... I's Drawings intended for the annual exhibition to of the Liverpool Society of Painters in Water if Colours must be delivered at the Walker Art Gallery on Monday, May 6. Candidates for membership must send, in addition to a written application to the secretary, by the 21st of this month, three specimen drawings to Mr. Jack- to son, Slater-street, before Saturday, the 4th of -May. to The ...


... SpiritdZ Law in the Naatural World: a d divine philosophy applied to the solution of d pro jand problems of the nrteral and &piritu4I e world. By Edmund Swift, sen. (Eiliot Stock, tLondon). This book-which belongs to our I local literature-is by a writer who is careful to show, at the veon outset, that he views the o world around us as a domain of effects, the - causes of which lie outside of ...


... IIMAGAZINES FOR DECEMBER. The contemporary Review (London: Isbister and Co.) is a very fall and entertaining number. The opening paper is upon Mr. Stanley's rear column, and discusses the verdict that should be delivered; but even the writer does not l himself come to a definite conclusion. In Darkest England is reviewed in a critical spirit by Francis Peek; and State Socialism and ...


... I- 5 AN OLD ACTORS SCm BtOOKS of Fr . I .- -. yve Some idea-of the pezzooality'of the elder Chip- h, in- pendale may be gathered from the subjoined d aid biographical sket, which. appeaed in The in m-. Origia Theaial Observer of February 12, 1822' t , a tiny journal which Wvas Printed -at Four, I e Suffolkesteet,Sor tie ORIGINAL Editor, and s ey the motto on the title pag of whioh was in of ...


... CHRISTMAS SHOW OF FAT AND . I DAIRY CATTLE. ci,- dd tridor the auspices of the City of Liverpool and ho District Cowkseepers' As,-cimtion, the tenth ng anneal how of fa~t and dairy cattle took place ~ ad yesterday en the North Havinarizet. The show odhas attained a very high stand1ard, and in somea to quarters is spoken of as the best out of , 'n Liondon. This year the number of e'ihihits sy ...


... o a At the annual meeting of the council of the a p Liverpool Society of Painters in Wate-colours, h a held on the 21st instant, the following officers n a were re-elected: President, Hampson Jones; Kl treasurer, R. Talbot Kelly. R. H. Walker a L and R. Hartley were appointed auditors. I 1 The treasurer's statement and secretary's p report showed that the change from E a close to an open ...


... THE PROPOSED NAVAL EXI TION IN LIVERPOOL The monthly meeting of the Library, Museum, antd Arts Commnittee of the Liverpool Corporation was held yesterday morning in the boardroom at the Free Library, William Browvn-street Sir W. ?? Forwood presided, and the other members present were the Hev. HL H. Higgins, Dr. Cominins, MY.P. and Messrs. Willink, Lea, Rod- Nvay, P. H. Rathbone, Grant, and ...


... LITERARy NOVTICELS The Great Bce 9 l t Tourisd Gnds g th Continea, iltS f r guide will hardlysuprsede the methodica . ' but peteso }3aedeker. But on o r cipal charms of tfiooi tha it 1* one it hquie, ?? .edta :r msooua In wehlct ill sO r h a1fb a volume is allott to Holaand awl ellunz;bu n while the sights of Amsaerdam and Iottedam, Y of Brusisel and AntwerPgre ?? otd, : Inot leqs space ...


... THE THUTRES Divers opinions were expressed ms to --The of aes ',wii thssfinewo had ocxupied the ?? a of a conedy-wich. e is utbd noonvenwnL One o~f the me rS i i Dte a period in whiich. t there is a strivmig ate- moement on a higher . n pbsn, sof-as~ thstgi cocreM PiM , ?? by keen perce of the pretensions and the o- g -ranra w =ich are thre altetziationa of dhaly I ,6 life. has ontraived a ...


... A1RT NOTE&. Next. Tuesday, in hig stad%, PoolI-k D V South C'aatle-4treet, Robert Fowler, RL, w'ill place on exhibition a. niall buit important col- e lection Of pictures and dra'wings, some of which | - are intended for the forthcoming metropolitan 1 and other exhibitions. In the irsb room, the r decorations of which are uaique, is a strarge, mystical, and impressive. cpri gt picture repre- ...


... THE SPRING SHOW. I T'he tenth spring show of hyacinths, tulips, R azalea, and forced hardy plants, under the PI I auspices of tbe LiverpoolHorticultralA ciation, s was held yeterday it 5t. (eorge's Hall. Generaly speaking, theshow Sw8 5jaell to that of any prerious L -pring exhibition, and perhaps more bloam was notieed than usual. This w3s especially gratifying seeing tbap the date of the ...


... LITEARY NOTIM. Master DonI Gsaado. - By lam g Vg e author of The House by the Medarree, A . Tracslation by Mary A. Criig In to vu i (21s. London: Osgood, Mtflve, and Co.). It is only after this novel las been perased to d the end that its endurable, qualitie will be d I appreciated as they should be ; for, apart from a is plot which increases in intensityfrom chapter , to chapter and towards ...