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... O FY 311WYD CAR AF Dl.f A VAL5NTI5NE. Io-rielv maid ilchline thinc ear To aiccfnts fraught Nvith lone sincere. .ccIed ti uth, unskiilled to I ig, Piro mpit moe to this artless -tisfn Jii; a blallk is without thee ,,i Oj yweyyd cearfdi. 1B-5 those lips, wlhose cheslsb snmile c ;Is e:rv ti -ice of, nloc fbeguile- ?? thla t ey whioxse Spairhlute ?? Kl ?? des-lle-s lill;O (a.- l1i tyhose locki ...


... STR ATNP. CONVERSIONr OF A CHAPEL INTO A DRiSNiIN(G THEATRE. A Liverpool Coiresepondent !ises a Strange account of the conversion of a Ubnit i n ci ipiL of' t hat town into a low drinilinin theitre. The place of seorsijip Paradise- strect, in vlvic h tha t body wtccrc accustomed to assemble for years to listen to the elocuent oulpourings of it Mia. r tinaeu, is nowv c:!led the Cc Ijlosenin, ...


... LI}T:RATURE, Fal ?? ari g %)AIniajeZth 21p)odioJIlaiIdd. Iitn Oirrl: lRTAC CYati.Nc;. ''trZI ! ~[s~loNl, Banager.] its ' Ihisit iI troilti'c of' 21( 1t) ito jl igtes oi hie du crlili, IS ! postolicidl Sliceessiol) v nitten) in Wl~elsh by a ?? 'Welgl (clcig -Ip;. \;e b0livd Vocruosed i- nili it d eglet Ofi OL itelest iwliie te v pro Idlleitolls of tile m';els11 pr-ess tdeserve, tlti 0 li t fior ...


... DRURY-LANE THE AT RE. M11R. MACREADY'S FAREWVELL BENEFIT. The event, to which all that lairge 1)ortioO of the public to whom theatrical inatters are of'any nmoment have becn looking forwarkd for many wveeks Isast, took place on Tluesday XeIlls) ?? nuptl tof Mr. Macready's bsenefit hats been of itself a marked event, Last Itoorlay Wyeek die box-office was first opencd sfor the letting ...


... LITERIARY EXTRACTS. A.N ?? IOlt 1tOI':1YAL LADIES IN T2lE Fi'- TEa I'TN' C(t SIURII.- (n ?? passage through Vilboraldo, a ?? it' Ii. th iic' Count of Haro, tiley vere mag- IlifiCl~tI d caerlaiblte' by its lord; anrl il. Il:vesca also li ll f thi Coulit's doniaills, their arrival gave o(ion~l L t thatl~ n~ble to display his taste and Nvealth in fotes ?? n,'tii ill ?? anti originality. Whlen ...


... POETRY, 1?RrS PATHI IS IN THE SEA. Thinik of the vast and formless deepl t On lilcis God's spirit brooded; n Think of the wicave now kept alpart a The land lio lunger flooded a Think ot' di coulitless pr0gely, a With winly ?? ill tin e ?? tlv, . ThenI hi, oh tlthiill wsith praise of Iim Whle I ?? is ila tile seal ! T'iiltk of tlt wavee tilt Io 'ii thc world, t 'tlhe I i-htevun olll ot sill t ...


... SEPISTLE OF A ATHER IGNATI US TO A 0IJMESTIC MISSIONARY. Dear Maiden of the Scullery, a chosen vessel thou, Go forth upon thine erraud, a missionary now- Sweet sister of the dish-clout, n holy work is thina, Sho rotten props of heresy with me to undermine; But, first for operations, a place we must secure, 33Be prim as any Puritan, arave, civil, and demxtro, Asscrt and promise any thiing that ...


... FAIRS FOR THE WVEEK. LLANErcvMEiEDD, Marchl 10.-Thlis fair lwas held on Moriday last; but there ?? ?? feW lot, Of good cattle showin, the best 3 year old spring oxeln were sold for from £8 to £)10 a head; the demand was vcry languid, and very feu- sold. In thei horse fair il the afternoon there vas a better tone andt better demand, than for cattle. A good ?? or a cartation met wsith a ready ...


... LADIES' FASHIONS FOR MARCII. The beautiful materials It present a Ia nn':le are rc- markable for their novelty alid richness. IN-e nlotice, tfist, a robe of sky-blue dro-inet, covered with enormous boliquets of roses. A robe *f rose-colou led droguet over a white satin skirt, trimmiied with three rouleaux of mnara- ?? raised en drniperie, with butterflics of perlis and diamonds. The body a la ...


... THE WINTER OF THE HEART. The Spring's warm breath will mrelt awlay The snow thalt roundu us lies, And Summer flowers once IloriC will shed Their perfumne to the sides. But there's a slow thlt hoevr Its AL frost that wvoil't delpaLit, But Clitg . ' ?? tld 's Spring, anld makes Ttie W inter of thle heart. It was lnot all at O(CC it ?? T1 dll iltil.'s warilllt' hOulS, And till '1 il tfi its ?? ...


... TuIr CitCoK OF (GOILD: a Tale of CovetosneRss by Mar- till !pp)er . [HALL AND VIRTUE, London.] The Proverbial Philosophy has stamped Dr. Tupper Us Mwriter and moralist of singgular power and ability' 3Mis thinkings are of rare character, proving him to have dived deep into the stormy ocean1 of the human heart, and gathered thence pearls of inestimable value. The mere xeadgr will have ...


... POETlRY. T1-LE BIUDE'S FAREWELL. larovell, father, n1owN I leave thlee, And wvith sadness from thee part Oh ! believe tihe words thou'st spoken Shall be trcasur'd in my heart. For a hlusbalnd1s love I leave thee Inl a far anld dlistant lanld; Years may pass ere agahi I sce thee- Ere I press ?? morc thy hand. Farewell, sisters, farewell, brothers, lt'vss y-ou for olur telnder prayers GlIatal ...