... , SECOND LIST. COONTEMPOURAY RiVIEw.-The opening paper this mouth is a contribution by Professor F. W. Newman, on The English Languaigo, as spoken and written, and is very opporuine, seeing that the queslion of spelling reformation is engaging so ,.much attention. The importance of obtaining'a complete knowledge of the subject will be conceded by all, and those interested in education ...


... THE EVE AND iTHE DAY. BY E. L ELLIS. Where the ruddy yule fire sparkles, Where the scsriet holly shines By the pale and mystic berry Mid the clustering ivy-vines. Lustres tremulous, unceasing, Throir the tapers' ruellow light Where, in niches draped with crimson; Costly sculptures glimmer white. Ia-lr s4 wouman sits, all lonely, Seeing hot the heartsome glow, Ht *ling but a voice that hailed ...


... : THE ORPHAN O HOMIN CONCERT. This concert was worthy of liberal support on ' the score of intrinsic merit apart from the object. The performers included the cream of our local vocalists, and in addition was heard. the excellent fnd. effective sing- ing -of Miss Harlowv who created so favourable an impression in the Performnance of the Messiah. A more perfectly attuned voice is seldom heard ...


... AN EXTRAORDINARY WILL,-Some years ago, the will of John Hedges was proved in Doctor's Commons. The following is a verbatim copy of this extraordinary and, we believe, unparalleled document:- The fifth day of May, being airy and gay, And to hyp not i4clieed,' but of vigorous mind, And my body in health, I'll dispose of my wealth, And all I'm to have on this side of the grave, To some one or ...


... Buss ?? a kiss. A butcher wvho trusts loses flesh. Jones finds drinking like a fish makes his head swim. No part of a man will stand as many blows as his nose. Rotary ilfotiop.-A churchwairden going round with the plate. We meet a great many warm friends during the heated term. The man who couldn't find his match went to his bed in the dark. The waves of a woman's handkerchief have wrecked ...


... | MESSRS GGASO cA rni-Art-.^I ^ A concert oc ae more than usually artistic w eong, loniay by Messrs Gough and Davy at the Public Rooms and attracted anudience in ofep with the occasion, for the lean ar bllsfbea e efetsofth voln tiolornce plopulari pl tebssaltheh were completely filled ?? the atendsac nof the re- served portion was Verylrge indeed sthe int o artste inludd smeof the most fanious ...


... literaturE. . , ?? - . nS, ?? , . ~ I__ . - . EXRACTS. AND %ELECTIONS. DNiqNG WITH THgE GOVEaNOR -. Now a nin whale-ship master fell. to talking about the sort of crews they used to have in his early. das idh Somsetiines we'd hi~ve a. batch. of college students. Quer 1ot, gorant I Why, they didn't know the fo, ?? from the main braces. But if you took them' Ye oos'v''git hit ?? Th' yd learn ...


... HULL THEATRE RAY A. OPEINING OF' THE H \ hI TR SEASON. THE SHAUGHR&JN. TIhe fifth season at Mr. Parr3's cosy little thhatre ias Commenced this week, anl the patronaigej on the opening nighte has been mest encouraging. However ,Wishf ul a eertainpo rtiou of ilaygoer3 may lave been for a now , piece bo iataagurate - the season, The Shaugisraun, fromi ar managerial.poitit of vicw, is a ...


... [ 'PA 1[ Tfte first annual dinner in connection with the Hull Musical Union Club took place last night in the club- roorm, Little Albion~street, Mr T. WV. Palmer, J.P, presiding, in the absence of the Mayor (Dr Rollit). Messrs R. Toogood and F. IV. Holder acted as vice- chairmen. About 90 members sat down to a capital repast, catered for by Mr Jonkinson. The toasts of the Queen, Prince and ...


... [THE PROPRIETORS OF THE PACKET AND TIMES) HAVE OBTAINED THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF , PUBLISHING THE STORY IN THIS DISTRICT.] IP H A N TOM FORTUNE , BY ,MISS BRADDON, Author of Lady Audley'F Seoret, Taken at the Flood, A Strange World, Dead Men's Shoes, Weavers and Weft, Just as I am, &o., &o. CHAPTER XVIII.-WISER THAN LESBIA. Lady Mary and Mr Hammond were back at Fellside at a ...


... I SLANDER I ThoVu shalt not bearfalecvaneds lgainit thy neighbourP o for a voice of tenfold Spurgeon.power, Or temp'rance Yankee Goughs. but for an hour To preach down smooth-tongued falsehood and pretence, The foes of honour, honesty, and sense I O for a I cat' with twice nine hundred tails To scourge the scribbling vagabond who rails 'Gainst private character, in hopes by stealth To win ...


... The miser, he dwvells in his dismal cot, here the light of the holy day comes not; The walls are mouldy, the windows dmr, f Aud hung with cobweb tapestry grim-*a R. le hears the bells from a hundred toe rs of Hears caros ha of Christ 'e and th o'terLn, ha. And Itafsthes ot, hut withdraw hi res handv, pe Hor thearosptlell fhims ar dulandre coldr tht Coonaarea with the chink of his hoarded gold. ...