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... , POET RY. ON A DEAD INFANT, Yes, this is Death, but in its fairest form, And stripp'd of all its terrors, That clos'd eye Tellsuothiung of the cold anid 1iungry worm- That holds his revel feast on frail mortality. Yes,- this is Death-but like a cherrb's sleep, So beantiful, 80 placid. Who of earth (And tasting earthly cares) would wish to weep O'er one wsho has escap'd the woes of mortal ...


... I ,~l .- Biachwood.-4' notice of this magazine will be found in our Agricultuiritl columns. : lodge's Poskirdits of lluisiriou' Personaaes, Vol. 1. H. G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-Garden, London. A truly pbpular editton of a 'very wvell known work. We quote the .follo'ipg 'frm an Oceount of one who is very celebrated irs'the annals of English ?? Arne Bullen. Anne's short-lived grandeur ...


... TIHE DRAMA. Q A rich treat is promised the lovers of the Legitimate Drama, at sin ,our Theatre, next week, by the limited, and, we reget to add, sin a the last engagement of the ?? tragedian, Air Ce Macready. 'rO say that this distinguished gentleman is the in greatest Shnksperiiin actor of his day ia hut to assert one, and 15n1 that not the most important, of his claimn to the support of e ...


... SUITABLE CONSIDERATION'S-At a public dinner where his health had been drunk, Constable told him that he should have made a Epeeoh, instead of merely returning thanks, when Chan. trer repled, How mny persons do you think were in the room Who thought me a fbol for not speaking ? and how many would have thought me afool if I had ?? Life of Clantrey. ToE LIGIT OF GENIUS.-In going from the parlour ...


... Tottrltp. FAIRY LAND. Oni I long'd to visit Fairy Land, In Youth's first openitig dly; And I soughit to tind tile glittering road Wherever I chanced to stray. I sought It In tbe leafy glen. And by the streanlet's side- Beneath the spreading hawthorn tree, Asid o'er ttse moorliad wide; And though the golden Sunmmes tinte Was brighter far than sIow- ThougIL misltc dwelt in ever)y tree, Perfumet ...


... Uterantre. The Ch'Iirch-Goer. RIffral ides; or Catls at Couistsy Churches. Second Series.-J. Itidler, Bristol. The Churcih-Goer has gained for himself a local celebrity; even on those who have never had the pleasure of seeing him, his individuality is as strongly impressed as is that of Sir Roger de Coverley, or any other veritable character. For ourselves, we do not possess the merit of being ...


... P OETRY. NEW YEAR'S THOUGHTS FOR 1860. Bty TMEi .UTHUO OF 'THE PAtTRICIAN'S DAUGlHTER.' Unconquered Time! who knvow'st nor halt nor bourn,- With unietarded wiog, unnoting eye, Thou near'st the lamd.mark where the nations turn Their gaze on half an age of destiny. Another fifty ?? dust of thrones Falls scattered from thy pinion. Fame and death Their dissonant cry of paeans of groans- Are drow ...


... _ ;7 , - I 2; R I . E .. , .. .. , GRAWDFATE.B'S [PRj ENiffle Au oldU aa'sat in' his satijue chair,' ' ' * Searcbing his lockeis, ind ewpt'ibg their store; A roeyfaced ?? hairi.:, Accepted the ?? ?? ,qer., Sadh'ciaud-)? d .on go way, * .Util yei'-egte 'm ?? to Th2 , atjyettve ?? {-Aal rayW~2'''J TheD the oldi'man drew the yoath 'tbhis'side, And with cheerful humduiuthus comrplied:-- Into ...


... Twelve Chapters on Nervous Head and Mind Complaints. t By the Rev. W. H. Moseley, A.M., L.L.D. London: a Simpkin and Marshall. a The fact that this is the ninth edition is good evidence these chapters contain information of sterling value. We a would especially point oat that this edition contains a E new chapter on the difference between nervousness and %s insanity, and an appendix, ...

The Drama

... St'e Z1rama* On Monday last Mr. Macready, the great tragedian. as he is emphatically and justly designated, commenced a final en- gagement at our Theatre, and drew together a crowded audience. T'he occasion was indeed one of more than usual interest. There are salways melancholy associations connected with the word f farewell, and the withdrawal from amongst us of one who has administered ...


... do ttO,. THLE WtECK S)F IIArINESS. I SAW at tilny. little boat I lititctt'l oin Iife's sparlding stream; fair Weas the marnl anI brighit the sky- t BIrighit aa at inaint's dreall, U A tiny oey was there, I woeen, lft uidle that boat along; s Atl nierrily-right merrily V 1lia voice burst forth ill song. s And ?? ?? Joy beami'd on his brow, Titat lne'er 0tdl knowvittltl rcss, Wiile oil thie boat ...


... ,ILt Utratltrc - The Dublin Uniirversity cr/rviain, ANo. CCr_-W. S. Orr & Co., 147, Strand, London. Tile ¢Irisit Blaekwood opens the year with a good array of literary matter. 'TIhe first puper is devoted to the subject, which some patriotic Irishmen and strenuous Catholics have chosen to make a vexed qoestiun, of the autl'enti ty of the bulls of Popes Adrian IV. eund Alexander 111. making ...