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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... aloNDAY morning, the inhabitants of Juniper Green, a small village about six miles to ?? of Edinburgh, were thrown into a state of terrible excitement and alarm by the discovery that Dr. Wilson, M.D., of that village, and his mother, had been murdered on the previous night by a ma- liac, named Peter Pearson, also an ithiabitant of the village, wo ha Ilabeen at the doctor's onl Sunday night for ...


... RECORD COURT. Caerrickfergusa, Tuesday, illarch 19. JiUdge CRAMPTo.- took his seat onl the bench at half-past nine. Doranv. The Nalional Iusuraoce C'ompany. The jury in this case having answered to their natnes, Mr. WHITrESIDE, Q.C., prefaced- the opening of the de- forndants' case with thle following toucbhsg observations:- Ice ?? of thle jory, in this case, it becomes toy duty to address you ...


... LONDONDERRY ASSIZES.-MONDAY, MARCH 18. TIlls day, sirortly after twelve o'ciock, the 1-Ton. Baron PEN- NEFATiEIi, accompaniedI hy the Mavor and It, Peel Dawson, Esq., the Hligh Sheriff, eatered the Crown Court, an I opesed th e conrurission fiol- this county. The Grantd Jury were thenr re-sworn as follows :-TfIOaAS BATESON, Esq., M.P., fore- man M 1-arcus WCanisland, Esq., Sir M-I. It. Bruce, ...


... TIIE GOIRIJAMI CASI.-TI11EA'NED CRISIS. Ncg find tiat. in eoiniionl ivith the inaj ity of our co- temporaries wh o lvishi well to the Establishled Cihiurelcs of 1siiglisid and Irelandil, we ?? in presuim- ing that the late decision of the Julieial Committee of the Privy Council, in the case of Gorhamn v. the Bishop of Exeter, would tend to reconcile the oppcsing parties and prevent a sc'hism. ...


... ANOTIER BRECACII OF PROMISE OF MIARRIAGE. Ar tihc Maidstconce Assizes, oil Thursd ay, ans ?? I was brought by iliss Jane Enimcu a Acdam s, the eldest survi vi ccg Has gict er of a gentlemcan residincg at Watcricigiulry, icc Kent, forcicrl ails extensive farmer at Nettistead, against Mr. Ricihardi Gibbs, fl farmer acid lot) glOrwe' ill the same llneighboullrthoodl, to re- cover damages for his ...


... NENAGR ASSIZES. TMtAL OF DR. LANGJLEY FOIL THE MIURDER OF HIS 'WIFE. TIre Ptigiht lion. Judge 13ALL took his seat ols tile tench in the Crown Caurt, on'i Thursdav, at teln o'clock. A few mintes afti-r tire prisoner, Dr. Laigley, caine into the dock. ile iais dressed in blackl; ; is loig black Iair vas parted on tiis forelbeol, arid fell dlowni tear Iris sboullers. 'Tile nroeis inches %Nteeaii ...


... I aw. ARCHES' COURT.-LoNDON, NMAIICu 23. [Befure Sir 11 eoist'r JaNE1T7e FLuar.] CO0N OtLtL Y againsn C ON 0L L Y-JTJ D G -.I .N T. The Learnced Juttsot gave tils decision in this case. Ture 11ev. Pierce Coninoly) was niiarriu tol Mslrs. Carn elia Alagitita Conolly ini 1831, at Philadelphia, accortditng to thea riles of Cite United Stlates Episcopal Clisrelt, aind tI e fruit; of tile onion was ...

Assize Intelligence

... ?90.e?,ftc Y-11telli gract. LIVERPOOL A.SSIZES.-MAncii 27. RKIFUSA~L TrO SOLic,IMXiZi MARLIRIAGE. Vie cV. Moor0lholm Jame~s, olfieiatingi Millister OF thle Clitrch of St. Thomas. at Le'th. was indlictedl fur a muisde- sneassor, inl havhing, inl sits capacity of Clergymans of tile Chur-ch of England, refused to soeniiisize a marriage het ween tone Henry F~isher, and Ain llardisan, thle parties ...


... Lacw. EXCHEQUER-EASTER TERM', 1850. Term begins Mondiay, l3th April; ends Wednesday, 8th May. Return befure Term for Mesne process. Onl the 13th day of April ;test 31it Jaituari, inl the. 13th ]'car of the reign. Nisi Ptijus.DAYS-IN T]aM mm lst Satt irdey, 20th April, serve notice Friday, 1 2tli do.,* 2itd. Sattirday, 27th April serve nntice Frliday, 19th dlo. ;3rd. Thutrsdasy, 2nd May; serve ...


... 1 ELFAS- ' QUART F3R SESSIONS. YoeSr i DAY inori n ig, at ten llclock, tlhe Assistanit-B arr'ster, AnoN C Gl:aiN, Eoq., procecled withi lie crimiinial hesilless. Ol tile hoich,liidriig ilie daY, vvere the followinig magistrates: -Johin Clarke, Esq., \W. S. Tracer, Esq., ItRl.; S. G. Feli- ton, Esq., John S. Fcrguson, Esq., and Robert Thomson, Esq., Castletonl. Aftir the cnirnnission was read, ...


... COMM ISSION oF LUtNA.'.CY. ON Fiid aV a Comnmission from the Cou rt of Chanceryi was held before Messrs. Close nodt( Beantty Commissioneirs in Luinacy, astid a jiry, to inquire v tether Mr. Rlichardl\art now of Shidibei-cel ill thle cnutyli of cork, %veon hnitatic Or idiot, ol- aI person of somind tititt, nnd capalile of tianagilig hits own affairs. Mr. FITrGIBONa, Q.C., Stated the ...


... tab(i. COMIMISSION OF LUNACY. (In conitinumatiosafromsm the News-Letter of Fm-iday.) TN BE RICIHARD a WAIRSN.-DliBi.IN, TurSDAY.-1%Ir. WVnit ssr DE, Q.C., addressed the jury ott behalf of the al- leged Iliunatic, and after some is troductory remarks procceded to draw the attention of the jury to the evidence against his client, especially thiat of his brother-in -law, Mr. Town send. The firit ...