... Trawl Tide. By W. St. Clair Baddeley, d arjthor of Tchay and Chianti, Lotus Leaves. London: Sampson Low, Iaraton, F Searle, and Rivington. 1889. e The idea of Mr. Baddeley is a good one. He 'e has travelled long and far, in Italy, in South it America, in the Levant, and otherquarters, I- but he does not give us the details of his per- s -sonal experiences as most writersof travel-books 1 ...


... F JSIC LIOTES prgameo Tuesday 'Tefnr' ,iscoulaneous order, and if not iJ a is at least calculated to ?? s enjV a conglomeration of nice #S gc I rul5'sue an admixture has A tr e yhavd Yes, _;%0l pot tigther, for we are to, have & en 11overture an II I a ~lI' al:a Rhapsodyo let S y Qeen ; a Mendelssohn ?? af5PsgaflilcocertoC ; and. in fact, 'ettZ '° 1 ,itedtoevery tasteconceirable. to be ...


... MRM NOTE&, ?? 'fOnt Saturday, the Art Congrea;having ter- tIinated, the autumn. exhibition of pictures was resumed, witn the-result that there was rge attendance both morning and evening. Thb vening rate-ot admission-has been rd ced to S. frpm seven-to ten p.m, and on 886ardays from-five to ten p.m., ahd these-teswilccn- tinueuntil the ead of the year. The exhibition of Edwin Longis pictare ...


... ART NOTE& or, On Friday evening, at the Artiste' C(Tb~. tie urt Bold-street, the pictures and drawings con- - rth tributed by membersand others for the exten- ae ith sion of the club were balloted for. 6¶The saleof On ab 80 tickets resulted in about £168 beingrealised t= oar the purpose named. exz w The cocmcil of the Royal Academy have made t two-other purchases from their current exhibi -sr ...


... on er The Bookman ?? the end of the sh yearanewcollected edition of the poemsof the I t late Lord Lytton will be issued, as also reprints of cy his perhaps best-known poeme, The Wanderer iil he (as it was originally written by the author) and h re Lucile.-Mrs. Clifford is giving her whole d he attention to ulay-writing. Very large sums have I of been offered to her by publishers for a new ...


... is, of ng us rel of The two pictures presented to the permanent colection in the Walker Art Galery by the three sonsof the late Mr. Ralph Brocklebank, in memory of their father, have been placed in the Rossetti room, where they may now be viewed. The first represents a scene in Syria entitled The Ruinsof the Temple of the Sun, at Balbec, painted by 'David Roberts, I.A. The canvas is an ...


... LITEr ARY ITEMS. bs Vox Clamantinan, the book which is just a of chrsisiyad8cam a nec-oming outs and which deals with the problem c Minister), the Rev. J. J. Adderley (autherof 8 a V Stephen Re xars), Richard LexGaienne, B Lewis Mors, Alfred Russell Wallace, A. LI. 7 6t Fletcher (editor of the Daily Cicie), Tom 7 e Mann, Henry Arthur Jones, Professor Shuttle- 7 g worth, and the new Dean of ...


... i TE S E HORSE SHOW.l I- - - - . Brilliant weath favoured the opening of the 16th annual London show of the Shire Horse Society at the Roya Agricultural Hall, Isling- ton, yesterday. The attendance was extremely good. .Anong the exhibitors are the Duke of Westminster, the Earl of.Durham, Earl of Elles- mere, Earl Beauchamp, Lord Belper, Earl.of Dysart Lord Egertoi of Tattoo, Lord Hoth:f:eld, ...


... mn for !S, a 6ble fre- lved boy ime 2ur- one iger off, the ?? a ant. 3ent ;o a ,ned his and vith the the mlly ones that as a ling the 6d. Boys ran. der, the aded He and 887, g to i he Y.- the :rty, g at )pli- ptcy his con- ired one ort- dto the the ork- ;ter- was vice iith- in- ROYAL COURT. The success which has followed the production of A Gaiety Girl is so pronounced that few words are ...


... HOLDEN'S FANTOCHES AT D PRINCE OF WALES e anc On Saturday evening a large audience got assembled at the Prince of Wales Theatre, which wae reopened with the production by M1r. ,, Thomas Holden of his marvellous Fan- , toches. It is many years since these s exquisitely manipulated little wonders of mechani- Ho .e cal skill have been seen in Liverpool, and st e. during that time Mr. ...


... SHAKESPEARE. 1 The Triumph of the Philistines is a faint e reflex of Saints and Sinners.' Mr. B. A. Jones P is a most prolific writer for the stagse, and peradventure he may have forgotten this one of his earlier pieces, for its title does Dot figure in the enumeration which graces the outer and inner a peges of the printed book of The Triumph of the Philistines. It is difficult to ...


... LITEMARY NOTICES. of hl IrIsh Dreida dcd Old Irish ReIgion& By ohie, James 0Bonwiek, F.RG.S. (London : Griffith, t Farran, and Co. 6s.). Theautor of thiswork, Sp . -whose pen has covered a tolerably wide range 4(nn ,e, of s4bj0cthas compiled one of the meet com- goasi thendiou5books extant uponl the Draidism of Writ( th, island He views Ireland, fram an read k, antiquarian and ethnological ...