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Advertisements & Notices

... Blf ~~LSCOLOGNE, 11AM-I F, 1 d 1 re Cabinl, jLA.- Lsdsn~o~ -elI1111s II: :11it steant TI as tt 1pc'idtd andi vory Iheotrit to tit P 'I tla 11N1ngtitn Mili le 1'ittj IV Iv rilceitd ft'sii Atittworp H-it 1.5511 - ?? ?? 'Ci I et i, ie.i th the chort the is ' 'il Xi .1 sjixti~i ist te shipmient 1-5 ,c~ii I, i itl ncebesecuedtold ns every trat __ _ _ __ _ _ ite] N cArrI iXRKT td ABAT- I \151A l ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVIDENT INSTITUTION S . SIIFOR LIFE ASSURANCE. 1yflN 11UGH4IS'T. ANDREW SQUARE. T tlLAktTO0W--6 ST. VINCENT STREET. tlsCOitoiPBA¶TED tty ACT OF'PARLiMAMNT.) 1 ~SGOW BOARD.. joh N A(U Al tV ILBERT. Esq. oft'York11i11. at p CR\IKMituter Mot- Ge2,orges. ~ V XIV] P vx'IDSN. Esq.,Merchanit. L ItEMA~x. ?? M.D. so 'Pt tit- vn Ix tT1I110 TUE IXEN1tFIT OF MUTUAL Assur.ANCs are. ait earl ati middle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS CATIIERINE HAYES. T ERR GRANZ has tho pleasurc to announce that he has T mi nadc arrangemenis for TWO GRANI) CONCERTS on tihe l8th and 19th February, at vhicil Miss CATHERINE Il AYES will appear for tihe first tinic in Belfast since her re- B turn1 fromi the Continent. Misi ltayes %will hie accompanied on this occasion by a mosL distiniguished party. 66 1! ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS, AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE ?? IMMENSE REDUCTION IN T1WI PRICE OF 1READY-MADE CLOTHES. TIIE PROPRIETORS RETtRING FROM BUSINESS. j OSES and CO., TAILORS, DRAPERS, X hIIATTERS AND G ENERAL OUTFITTERS, 30, 1)AME-STREET, DUBLTN, Beg toinform the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentlemen of Dublin and its Vicinities, that the whale of their immense Stock of fashionable Clothing will, on and after MONDAY, the 24th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? g au, ?? re so TO READERS AND CORMSPONDENT78 hi e anin to apologise for the non-delivery of thc j e 11loot oe. which willcortainly accompany our t ofi tbeh 22d iust. It will be a very ?? e W OW f tvpogiophy: and the delay has been ocen- er 1,vles a dsire tp reuder it as complete and perfect la ' t PniilleiChild's Appeal, the leport of the Coun- er eifezj~ Nat ional -Reform Association, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E[HE MORNING CHRONICLE! T - ON LABOUR AND THE POOR, The demands constantly made to obtain the early Numbers 'aor THE MOPNING CHRONICLE containisig the Letters on LABOUR AND THE POOR, in the MasTRoPoLITAN, AlaeicuL TURAL, and MA ?? DISTsICT13, have induced the con- ductors of that Journal to direct the RlPUBLICATIOx of those Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four Columns each), to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ORE YOU DESPAIR. J1LOLLOWAYS P'ILLS. CCUERO ASTHM.NSII . a oet alrter fi36mi Mr' Beaamin Mackie, a 12 0,/ee, dated Creelee k,7 , teetea Long/is l ?? l dated Sojlteleber Ilth, 1848. To Professor HOLLO WAY. ]prl PECC¢D Fiarrexn,-Thy cellent Pills have ef- II,. core I ile I of an Asthma, which afflicted oe eercys to such l an extent that I was obliged Wdlk room icon at night for air, afraid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ce BT R () S P E C T II O, A GLANCE AT TilE e'AST YEAR. Thestire-nuoug traveller,, who hae been, ina Since the drtat bluesh of mniri was been. lis Thinkini Lull toiling at the day ye liy mrtny it rough nut1 deviouo Way-. ef Rttettis ae ~fuou thiglt, Witissp'r re n rcwt knees, All liote,,, cli.oihvciteyrd; ed uto [idbn r-io dit ndsas is Witlooiscelhw edaxoglos Rcllailyclaadone Surm, Iso Ii Bu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re 7jubli fit filtiterr; *e pOLIC1E NOTICE.-X20 HM.WARD.- LOS ThIs i'oreleei, 3Jinii,; 7 I 1.) hI a nf Noithlrn : IMrlanIl.tOrracs Rad 14;c:in 'ileec, Ty iv ori e. te-rre aii I.rl Notlertividroid d Sl, aat i: 0i1ier ciot. ,iTiown ti iPeOx- fe -ioe:t, a illikeel COTEiN UA(, oiuiinis8 .tit: 0r 3 Oo~d. Whfl. ever iw1, t un 1 iho s;Irl-ne. i l iv hri ' it to 8l ''entral Pic (ffioer, D0e1ee.ive li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PWLLIIHELI BANK FOR SAVINGS. 1 fX5l-TE Depositors in this Savings 1nnk awe htreb'y reuired, in compliane ith the 7th and 8th T{-T Victorjia, cap. 83, sec. 5, to eeuse their Deposit i.ooks to be produced at 1eetings of the Trustees C and Managers of the said Savings Batk, which will respectively be held on Friday, the 18th day of . JANUAaY instant, and on Friday, the 25thi day of JANUARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL,, DUBLIN. I 1XIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 8th, rill be performed the Tragic Play of piZARR(O; on, THE SPANIARDS IN PERU. plvarro, Mr Lingham ; Alonzo, Mr I{ Bland; Elvira, 11,2s5rougham; Rolla, Mr. Ca3craft; Ataliba, MIr Houghton; ?? Barrett ; Cora, MiRS C Cooke. pj conclude with the Grand Fairy Tale Pantomime, called THE YELLOW DVARF, OB IIAIt'R6tQUV1 AND QUEF.N TARTARINA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'UND for PROMIOTING FEMALE .2EM1I(3tATION. Subriptions already advertised . £13,597 i5 6 ** A Tbird Subsoription Llet will he loubtished imuedlately. Donations masy, if it bjo drired, be paid in two, tbrte, or fur an. Il0el intalmuen's. The following Varkem will recelve raoney for tbe fund: IN THLE CITY. AT TUI Whh END. ?Aeera. Barclay, Bvan &. ers Co.utts & Co., Strand. mefr. Olyn & Co. Mesr ...