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... HIGIH COURT OF JUSTICIARY |CSE OF JOHN 3 CAVRON. The Couot met on Thursday morning at half-past nine to dispose of the objection raised on Monday by Mlr Neaves in the case of John Cameron, the Glasgow policeman, who was charged with the murder of Peter .I1GilL on the night of the I th of August last. The objection, it will bh remembered, was to the effect that as the criminal letters served on ...


... , I.. MAN, 6p diiltb 601JR?T'. ? T'k -- ?? VTTAPP.L-I-SMOX VDfAIN VU XUse '-'I NtEW WEST-,N6J: WYND-NEW CATHOLIC CHAPkZV-5SHOKEN NISANCE. I The 'Court mist on Thursday the 31st ult.-ptesent, the Lord Dean GOlbraith, and all the, members of his .Council. The busi- ness was' of the usual varied description, and of considerable fin- portance, as involvinag many new projects; which, in ...


... The Commissioners of P1sice met on Monday-t.e Lord3 Provost in the chair. TIlE LATE LORD .t-ireFFt,'Y. 1)D fleaton propstosd ldi tbit a rcsuilutinn to the followsing' C- feet shlO lihi he- entcre I pno tClL 1ttil2 zl rs:- Tiat the b-.min renariiintt jvirh felhic-s of deep regr ;h! grun lassi wich e publie have SU~znia- by the dcath of ! rid .Tcff e , beg In rr- cord tli-jr highl opiill DI the ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. IBOARD OF SUPERlISION V. ANDERSON. This was a petition end complaint frorn the Bnard of Su- pervision against lfr William Anderson, appointed in No- vember last by tire Parochial Board of the City of Glasgow as co-ondinate inspector along with the inspector previously ap- pointed (Dr Adams), the board assigning to the former the indoor duties of keeping the ...


... POLICE COIIMISSIONERS. A meeting of the Police Board was held on Monday Dean of Guild in the chair. .-h PRSsENT--Sheriff Watson, Messrs Mlatthews; Bisset, Ness. Sherar. Calder, Nets s 0e, Spa XkSutherlaidA.C. Matthew,B Byres 4l*Hare and Gray. ,, STREET CLEANSING ON SABBATH. The DEAN tif GuILD reported verbally, gnbehalf cifthj Street Committee, that the recommetida ton of the Be0adt in ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, JAN. 30. I (Sittings in~ Bancos before Alt- Justice Coleridtge anid Mr wise .UStice Ii'ightms is.) lend, THSE QUErv V. SUTCtrlF'E AND OTHERiS. alto- In this case a, rule had b~een grranted, callinig on William G in Sutc~liff'e. the Mayor of Bath, mind Norwich Duff', two jus- thle ties of Bath, andl one Levi Wefston, to show cause why the mn to said ?? should 'lot issue ...


... aIGrI COURT OF JUSTICIARY. The court met on Monday morning at ten o'clock, and sat in full bench (the Lord Justice-Clerk, Lords Mackenzie, Moncreiff, Cockhbur, and Ivory, being present), to hear the case of Alex- ander Fraser Crawford, described as a clerk or writer in Edin- burgh, who was accused of snding threatening letters to Mr Crawford of Cartsburo, with the view of extorting money from ...


... COURT OF bESMSIOS. .. ~ (Frosn the Courant of Thursday.) From THE _NEW LEAL A FPO1iTTME2;TS. t rom the general expectation entertained that Mr. -Maitland, the Late Solicitor Gencral, would present his letter of aplpcintmcnt to e the place on the Bunch vacant by the death of Lord Jetli-cy; and that Mr. Jamnes Mloneroil would, at the same time, be sworn in as it her Mitjejsty's Solieitor-General ...

?? AN OP . I t W ' O

... ' DQ ?? t, 05' SToOKwELL isiiana The forhilightly meeting of the Coutilwas hedo hursday last;i present, tie Lor'eaiia'Galbrmith, Messrs ,31EWftenfJl d, MNaught, and Deacayis Christie, Craig, Miller, and Selaiders A cow: id.-rable nuenber of applications Were`.~resinted for altera-, tions itn 'siops. in the various parts of the city and subuirbs, whicha -in usual course, :w~re agreed to, IMr. ...


... SHERIFF COURT.-PAROCHIAL ELECTIONS. t\ _ - -- ?? AA ?? A Q.1A 1 4 n*R1-I ru-fl Ai I1 1 On Friday, according to adjournment, Sheriff Bell held another diet on this long litigated case. The parties having taken their places, Sheriff BRLL said that since their last meeting ho had received a letter from Mr. Gillespie, house constable in the Central Police Officers stating that he lead not written ...


... I PIGl COURT OF JUSTICIARY. TRIAL FOR MURDER AiD ROBBERY. The court niet on Monday onorning at tell o'clock, the judges present being the Lord Justice Clerk, Lord Mloncreiff, and Lord Mackenzie. William M'Kew was placed at the bar, charged with the crimes of murder and robbery, in so far as, on the 23d of Sept. 1849, he dii. in a fipld or piece of ground known by the name of Easter Field or ...


... TOrAL FOR M1URDZR AND ROBBERY. T he court wet Mon diy morung at ten o'clock, the Judges 3 ~055~t being the Lord Justice-Clerk, Lord Moncreiff, and Lord ?? was placd at the bar, charged with the cnries O imurder and robbery, mn so far as, on the 23d of September, 1849, 1he did, in a field or plebe of ground known by the name of Easter Field or; aster Crookses, in the parish of Ooldinghami, and ...