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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i THE LATE MR. GEORGE DAWSON. Thoe Manchicster Fa7miniter, referring to tile lamented death of Mr. George Davsosi, says :- Birmingham will not have a monopoly of grief, for thero is scarcely a town il England wvlaerisi George Dawsun was not known and regarded among a large eirole of people. It is ehiefly as a lecturer that Mr. Dawsos Nvill be hold in kindly remnemi- brance, because it is as a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A charge of ONur Summn,-esr, )llcprepa, is made for notimes r' BIinrivs, TilltaitrAtims, anld DtATlJI1 that (10 not cxceel 2I words. Every ?? ten words, or parts of ten, will be charged Sixpenee extra. All stteh annouoencements must te authenticated by the naime and adaress of the sender. BIRTHIM. A9N-IAtLr,.-Os the 7th htot., t., ?? Road, Aeock's(iepr, thaiwho of I ae ft' Corgl Aishraill, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR'tHS, afAflTtLAi;ES. DRATITiI.--A churie of ONyE 5i11ttlt' ie.piu, 12' Tro Sn.n.tsea if mentorS, in b :re t ndit irielntnl ni llia'tiaa, fitasr~ietlr;, cant 'le:.a D tlt'.A . oul ?? invidi ulls), be authetictleatt b)y the nuni and adtdret - - stuider. PItustiigr staiips n ay be telt in payluelit. GninyFty.-01n tile iI'U ilt., at i fil Huie, tlattbrrlt c nife rt X F. (4ri. .t I' of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? NOTICE. A. charge of ONE SnzrAoiN, preprail, I.s made for notices of BootTMS, 3lAaniea2Es, and DeATbs that do not exceed 20 words. Every adlitional ton words, or parts of ton, wvll be charged Sixpence extra. All .sonh annolucemonts must beo autheoticatod by the ntme and nrerdrees of the sendor. BIRTHS. DURRANT.-Oll the 8th inst., tt ?? Snow Eiill, In this town, the weic of Tiros. Al. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f TIM DREATH OF DR:: f i . The m dical~proqession of the iMlid1 'l.'si h'tj lust Thtoe ofis dnt is~sn iiishad ;enib4so ]Vei miglit;in. leed, write of Dr. Evans as the snest eminent snembser of ais profession, without passisig beyorn the boundaries of truth, and, without doinr injustice to compeers_ Very rarely bas it fallen to the lot of a profvaieoal physician tp occupy so great a place ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W o NOe Of MUarrage ?? E'thMs ge chargS IR, le.cb pre . BIMTHSS. z Ontho8thirna, at The Distriot Hose, Smethwiok, rs8.TH1oMAs nENE, of a dauiater. On the 8th inst., at 2, Summer Row, the wite of D. 0. LLOyD OWSN of a daughter. OD tale Bth I ut, at Kenley-in-hden, the Wif of W. ENDALL, of R daughter. UARRIE. h On the 7th inst., at Edebaston Pariah Chureh, (by the Rev. Isaas V SpFaser, ?? 1dr. J ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WHIZ RETURN OF BIRNIS & DRATMS IN THE BOROUGH OF BIRDIN9A&M 52ND n WKr, 1870, In the week ending last Saturday, 4,432 births, and 3,710 dleath; were registered in 17 of the largest English tows, ncudie ondn.The birhoa exeded by 121,andl the deaths by 653, the average weakly numbers la the ten 7ear 1851-60, corrected for Inmrase of population tote middle of this yewr. The deaths showed an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EVES HA. I DEATni OF A41 Al OZI.IE AN,-On Saturday lst OMr. Alderman Oswald New dihed at his Losidan residence, at the age of sixty years. F(or many yeals Mlr. New had beeis an aliermian, ani he wae also M:syor of the bdrorau for two years in sucecssion-1S73-4. Ho wasi a Liberal Con- servitivo in politics, and a mnember ol.the Unitarian church in the town. - TIPTOX APPI.1ATION ?? AN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DPAT17.-A elimrge of ONE SBUMLLXE, =erepiid, snd Two SHILLINGCSt If bookod. is miade for announce- monts of Jiirths, DlarriNa1ea and Deaths. All such announce- mnouts mnut be authouentited by the name and &ddresa of the sender. P1etages almpa may be sent In payment. PIRTII. LEANT.-OI) the 4th inst., the ivite of Cbarles Loan, Moseley, of a son, thil-boris. MABIUED. Hxlvns ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS MARERAGIS DEATHS.-A charge of ONr SHILLI.x srepiai and Two SsiLatreio if booked. is mrnde ftr aunfl=t menta of Birfths, Marriages =rne Deaths. AU auch amn?, t ment3 most be authenticated by the name arid addres cd:i sender. Postuge stnis may bo sent In paymeat. 51AARIED. BALL-33noWs.-On the 1?)Sh hist.. at the Church of Si&. Peter lPaul, ?pinghrim (by the Rev. Worshipful William Wrnez ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? NOTICE. AI charge of O4CF i SHILLINs, prepo7itt, is made for notices of BDurts, Ml1snurUaMIs, and DPAThs1 that do not exceed 20 words. Every additional ten words, or parts of ten, will bes charged Sixpencs extra. All such announcements must be authentfated by the nelno and address of the seuder. BIh'THS. HolIvr.AY.-On the 16th inat., at Daslaesford, Selly Park, the wift of ?? il. Heolway, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BItTHIS, hlARRTAfES, DEATFS.-A charge of Per .81U:N.. pressi, tant Two S5IMLLIXGOO LI booked. is male f, : r.oimi =eistaof Birtlin, Marriagas, and Deaths. All such ame;- msenti ?? be authentieat -d by the nname 00d adidlcf 51 i Nsader. leostags stampp nosay be sent in paymeut .BIRTHS. Amrs.-On tlie 5th inst.. at Albert Drive, Cro;hlli, MinagEor, M. Johll Arlm, of n daulgl~tcr. Brlrrox-on tbe ...