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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OP THE POET WORDSWORTH. It is with feelings of much regret that we announce the death of William Wordsworth. The illustrious poet breathed his last at noon on Tuesday, by the side of that beautiful lake is Weetmoreland, which his resi- dence and his verse had rendered famous. We are not called upon in his case to mourn over the untimely fate of genius snatched away in the first feverish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ACCOUCHEMVIENT OE HER MAJESTY. 3BIRTH OF A PRINCE. On Wednesday morning, at twenty minutes after eight o'clock, the Queen was safely delivered of a prince. In the room with her Majesty were Prince Albert, Dr. La- cock, and Mrs. Lilly. the monthly nurse. In the rooms adjoining were the other medical attendants, Sir James Clark and Dr. Ferguson, and the Ministers and officers of state summoned ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF SIR R. PEEL. We Toe confi dent that the public will participate our i and deep feelings of regret at the untimely death eat statesman aend an accomplished man. Sir Of a t peel long the head of a powerful political party, obereeatea father of a talented family, and the adored v f a devoted wife, is no more. After hours of ?? 5offarilgd he expired in full possession of all his ptses at nine ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... prATI0 OF THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. We ret to have the painful duty of announcing in l coluiron the death of the Duke of Cambridge, est son of the late King George III., and uncle Ouseteen. Hisroyal highness expired shortly before fthe, lok Monday night, at Cambridge House, e dilly, after a short and painful illness. a seare informed that his royal highness wis attacked indisposition on the 18th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIR R. PEEL A .WOA .S .. . . * The mortal remains of Ptei, the statesman, were this afternodn consigned tU their last restinq-plsee, in the small church o Drayton Basset, two mles and a ahlf from this town. Twenty years have gone by-a period of tispe fraugh, with gigantic domestic cbangaiensuce the vault ?? now received the statesman admitted the man wo fosdded the name and fortunes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . D~AT 91 A- 2LQVAB. But a few, a Tvel few days have elapsed since we briefly recorded a tribabe of respect paid by the public to the professional and private merits of lrsa. Glover, on the oeccion of her benefit at Dirt lane Theatre. The result of the struggle of feeling she0then underwent, sussradded as it was to the ?? causes which had uadermiaed her strength, was, that Iter. Glover sauk ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D1EATHB: OlP TR4 RZOORD:. OP LO1RDON. The announcement of the deathkdf the ,}ln. Charles Ewan Law, M.P., will creatt a feeling'not, nore of regret tthan of surprise. Not much beyond the' Primne of lifie, and seemiingly.itt the enjoyrent'of hil andj lorid'health, the late recorder~not very-long since was engaged in per- forrning ;tbe. duties et his official 'offlce, HFe has now suddenly been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iMATH OPF ,TE .'WX L0a :BNGLAN . -, ~We tregret to ainnnce the.dqatl of the right holi Sir Lauscelot'Shadwell, Vice.bnCe!1Or oi Englard who expired at an early hour -on-aturday morning at his residence, ?? Elnmes,Putitey. It cannot be said that this ,event zWa' unexpected, Sir Launcelot Shadwell having been' for 8oset~iose seriously ill. It is now about a ?? ince he was suddenly seized on his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH oP VISOOUNT ALFORD, M.P. With much regret we announce the demise, after a protracted illness,of Viscunt Alford, M.P. for Bed fordshire, who expired at eight o'clock on Thursday evening at Ashbcidge Park, his lordlship's seat, near Hemel Hempatead. The Marquis of Northampton, the Earl Compter, and other family counexions, were staying vith his amiable wife at the time of his dissolution, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF VlSCQUAT.ALPORD, M.P. [From our latest editions of last week.] With much regret vie announce the demise, after a protracted illness, nf Viscount Alford, M.P. for Bed- fordshire, who expired at eight o'clock on Thursday evening at Ashbridge Park, his lordship's seat, near Hemel Hempstead. The Marquis of Northampton, the Earl Compter, and other family connexions, were staying with his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Jan. 2, at 66, Shepperton Cottages, New North-road, Isling. ton, the lady of Mr. Henry L. Cavallero, at a daughter. Jan. 8 at Deal, the wife of Julius Brockman Backhonsa, C B., late Captain and Brevet Major Bengal Artilhtfy, of a daughter. Jan. 6, at Upper Chapmuan-street, Coinrereal-road East,the wife of Mer. J. Clark, of a daughter. Jan. 7, Royal Circus, Edinburgh, on the 7th iust,, ...