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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSIEYEB ?? ?? .epc- ~u ein he rad. ?? Elbas's quay, cils _i.Is lil terael it,OW 50 Iug'l, retfre L;ea ?? Boatsa and 'Ittis Scc ?? 1 A, Ia on'.wirk -rrcr ehc1upeti ead rpirs done onr thepemss noer d';ap rioineit dfcopttion ordr8a . 5 7 r ac;' of Upper Tweedl, atrt ?? C P. i.22l cl;'tn OlS' per l ,tOU'r ~r a; onil lipe toleO. trdsrt, 8L 9 lt. 'Iqirttia~~t, ~andiiae.d Nursery, Rock roueaid.e ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTIOS.- 'M9 TH - -DU BLINUIOT INSPECTOROp.VACCRNATTOX DEFAVLTBiS NWAt. LTED.t The Board of GuarasW of thisa Uijon Will on WIED. NMSAY, the 5th di Of July., 1SSt2, Proceed to elect a ?? person tolds 'bharge the duties of tracing .p ?? l),sfasl te--i, unde? the compulsory Vacina. 'iltiAc, fr heurtrui district O1 thi. Union, da Salary Th es obe appointed mmst give up his *bole tinsto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -APPOINTME-YTS WANVTED. re.)pectable Person, ebrvi a ale'1 ?? In Hull andi throughout' Y ,,Tkslire. of twenty yea-s, V~nilg wou]ld e lad to cnzer into an arrsangernent' 'witS a Dlublin firs; class ?? whiskey house. P a Deane, Pout office, Bull. 20 A ?? IVman %iantl a situation as Coleitor Aior uiart or any postien of tntst ; highesL refe. Zec good secujiy gsicn. Aitdxaes F137 reinlan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ArronVTM.9NTS WANTE D - r)&wN;BROE~flS; tbe parents of a respecable d tog L{ vr~ o *aprenticO him to She above. 75re~ 6;, Freeman0 Omc. 1DJ (:ook, a re~petable xwan~t a situation; .t i a g hunress would g nbusiess house; tow or counry. Address B, 4 Stonea View place, Kins- 13ORTEP. ina respectable ho-se; requlredby sseadyf .1- Man amploymens as o; good drer re-I quired; good character. Address ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. AR 1 SALES THIS DAY (Friday). PARS, DYWELLIN%, AND -4WCENS415 HOUSES City and County Dublin. A ESL C R OOE'S- - 6~~ALES BY Pt7BLIC AUCTZOIS. On THIS DAY (Friday), ltth February, 1382, At One o'clock, Include Three Lots, Valuable Leasehold Interests! Viz- Esker, Lacan, county Dublin, Sale of valuable Leasehold Interest in farm of prime agricultural and grsaing Land, By directions of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. d The Life of St L'}wis Bertsrhd, 0 P. By Father Bertraml Wilber.orce. Illustrated ?? ?? The Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881. With lntro- duotionandN'tes. ByTaMHedy,.MP ?? S 6 The rtolen White Elephsnt. By Mlmrk Twain ?? 6 0 Little Folks lidsamemer Volume, Boards, ?? 6d Closh ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 5, . The Commercial testr'ints of Irehni. By John Hev Huichinroe. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I __DsI Vf > e f- 4i~ ~~~it CL.-I I; ?? ?? L A iC, fj 1 1' l I ?? ?? It* 7A - ?? ?? : II 23 - I f - . Z3 I'1 IR-ISH AUA'JRS J. E D2-N IUNIJSoN AND CO). Cad ta La oi ?? -ur'.ti B in'' ant tilers to LeT-' ll-NilA 'N§' t~ IU ,,S lo at the Exhi- biton, and at tiicir ?? s ?? Wicit ?? PALL A ?? GAS ''tAP'>' 1'lr$I'fUEL, Ebonizvxl, J Y\__1LZNDSON AND CJO, 'N '-'to' mo-.1t LI xl C'i rico ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL YNOTICES STATUTORY NiOTICE. lII the Goonsg ofj- M'ARGARET MARY O'BYRNE formerly of t. t. Northi Great Georgs teesi late of N o 4-Ia Up per Gardliner streset, in the city of DafllO2, Spini~ter, Deceased.da NNotiei hereby gien, pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd ~rt- cap,$5, that al nersons cliueing to be creditors of 0 or to have any clalim or demand uvciost the ?? Of t! tirearbave deceated, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALE NEXT FRIDAY OF THE OLD BLEEDING HORSE,' HIHCamden and Charlotte Streets. flGLY IMPORTANT TO WVEOLESALE AND FANILY tRi)CEIIS, Seof Tent, Wine, I~lrd Spirit DerrIerq Old esthli-hen 115'tsri Licen-ed P-remuise,,, Whbichhv i-.k been rebuilt and aopine ta Xesriniitlire of nearly £3,0M And for compierelle.' of design and business9 capability tiaif bear favourable tomprinson with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XN Menoriain Card3 at Eatonq; Only suitable Pat tertis kept in stock. 2v) varietiet;, English anct ]ralehl pateruis to select from. tbo largest assortment to se; leo fromi s at Eatou's. Urgeut or(ter prlnted nt. ehortost notice. IFutonas1hotuo-Mortjnry Cards, a 6peciality. Pattuerns3pout freo on application. M and S isatOn, Stn- tionorn, ,&c, 49 Ja atuo soree Dublin. _ WALLEI, *; Feneral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,'APPOINTMENTS WANTED CaOC'hI AS itant; , ?? M1an of 3} years'eox- GJperience in a birst class h-use in town, at present eking business there, ?? a situa6tion; can be higbly reconniomdeil. Asriiress 76L09, Freeman office. G1. II E-pS AsAustant ; a YOUunt Nan, R C, three yea-is, experience, wishes as engagemenit as above; 'lrrglle-t references. Address MD 1, Mr ?hchslsas O'Drare~ DIsonas'ere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS CARDS. where last em- and y wom t bericimen 9&, Freeman ~A.NTED a siat, intelligent Lad as Apprentice to the Poiin Business in arespectable house ; shori hours. Adrs 5,Freeman Office. W ANTFBD a ?? ?? to General Drapery, Hoe;a a sequslres Addreea SM.5 Freeman 0 fCe. W'ANTED a strosg Girl as General Servant; one not out beore not objected to mustbe cleanly; R C ,wages, L4 and found. ...