrrett; Ellen, Mrs. Linghamn; Blariche of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEDLEY AND >MARTIN, from london, have I erected extensive Machinery in Dublirtior the Manu- facture of Soda Water, Lemonade, Ginger.'braught, 4c., of first Class quality, under the immediate ?? of of an eminent Chemist. r Notwithstanding the prejudice which mistnin favour of Houses long established in tihe City, P. a feel con'- fident the superior quality ofthe articlesthey Manufacture will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR H OL L.O W A Y'S P I L L S. c CURE OF AsTueA,-Extract of a Letter from Mir. Benjamin d, Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Loughall, , Ireland, dated September 11th, 1848:- To PRoFEsSOR HOLLOWAY-RESPEcTED FoIEN ?? ex- cellent pills hale effectually cured me ofan asthma which afflicted 6a me fcr three years to such an extent that Iwas obliged to walk my o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~IEATRE RO DUBYA, IYB; Toutb appearane of the adelebrated Equestrian Pheuoiaqezoui, r~ur YOU'0NG HBRNANDEZ. e \ . . His EVENING (Fridiay), Jairuay. :25th,. T 8 5is?, thc performanues milli conlmmaee wii? in' Thres T the Comedy of, *. .. O ., AScts, 'TtE. WON?6ER,: . ' A woN31AN KEIt'S A 6SECBET.^ r DoD dte.MLC r. Caicraft; Don Pedro, MrIlsrrett; Donna iolante, Firs. Broughamn; Donnalsabella, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H 15kTRE ROYAL, DUBlIN. 5ppearance of. the celebrated Equestrian Phenomen'on, 4ifth 'yOUNG HERNANDEZ. Bii; ENr4 G (Saturday),;January 26th, ' 0 the performances Will 'coninance't*ith, in Three 5cis9 tiS C T HedY fNfY MOON. TheI)ke AranzS, Mr. COaletft'; Count MontalbanuMr. 'glthelt Jttllana, Mri Brouharm; Volanthe, Mrs. Ling- ,enl. Aften'*hich YOUNG HERNANDEZ, .arprising act3 df Eques trianism ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROYAL SHAVING CREAM, unsurpassed for promoting comfort in Shaving; as used by His ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT, the King of the Belgians, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Devonshire, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London, the Marquis of Abercorri, and a large number of the Nobility of the United Kingdom, who are all desirous of patronizing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CURED YET HOLLOWAY'S OINTrMENT.- CURE OF RnsMUAsIsM AND RnEsuATic GouT.-Extract of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 28th, 1848:- To PRoFEssoR HOLLoW-ri-Sni-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW SEEDS. F ERGTJS FARRELL has received his usual lsupply of GARDEN SEEDS, which includes every article of merit in the vegetable line, as well as a very rare and elegant assortment of NEW FLOWER SEEDS. He has also received his annual supply of FARM SEEDS, which on inspection will be found to be one of the most ex- tensive assortments offered for sale. The whole have been selected from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ERE YOU PESFAIR EH 0. LLO W A Y'S PrI L aL SAO CURE OF ASTvrA.-Extratt of a Letter froi Mr. 1JenAzIA I Macke, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, ser L IIghl, of Ireland, dated 3eptember 11th, 1848:- To PaorEssoa HOLLowAY-RgsrECTzED FaihxwsE--hy'ex- cellent pills have effeetuallyoured me ofan asthma wbich dfflieted . me for tihreeyears tosuch an extent that Iwas obliged towalkmy r room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~chapararnce- of the eelebrnted? EtpaestristhI~hetloomenon, ; yoUNG' HERNANDDEZ.; ' ' lS EVENII3' (AlOndb)V Jannfaawy 28th, 1850 the ?? U ill eontne eitbtl ioGrand. gTE COXNMUEST OF TABANTO. ln IlaMet) Mr.. CtiKt; Gonzales de Cordova, Mr. Arbe', 'oial, M: 1. Iand; Orianai, Mrs'Linghar; .ll w AN *hich YOUNG IIERNANDFZ, his surprising acts of' Equestiinaoisnm 'on 'bin match- ia# .onerican Steed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- CIATION will Meet on THIS DAY (Tuesday), Jan. 290h, at THREE o'Clock r.A., -in CONCIIATION HALL, Admission to the Asociatss' Seats, One Penny, for which , a receipt will be given, as a Voucher of part payment of 1 renewed Subscription. Admission to the Nlembers' Seats, a proportionate instal- t ment of the Memberfs Subscription. The Receipts given last Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 1 ; ifrz f .,; *et~ 5 osne of tbe cl.Vebrated Equestriidr Itenibmehothi Hit IN2 (TUesday)l ffti~uar~ 29';4850 rare TiraSin three acts, entitled , ' . '' ol rartin Cl zahloeit, WI~ Robgrtyi- 'Yj hint s mPtrnrrsi taa ii totbe 0 of ?Ar-oy`3' g T1l A Aret To coucndS wih hYi Pazttk Dl'B,,, ( rs Linoghsta;Ld iMh b ~ gtii TickLFEetL9VStIs to be ba of Mr oyS-lo ~ hr Fsoal; of Mr, Wi neartr efftlk ...