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... THE MEETING OF THE SUFFOLK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A meetiug of the residents of Stowmarket and neigh- bourhood, called by circular, was held at the Assembly- rooms, Stowmarket. on Thursday las% for the purpose of forming a Local Committee, and of transacting other business in connection with the forthcoming exhibition of th-s Suffolk Agricultural Association. The Pr-sident of the Association, ...


... IPeSWIOHC BOROUGH SESSIONS. (Befor e W. J. Mletealfe, Esq., Recorder.) The Quarter Sessions for the borough of Ipewich were held on Saturday last, in the Town HalII, before the Recorder, W. J. Metcal~fe, Esq. Several of the borough Magistrates, including the Mayor (IEdward Packard, Esq.), were upon the bench. The calendar contained the names of 12 prisoners, and the offences were of the ...


... ER FETE. The Rev. Henry Owen, rector of Heveningham and Honorary Chaplain to the 3rd Battalion of Suffolk Volunteers, gave an entertainment at the Rectory on Thursday to the commanding officer, the officers, and non-commissioned officers of his battalion, and to a large number of guests, including the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, the commanding officers of the 1st and 2nd battalions of ...


... AMERaCAN FARMING AND FOOD, by Finlay - m-0. London: Longmans, Green and Co.-A very - ,eful book, and very agreeable reading. Mr. Dunn is a skilled observer, and he went to America, for the pur- po of observing, in the Autumn of 1879. He tells us that farming in America does not yet receive the liberal and skilful attention which it deserves. We might ex- pect as much. A new country with a ...


... Smell. Guaranteed above Government test. fATT CLT-ZUcn -i (T^ a -nrw dottxttic! . Special Prices for Original Casks. I^-LIL, bIZiLbJ l^S. A BOZ. rOUJNDb. FINEST FKENCH COLZA OIL. family grocery warehouse, BURY ST. EDMUNDS. CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS (Prepaid) s. d. Domestic Servants wanting places, 4 lines ?? 1 0 Domestic Servants wanted, 4 lines 1 6 Apartments to be Let, 4 lines 2 0 [If ...


... 20th Suffolk R. V.C. -A contest tor tne j^aoies Monthly Challenge Cup took place on Monday when the Snider rifle was used for the first time, and Colour- Sergeant Stebbing «as the successful competitor. Ihe ranges were 250 and 550 yards, 7 shots at each, and the following was the score :— D 260 yds. 550 yds. Total. Colour-Sergeant Stebbing .. 18 .. 18 .. 36 Sergt. Morley M .. 16 .. 80 Scrgt. ...


... PAVING COMMISSION, March 29. Tbe monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday ; present— J. Sikes, Esq. (in the chair), Messrs. Garnham, Weston, Mann, Brown, King, Harding, and GardinalL The Ingram's Well Path. —The Committee reported that they bad come to au amicable arrangement with Mr. Allen, who had agreed to repair the slip and path, and pay half the expense of fencing off the pit ...


... Alaline«bur»'s epithet the other evening. Itie‘ appall ing The secret history of European diplomacy since 181)2 is suddenly rev ealed, and behold a succession of nroposals for the aggrandizement of the two great Military Powers of the Continent the expense of their neighbours. far back 18(i2 Count Bismark was •' made acquainted with the covetous view of trance with respect Belgium and the ...

CHARGES FOR AD V KK-ISEMENTS (Prepaid). Domestic Servants wanting places, 4 lines ?? 1 0 Domestic Servants ..

... 1 6 Apartments to be Let, 4 lines 2 0 [If reference is made to the Office, It. extra.] WANTED, a Respectable Educated Youth as APPREN- TICE.-Apply to _ . P. C. Jollye, Grocer and Draper, Walsham-le-Willows. WANTED by the Advertiser a Situation as an ACCOUNT- ANT, WAREHOUSEMAN, FARM BAILIFF, or any place of Trust ; good reference given. —Apply, No. 10, Victoria- street, Bury St. Edmund's. ...


... THE PROPOSED HOSPITAL. A meeting of the Committee was held at the Town- hall on Wednesday, the Treasurer, W. D. King, Esq., in the chair, when it was decided to purchase a piece of ground, situate on the Nowton-road, the property of Mr. Jno. Bridgman, for a site for the Hospital. The building fund has now reached 400/., and the annual Subscriptions amount to about 90/., but as yet the town and ...

THE WANTED COLUMN.— REDUCED RA TES. Prepaid A dvertisements relating to Servants and Situa- tions Wanted, ..

... in this column, will henceforth he charged at an uniform rate of Gd. for two lines, with 3d. additional for each additional line. A line may he taken to consist of eight 'words. If such Advertisements are not pre- paid Gd. additional will he charged. If application is directed to he made at the Office of this Paper, there will also be an additional cliarge of Is. for advertisers who require ...