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... NEWPORT WATCH COMMITTEE. [EY O(:R OWN REPORTER] A meeting of the Watch Committee of the Borough of Newport, was held on Monday last, at which there were pre- sent—Mr. T. B. Batchelor (mayor), Mr. Hughes (macis- rate). Mr. Latch, Mr. Burton, Mr. Daviee, Mr. Dowling. Mr. Edwards, Mr. Igguldeu, Mr. E. Thomas, Mr. Townsend, and Mr. Turner. The Town Clerk (Mr. Woolleti) read the minutes entered in ...


... DESC!: ITT !ON OF A FJUILDING AND OTHER REMAINS LATELY ciscoviiuau AT CABULEON. By John Edsvard Lee. Smith. THIS acceptable contribution to archæ ¡!ogy consists uf eighteen etchings, which are as ere litable tu Mr. Lee's artistic ability as be bp has in view in publishing the work is honour- able t.) his public spirit and liberality. Caerleon. so rkh in Homau antiquities, ii yet withunt its ...


... POACHING.—At the Town-hall, Cardiff, on Saturday last, before J. Bruce Pryce. Esq., proceedings were bken agaifxt a man named Edward Rdwards who was charged with hnvinir frespasssed on lands, in the parish of Roath, in pursuit of game. The offence was com- mitted ix or seven wepk ago, and three men —namely, John Morgan, Adam Clarke, and Daniel Bryant, servants to Mr. Evans, of Roath,—were ...


... The Special Meeting of the Newport Watch Committee has bpen held. There was a full attendance. Afters week's preparation Mr. TOWNSUND was at his post to prefer his charges against Superintendent ENGLISH, — to substantiate the truth of his accllsationsby the evi- dence of P.S. HAftLOWand two other oirtcfrs, or (horrible alternative) suffer DK.TLI! Superintendent ENOI.ISU, instead of leaving ...

[No title]

... SillvWRECK is CARDIGAN BAY, AND AWFUL LOSS OF LIFS.—ON Wednesday morning, during the terriiio which blew, a large brig was driven on the bar, on the Pembrokeshire shore, and very shortly after striking, she went to pieces, and eleven persons were ciiowne-i tivo others were saved, one 01 whom appears t ...


... New Capital of £112,500 jA 1125 Shares of £100 each., a Quarter Shares of 40 eacb. to be raised by Calls f5 per Share. THE COMMITTEE are now prepared to issue the remainder of these Shares which will be entitled t a fixed Dividend of 1:5 per Cent. per Annum upon the amount paid up, and in priority of the General Dividtlnilll, from the net profit of the undertaking. Interest at 5 per Cent. per ...


... MR. ROBERT JOSEÙ\¡ letter has been received but when we tell him that on Thursday morning there were nearly six columns of advertisements also received, lie will perceive that it is utterly impossible to insert his letter in our current number. For the same reason other communications are put aside. ...

[No title]

... DOWNING-STREET GOSSIP.-We can positively contra- dict the statement that the Earl of Elgin has resigned, or been recalled from the Government of Canada. A Queen's messenger has been despatched from the Foreign-office with orders to Mr. Wyse and Sir W. Parker to suspend hostile operations against Greece, in consequence of our Government having accepted the friendly mediation of France. We ...


... TAFF VALE RAILWAY. THE Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS^ LOANS for DEBENTURES, for terms of SE*^ or Ten Years, to the amount of £ 12,000, to replace th°3 of like amount coming due. Interest at the rate ol 4 1' cent, per annum, payable half-yearly. cent. per annum, payable half-yearly. By Order of the Board, E. KKNWAY, Secretary ...


... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the EPI- PHANY GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of Peace for the County of GLAMORGAN, will be holden by Adjournmvnt at the GUILD-HALL, in the Town of Cardiff, iu the said County, on Tuesday, the Nine- teenth day of February, 1850, at 10 o'clock in the Fore- noon and by Adjournment from thence will be holden at the GUILD-HALL, in the Town of Swansea, in the said County, on ...


... THE r.XPI.LT.EI) WESLEY AN MINISTERS. To tin- Editor of the Cardiff mid Merlin, Guardian. ^lr It* perusing your urief and impartial returnks n ,he 'proceedings of the meeting rcceutly'iHjid at Cardiff ;n favour of the Expelled Wesieyau Miuisiers—tbe report states that neither a local preacher or class leaner of Card ill circuit took any part in the proceedings bet that grocer of Bridgend, c ...