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Advertisements & Notices

... re 7jubli fit filtiterr; *e pOLIC1E NOTICE.-X20 HM.WARD.- LOS ThIs i'oreleei, 3Jinii,; 7 I 1.) hI a nf Noithlrn : IMrlanIl.tOrracs Rad 14;c:in 'ileec, Ty iv ori e. te-rre aii I.rl Notlertividroid d Sl, aat i: 0i1ier ciot. ,iTiown ti iPeOx- fe -ioe:t, a illikeel COTEiN UA(, oiuiinis8 .tit: 0r 3 Oo~d. Whfl. ever iw1, t un 1 iho s;Irl-ne. i l iv hri ' it to 8l ''entral Pic (ffioer, D0e1ee.ive li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA.-For ADELAIDE, PORT Pill LLIP, and SYDNEY.v-Tbe 8ns British Mrg-te-built ship ANTESS of YARBOROUGH, A 1, 700) tfta, JOHN BENNXIrT, Jon, Cmmade, wll eav S. Kthein Duckes in a few days, gx heaboe ork ad wllcal a Platutla The acosueo. datin fr cbinandinteme~lst ?? Of the very best yentistog apartusand ~brrypatent fog-signas, ~in ?? fr~er ar~cuar eplyto JOHN WHuI'T Mak-an;ereot. . IIFIO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ce BT R () S P E C T II O, A GLANCE AT TilE e'AST YEAR. Thestire-nuoug traveller,, who hae been, ina Since the drtat bluesh of mniri was been. lis Thinkini Lull toiling at the day ye liy mrtny it rough nut1 deviouo Way-. ef Rttettis ae ~fuou thiglt, Witissp'r re n rcwt knees, All liote,,, cli.oihvciteyrd; ed uto [idbn r-io dit ndsas is Witlooiscelhw edaxoglos Rcllailyclaadone Surm, Iso Ii Bu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OisJ5 0ST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY won P I or 1880. mad BEING THE MITY-FIRST ANNUAL EDMTON, It If Comprising. among other information: Official Directory-Street oft Directcry-Commerclat Directotry-Tradee' Directory-Law Direc- ?? Directory-Parliamentary Directory-Postal Directory City Directory-ConVeyanoe DIrecorfy-Banking Dietory ?? Pi The 1following are reviews of the edition of Wh current ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMAM te INDIA and CHINA vi EGYPT.- g.ccrMONTHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for aldlight ?? CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUYTA, SIGI0E, and HONG KONG. - 'The Pennittula ~ ~eect SteamN 4vlrtion Company book pitssengers. and re- as~l1caceh or he aoveports biy their steattsers, etart. ~ c~ticnipta o the20t ofevery imouth, and frotm Stiez ~~~tetV~tmnce t r Bomnbay can proceed by this C.,.a uesofte2th of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'UND for PROMIOTING FEMALE .2EM1I(3tATION. Subriptions already advertised . £13,597 i5 6 ** A Tbird Subsoription Llet will he loubtished imuedlately. Donations masy, if it bjo drired, be paid in two, tbrte, or fur an. Il0el intalmuen's. The following Varkem will recelve raoney for tbe fund: IN THLE CITY. AT TUI Whh END. ?Aeera. Barclay, Bvan &. ers Co.utts & Co., Strand. mefr. Olyn & Co. Mesr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECTACLES FOR ALL SIGHTS AND AGES. CONVEX. CONCAVE. S. s~~~~~~. d NeatBhiaSteel,perpttir, 3 01NeatDlueSteel,perpair, 3 6 Highly finishied do. 5 0 'li-hlv fitished do. o 6 Best Steel Frames, wvith Very best Steel Frames, Pebbles, w9 ieighiilg only 2 pet Fine Tortoise shell, 5 6 nyweight, 8 Elegant Shell, per pair, 6 Cataract Spectacles, 2s. 61. per pair. Fine Gild Spectacles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rid~,ta fon%,e liwreadV in S vol.. 8vo, withi Dorlzits. lSe., neatly bound, 42.. 1s 6R ftelOUSE of LRIS, h dA o fthe m n d Character. of A Ftsneo during the SeventeenUth and Eighteenth Centuries. ad By Dr. W. CGo'e TAklo Ph ThenO Memoirs are so clever and so brilliant, that we Id counsel the eonutry~ gtlcanwbo iB diccontented with the shlow. W en glltteringt his Belyu, his Defoe, and his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AkSjjB0ITRN $AINGS 'BANK. T aa ANNUAL MEETING of the TRruRTEEaS and DIRECTORS of the ASllBOUR1 BA.NK FOR SAVINGS, held on flit 3rd day of January, 185i FRANCIS WIM JHT, Eaqy ib tle Chair RWqolved--T'hat upon examinationl of the Aenounts of the Banh, from the 20th onu'ovember, 1848, to the 20th of .8orember, 1849, they appear to stand us hicreafter stated, D38. The Tj1UISTEES of the SA\V1NGTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.C' NST1T1UTLON,,L-RCU'RE '-i-foferniation b tI en oette of %~yt .c4jOnoi IIAWSR hist-LECT~ Oja oneoucced Lolt Erilijay ovenling onkt 'isbi in 0'cgJanu*tdi&Itc,THOINAS HOGG,Esq. ?? c-cc OI'JAIEE LECTURES en thle History t ?? uccu aiv Me. Lod Diagrams. th' JHNC Tilla.on' a, as the 7c1,',,1,,ph of tbb Microscope,! FVjEjt JONES, of Kinges College, London, enl r of N ctrl lti Hitory. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. Now ready at all the libraries, in 3 v0ls., post 8vo.. CO UNTRY QUA RTER S. A NOVEL. By the Countess of BLESSINGTON. With Portrait, and Memoir of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Miss Power. A tale of light-hearted Irish girls And light-heeled red-coats- full of incident. '-Atheniuum. This novel is one of the most lively and life-like of the author's ?? Gazette. Williat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOGS AND) DABIP AIR. S nARCLAY'S ASTBMATI'C CANDY has, forinany gjpyears, bees proved nil eff'ect~iil preservtiitve front tha' Ill effects of thle Foiagaiiid al nip Air. which, In tilti Whiter SeacOll, ace an Ipar. e, vilileinthI li ltAnate. Itnoet r ocpt~n~Opeev h t Stomauh'l froio the amissioln of' D~amps, aod to relieve tlausp who stof In 'MI, Furriniidonliitree~t Lojidoji and aoid by ...