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Advertisements & Notices

... l-RITISII and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL p StIL STEAM.SHIIIPS, appointed by the Adiiralty to Rail ioecnLlVE,1l1-OO and B3OSTON, and betwveen.LIVERPOOL EWYORK, ceiling at Halifax to land and receive passengers d e Sl~jes~ty s mails. PTi, followving or other vemeles axe appointed to sail from Liver- cccvrv alternate Saturday, namlely: . 'oNIAGARA, for BIOST6N, Saturday, January 12. ECROI'1A, for NEWV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This daci i8 published, pp, 51., Price Is., Free by Post, Is. 4d., H AS MARISCHAL COLLEGE, IN NEW ABERDEEN, H THE POWER OF CONFERRING DEGREES IN DI- VINITY, LAWS, and MEDICINE? Aberdeen: D. WYLLIE mud SON, Booksollers to the Queen tdd Prince Albert. US1030 LAZD DESTITUTION. This day is Puzblished, price 6d., TL RD REPORT for 1849 of the EDINBURGH SECTION of itho CENTRAL BOARD for the RELIEF of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE MORNING CHRONICLE LABOUR AND THE POOR. The demands conutantly made to obtain the early Numbers of THE MORNING CHRONICLE containing the Letters *a1 LABOUR AND THE POOR, in the MSTROPOmiTAN, AGaRlJF TURAL, and MANuyAcTuriRNO Disavate, have induced the Con- ductors of that Journal to direct the RiPusuIcATION of these Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four Columns each), to be given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUN-D for PROMOTING FEMALE EtMIGR'ATION. Thynepathie of the public have recently been interested by de- tailed aciounts of the condition of th lxulr, ?? especially of the suifeningn LI s-0100 of those who ame a ,oug the aset helpless of their sex-the working wonten lf the country. In tae fle trrltoli alone, 3S,500 wonen are ettgsged in the stogle bu~sinew t appiaret-MLkiaig. It isr Otiluated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HoaeO in EXig street, FOR SALE. br w l be exposed to sale, by public roup, it' virtue of powers contained irn a Bondanrd Disposition in Security, On FRIDAY e fii~t day of . rch next, withinthe LEION TREE TAVERN, at tWrO O'clOck, afternoon, BE ?? HOUSE, No. 36, K{IING STREET, as prsently oceupied by Mr Alex. Smith, Commission Agent, and Mrs Wilteybuilt of thebest matcrial; and isin excellent on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATIE ROYAL, D.UBLIN.. TilS EVENING (Wednesday), January 9th,' T ill be perfarnied the Romantic Drama called THE CASTLE SPECTRE. arl oscnend I~Mr Caleraft ; Ea0l Perev, BMr Flstings; ar j egirald ilr Roberts; Kenrick, Mr-Hbughton Father hili Mr Barrett: Angela, Bliss C Cooke ; Alfee, Alrs rtt *velira, Tlts Barry. To contclude with the Grand. Fairy Tale Pantonilme, called THE YELLOW DWARF, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1.O OWNIEUS- AMM AGEN TS;' OF PTO:IEg LTY- .- TO iE b ETk JOR- SLE' t AL Jierioder tp e wry~e j)aange.5;o 4tv.ritiscr ti~ho Pttre:} ?? jh 't Lfl'rd& t-a tt8Q ,Ln fdo~ito iAflr~eb'uxhov'-5~ de.r'tsiiul ~ t for Siluations, the Proivr6ir~c of the Manchester Ea-! a: n lasgt;t;iest ?? P l it t ,.,tC dsrg;lr 5, ,, ?? s{ i 4 Ijplc:$'tdni J' ,fer. rc;rtt~ gfy ~a~si s~ istpiL h ~~ ?? z Ii- .ie fint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN Ir14n & znmW ASSURATamf combant. XSTABLI1ttED 1825.-OAPITAL, £l.ee0,e0o. XLfe Department. YrHE Non-participation Branch embraces overy description of I.L transaction to which Life Assurance is applicable. Terms strictly moderate. The Participation Scheme, begin in 1840, has been eminently, ftaCCessful. The first Bonus, declared in 1847, will be found to bear a most favourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to SHIPPERS for CALCUTTA.-All goods intended for the SOUBAliPDA, Catain 8. C. UMFRE. VILlE, miist be down and cleared at the West India Dock on or before Saturday, the 19th instant, as the ship proceeds to sea early oil Monday, the .1t-H. H. LINDSAY, East India-ebambers. OR BOMBAY (under engagement to the Ron. F last ludia Company, to sail from Gravesend the 30th January, last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CII AP BAnm. A WHITE & HUTCHEON, SILIC MnoCsRs, anriozs to have, their IFinter Stock renuccd, announce 8 fuly that they have commenced a CHEAP S A LE, to - tfce during January and February, idhen the oehole of their Rle Stock ui1S be offared, at a CONSIDERABLE BEDUC- ?? and, to tsaure this their per-pose being efoected, 'EDUC- S IN PRICE HAVE BEEN MADE that will render this nsorthiy of being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIVE DOORS FROM STEPHEN'S.GREEN. 1tIrR. HYMAN DAVIS, SURGEON% .lV DENTIST, 48, GRAFTON-STREET, (Successor to Mons. Desirabode,) Has an infallible method of adapting ARTIFICIAL TEETH To any case, however difficult. They adhere to the gum, rendering unnecessary every descrip- tion of fastening, are made of any sbade, so as to correspond exactly to those left in the mouth, and may be had from One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE HEADS OF SCHOOLS. s GENTLEMAN who received his Educa- , tion at a Royal Free Grammar School, and from ihence succeeded to a Scholarship at Brasenose College, Oxford. is desirous of obtaining an Engagement as ASSISTANT in a large School, at the close of the pre.sent Vacations. Address B. N. C., Post Office, Salisbury, Wilts. HE IAYITREE SCHOOL, NEAR EXETER. THE SCHOOL wvill RE-OPEN. Oil ...