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Advertisements & Notices

... 1F MANKIND axe more liable to one Disease than another, or if there are any particular Affections of of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of Disorders treated of, in the New and Improved Edition of the SILENT FRIEND. The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROYAL COAT. Manufactured by O'DRISCOLL AND CASTLE, TAILORS To his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 47, KILDARE-STREET, DUBLIN. rT HE above Garment is made of a Single Milled R Superfine Cloth, lined throughout with the richest Silk, quilted and interlined with Saxony Flannel ; it is peculiarly light, soft, and warm, end can be worn with or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST AND BALLYM ENTA RAILWVA1Y. TENDERS WANTED. IIE B~oard of Directors of tbe BELFAST AND BALL Y. ME^^NA RAlLWA tY will receive TrENDERS frtom p~atties willig to supply tlc Coripalev, at their Stores ia Blelfast wvitb such quncitit es of thc followring articics as they may re- quire, during the ensuing- Six Mojittls, viz.:- COMMON rRON, per cot, fellowing sizes, viz. : 6-8, 7.8, anl1 inci, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |TjjEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 5rated Danese, MADE OISELLE CARLOTTA Cele engagedfor F rNights, and will make her pa' pea¢rance but Two in a Ne' Grand Ballet, sup- byd thle following eminent Artistes:- 1oted rMDLLE. lEUGENE JAMES, MDLLE. ADELE, / MONSIEUR SrLVAIN, MONSIEUR MARTIN, I ! her First-rate Artistes, with a num arons anls tuost effi- COO ID te Ballet. : detCIsP,7EN ING (Saturday), F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CUl;ED Tl' H OLLOWAY'S QINTMEN T.- CDR.u C.T ?? AND RiU ATIC Gonr.-Extractof a Lctecr from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated Scptember 28th, 1848:- 1 To PROFESSOR HoLLuWwTY-SiR-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as not to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF REDUCTIONS. 21 AND 22, DAT E-STREET. A NDREWS and CO. have this day (February 5) reduced their prices of Rice to the following scale: No. 1. Carolina Rice is reduced from 4s. per stone, to 8s. 6d. No. 2. do. do. from 3s. td to 2s. 1ld. No. 3. Rice, do. from 2s. 1ld. to 2s. 4d. East India Rice, ditto, from 2s. 4d. to is. 9d. COCOA SHELL. . No. 1. Cocoa Shell is reduced from od. to 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF MANKIND are more liable I1 than another, or if there are any prcr Aff of the Human Body we require to ?? a r Affect; the rest, it is certainly that clms 0 DOford Fe of the New sand Improved Edition of the Srser treatlO ttr Authors, in thus sending forth to the world ' E their medical Work, cannot refrain from expre a otht' *bi rpi, li stitntt flcation at the continual success ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I rtfl'1R ROYAL, DUBLIN. .,,ovran bitt (ne of ?? Celebrated Danseuse, MTA- CAIRLOTTA GRISI, and the following Ne L 3IplEI. EUGENE JAMES, Ml)ll.. Al)ELE, MON 8 I EU R SILATAIN, MItN:$IElJR MAR'lIlN, i1 aljinflcroi s .nuI inost efticient Corps Do B Allet. 1f vVEN'\I4T (Monday), February 18th, 1> Ic Ile perfiaril es vill commence by permission 5I'or) the ('ilic Dramra, in Two Acts, called l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHE1iS OFFICE, Dublin Castlon, January, 29, 1850 TTIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a II LEVEE at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of February, 1850, at One o'Clock. It is requested that eacti Gentleman attending the Leose will bring Two Cards, lwith his Name, and Place of Residence Zeqiblpy ?? or printed ther'eon, one to be delivered to thc Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On ute irival of the 7aide Celine, now Loading at lRonftens-, T HE $ U B S C R I B E R S w1-7FFER for S ALE 500 Bales New French CLO/E ED, All of which has been selected, of primn tlality, suitable for this lfltintet. C. DUFFIN & CO. Lelfast, 4th Febriiary, 1850. 237 F L A X S E E D. RT E SUBSCRIBES atre now recri ing ato their Store their usual supply of NEW FLI.X:SEE consisting of 2,450 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. For the BENEFIT anll Last Appearanci of the Celebrated Danseuse, MADE9IOISELLR CAIRLOTTA GRISI, sup ported by the following emainient Artistes:- MVLLE. EUGiEN E JAMES, 3fDLLE. ADELE, MONSIEIU R SILVAIN, Mt-ONSIEUR MARTIN, TI IS ,EVENING (Tiesday), February 19th, T 1850, the performances will commence with the First Act of the celerated Grand Ballet called, LE DIAB3LE A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E ROYAL COAT, Manufactured by O'DRISCOLL AND CASTLE, TAILORS To his Royal Eighniess Prince Albert, and His Excellenev the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 47, KILDARlE-STRlEElT, DUBLIN. THIlE above Garment is made of' a Single Milled TSuperfine Cloth, lined throughout with theff51chest Silk, quilted and interlined with Saxony Flannel; it CCeu 3ly light, soft, and warm, and can be wvorn with o ...