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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AV Notices of Marriages and Bicths- MOW19G 4 eU. h ?? BITIL on the lst Inus, at Mifton House, Soho Hill, the w1fe of M-. V. . APrPFEBoN, Eurgeon-dentK Of a son. On the 3rd inot., at the Ohurcb of the Meassit, In this town, (by be11ev. W.Wr. cker.) ARTHUR, eon Of JOsEPH WGRAsMELAIN. Mq,, Om ;loor Qreen HalL Moseley, to Looms, daughter of TxsotuHl SNtP. RI., J.P., of Maple Bank, Edgbaeston.n Oh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DIED. ALI.EN.T-Oh the 21st iist., aso:l 6s Vears. Edain Allen, Es soliettor, of this towin ; dieeply regretted anld mititb reepectetl. BeDArr.--on ?? *lst inst., scoicenly, a. 44, llarford Strcrt. tec'crges, ill the 78th rear of his nge, Thouisec Pratt I--: laenitedl ty n lar ze circle of rulations and friends. Col'E.-Olnthe l3th inst.- at XNVodbrittge Road, Moseleya ed>. tears, Barly, relict ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR STEPHEN GLYNNE. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM1.| Yesterday morning Sir Stepben Richard Glynne expired suddenly, it is supposed tron a fit of apoplexy, in the surgery of Dr. Flack, Shoreditch. The facts touching the death of the lamented haronet are these. About half-past ten a gentleman, then unknown, deposited at the left lurgage office of the Great Eastern Railway Companp iy's station in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZMTH8, MAUAB, DEATH8. & charge of ONN F 4 um eGpoi, .u.; Two Simb : l rS if bookedA Ia B ?? ?? of Birthk, Marrage% and& Diaafi& AUl BuQh11 atinounomnta mu4b Anibentfwe by his umania andl asdW e(-tha iader. Poatage Atmp a may be rent Afalymenk UnGHAM HOMXaOPATHIE HO9PITAL. - Ked kl4 0250ar, Di Blake, Thomsa, and rar ; dentist Mr. P. J. sims -Attendance last week, November 29,1872; Outpattentas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. BAr t,~T.-ADacIXS-On1 the l9th inst.. at Edgbaston PsAi5 Chinch, (by the Rev. Robert Glordon, uncle of tha britteer0s Jsnisea Jervis second. srt nI Thhiceard lagnall, Esq., ol SeEr Bank, near Ni;orcestor, to Florence Anne, daughter oi llci Adk-ins. Eqq.. The lirs. Edgbenetcn. EA8T11AX- ?? 20th inst., at Edghaiten Old014C1e (byv the Rev. J. Glcnrge,l Thonma, yonngesto eon 'lfenr Easit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? NOTICE. A charge of Oter. S rrIlt,,l, prepasii, Il made for noticeN Of BIitrliI, ItxtnlttLge, aoldL D)AToIt thilt do not tcx-ed 21 wordq. Every ,tdlitlomil ten words, or part of ten, will t7 charged Sixpence entra. All sulch ?? miuist ba authentilcated bv the iammo and address of the SOC1nIL. BIRITHIS. CAmEmttA.-On. the 13th ijst.. at 35, Wills Street, the Wife O1 Anothny tas erra, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE VERY REV. CANON IVERS. We regret to announce the ?? of one of the oldest and most respected E oman Catholic clereymen in Birming. limm or the Midland district-namnely, the Very 33ev. Bernard Ivers, eanon of St. Cltld's Cathedral, who cspired at his residepce, attached to St. Peter's, Eroal Street, on Saturday evening, after a painfals illness, borne vrith fortitude and resignation ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF KESHUB CHUNDERI I SEN. I A Reuter's telegram from Calcutta announces the death of Keshub Chunder Sen, the leader of the Brahma Somaj of India, whose scnm is familiar beyond the limits of India. The Brahma Somaj, or Theistic Church of India, may be said to have been founded at Calcutta in January, 1830, by the lato Raja Eam ?? Rai, tih enlightened Brashmin who procured the abolition ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAIL OF THE EARL OF DUDLEY. I I ?? ?? I J. The funeoral of the late Earl of Dudley took place Yes- terday, at St. Mliochael's Church; Great Witley, Worcester- Oft Shire. Besides those who assembled as mourners and NV, frienede at -his grave, many were present, who had seone in bet some cascd long distances toa render their last pledges of Cit fealty and respect to one who bad filled-a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR;THS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. A ceure of Oten SHIlLLreG, prepnid. imnde r j;r fet abloe ?? 710t e.cctflin. twenttfl enord. For everj adeditimali liii.' list imordi) Sixeenc extra. Poifta inotges mnnit lbe reinilet~ in i ' ii inent. Announiasrontas meat bhe aufenacateae bY tl)u 11nni) nit nae dre.s of the senioder. BIRTHIS. GiClovER.-On the 14tk hict., at Mayfield, Princess Road. the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. ,t earre o f OweS Silli LrSX pnl, ig, 4 me for the aor etfa%, viol ?? twenty mante For rey sLdiCLioai. ltm (ten wr a) SLTeCre eaCr, Pto4S naotes mast be remitted is yas. reat, Asoaflzcemesstts ~aises be atiitaidiite. byI the naies Cut oddress or the srcler. __ B1XTHS. XYNsyT RtLcrY.-On the 21st inst., ar Penang. Straits Settlement, the wzieof C. W. Sneyd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jFU.HLAL 0 THE o HiNmlP.I testerday afternoon the remains of thel ?? were interred in the family vault In Hindlip churchyard. The vauilt was built some nine years: ao.' It conitains six- teen shelves; but this is the first interment tliat has taken place. The monrumcnt, which is very missive, is in the Gotbicstyle. It is of blaok and wihite marble, and stands on a bass of salm on-colouredI ...