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... ' ' ' MR. BOSN'S CllEAr. SEUIES.-ThC last, new batch tl of Mr. Bohn's extra cheap publicationss cornprises fie o * ?? 'voltune of'tle niost jopulax works of the n1 celobrnte' Ameiickaft- writbi:s -nshihigton Irving, Viz., (I the Tour on the Prairies, tivhiohis full of excitin- fe incident; -the ?? Sketch Boo], whic1h was approvew- n ?? Scott, 'aid'nade for the authoor a friend of F! ...


... LITEEARY 'EXTRACTS. . i!. ' . ; I ! : - ' TIim KNlOIsoGLn.-H9 thiait, at m1lidnllight, whell the 1 laiourer algeps securely, should hear,:9I bave heard, the c clear airntfthe rii1ctigido the scve@ descent, the ising find fflliaig, t!he Ploing and rchopbling of her voice, . might well be lif'ted abovr tie earth, and say, Loric W4hat misic linist thoq lrrdvidcddfor Thy saints hi heatec sheni ...


... LITEMARY EXTRACT8, DLATdj`,is 1 UrrtIs'cliyoNS.-Thi practice' of opening doors tind boxes whieit a person dies is foundod on the idea that the minlisters of pirgatorial pains took thlc sou ats it escapedil from thc bhdv;'alld flatteling itagaillstsolilc dlosed door, WhriCh alone wmiould serve the purpose, crlm- med it into the 'hinges apnd hingte openings ; thui the soul in torm lt';yas s ...


... FO 01 IVE N1 S S. i i hathi two ?? Angels Ever waitimg at his side, 1W'ith ldlm l whe'r ocs'er lie wanlders WVheresoc'er his f ot idejl One to wail-II himn whill he's errina. AndI roprove lii if lie stay; One to leave hillm tv his niture, And so let him go his w' . . Two ?? Spirits ?? - All his Mlib's minutest pareta- Lookiig ill his souilslild Aitensisn To*1'oa tibtiligs of his liorti * ...


... WV A 11 IM 1 E A R T S. Give me the Nvnrm and generous heart, Whose life-spriags ne'er congeal, But ever boar a friendly part In others woo or weeal; That prompts the ready hand to give, Aiding the sufferer's need. Anld hids the starving stranger livc, W\'hat'oer his cliame or creed. I hate the look of cold distrust From keeon suslticious eye, Glancing onl all our kirdred dust W'ith foarful ...


... LITERARY EXTRACTS How ro Eemoy LiTE.-Amidstyotir pleasiue hineurthly thinigs setain inl your mlind, first, a grateful sense of their Gi'ver secondly, is resnemliraure of' their passing nature arid, thirdly, a conscioucsess of the evil that is ill tile world, which makes it a sin to resign yourself to any enl- joynuieit, except, as is permitted refreshment to streng~thenl you for duty to come. ...


... A NONSUCH, (From Veritas,-n Poem lately published.) The maid I love is sho NVhose Mind Is gentle, prudent, aid ?? kind,- Wrhose life is always constancy and love,- Whose modest eye is never prone to rove,- Whose equal consesonce is serenely right, - Whose ?? is free of jeaiousy and spite, - Whose thoulglhts are not too much of the ideal,-- Whose fbelings, though acute, arc always reol,- ...


... LITERARY EXTRACTS, *WAlTCR.-Aater for driniking ?? for domestic purpose iliould be identical ;there Should be no0 ?? be3- wveent them, at- least there is no need of difference. Hilp- tocratee, the only physician among thle ancients who ippeliass to have observed widely thle effects of water upon fie hecalth of populations whoe were probably more res- rioted to the lise of water as a bovcra~ge ...


... * ~~LITBR~~&1Y1ZITRACTW, ~ Futamox ?? not the freedom of in quilry OfI be shackled. If it multiplies contentions amongst the, na wi'~~ivid virtuoiusi it exercises the charity of thosel who' h Bcontend.' If it shakes ~for'a~time~tbe belief that isrtested. OnI upon preju ici~,.it finally ie~ttis it on the' broad er' of an~mi iili-bi~iii~of' coniictioa. -Whit's 'EaeipfoWn Leceure8. ., ...


... - - .- -A - -. --D ON SEEING'TH1 SPEAKR ASLEEP IN R IS !CRIAIR, IN ONE OF THE DEBATES OP TIM FIRST; REFORMED PARLIAMENT. Sleep, Icr. (-BY JOuN PHARD.) sf 91eep, Mi. Speaker, 'tis surely fair of If you mityn't iu your bed, thou you ahouild lnyour'cbeir. Louder and longer-now they moow, us Tory and fthA% ,Aean rd Ta ?? by night and talking bv day. in, Sleeep, NIr. Speaker; sleepwhileyoum )at ...


... Twiso oall dresses which liave just been completed ex- m, hibit a pretty novelty ia the style of trimming. One of ed these dresses is comiposed of ciuk tulle, and has two ell jupes. These jupes are trimmed with frill or narrow Ic tlounces, each edgled with a row of white bloode On at the lower-jupe there are seven of these narrow flounces;* !nt ontile u)per jup)e, whic1 hl is out out into ...


... LITERAltY EXTRACTS. A -ear SUnSTAN~TIAL TpU~uv.-A great deal of talent W is lost to thie world fo thie wait of alittle couirage. Every I1 day sends to their graves a number of' obscure moen, who cc have only remained obscure because their timidity lies !11 prevented them from making a first effort; and V~hol if ~In they could only hlave been induced to begin, would, in all hi probability, have ...