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... Orig inal. ?? -F] HYMN FOR THE EARLY SIRVICE, GREAT GEORGESTRERT CHAPEL, NEW YEARS DAY, 1850. ar By T1an REV. DR. RAFFLES. tb tv With songs of thanksgiving and praise, tb Again In thy courts we appear I fr The glad hallelujah to raise, Us And welcome tho dawn of the year. We eave witnessed the last of the old, pI Its days are all numbered and tied, at And now, with its mercies untold, l I ...


... M ?? C. The Practica? Sin qing Tvto,. Twenty-four progressive Studies from the Commencement, for Soprano or Tenor. BV HENRI PANOFRA. Notwithstanding thn number of elementary works extaut i every branch of musical tuition, yet the field is not so fully occupied as to leave no room for useful additions In regard to singing, many of the best and most celebrated books of instruction, studies, and ...


... GREAT EXHJBITIO.N OF TBlE WORKS I OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NA TIONS. MONTHLY REPORT OF PROGRESS. [FROM THE JOURNAL OF DESIGN AND SiANITFACTURES.] Manufacturers and all who are disposed to promote the Exhibition have now the assurance unmistakeably before them that some exhibition will take place; and it remains with them, and them only, to determine whether it shall be large or small, worthy of the ...


... I'UE£rY-ORIGINAL ANlD SXHAV'. LINTES FOR htUSIC.-TI'E FAIRY ISL 13, I shelil never forget that fitirv isln, With its xvotcrs so ponv 2iully flowing; Nor tl-e sit,'s ever bright beam;ing smile, Wiith wvhoqs fulgenre the ocean xivs glowing. I strayed on its verdure chld( shore, No sadness mv pleasur I nying For I thought of 'IO 50110 uo morl, Wi hena al things around tule were joyiog. I shell ...


... INST ?? ?? W Mie last of.-*eur*se of sindeoturos es, tbe. national musio rlf 1tiaKdd'- 'wandalivered last evening in the lecture hall of Cti~e~ech~ahics';iltiliolt by William Murphy, jun., Esq., ?? numerous'and res- I pqctahle, comprising a considerable number of ladies. The lebtiiret ' ieotttientd by referring to the bards during the Neign's Fofl lnry tbe Eighth atid Elizabeth, and gave a ...


... ?? Rurdl Cyclopedia. A. Fullarton and Co., Edin- bac one tburgh London, andI Dablin.T tOV This valuable work, editedby the Rev. 3. M. Wilson, ary 'ere, is now-completed, in four large octavo volumes. TIhe eilj1 P (r author has succeeded in bringing together, in a very tier t r con'ciseotind practical ithape, a 'vast amount of information up d,,d applertaining to farm'rng, gardening, the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ja5ijim alia Farfctic,5. THE COURT. TOn Queen, Prince Albert, and the juanior branchies of the Royal Fainily, reinalbn at Windisnr Castle, ill the niinterrupltetd eajoymeot o;f good health. The gaieties of the Christmas season were dispcensed with, it, consequence of the lamnclited death of the Queen Dowager. Their Royal [lighioesses the Duke and Duchess of Ne- mours paid a visit on Friday ...


... T FT T T T W asT I * vl fw XT n T. T) fice the JTLLIEN'iS CONCERT. and Jule Lde Jullien flint concert took place on Friday evening ley, last, on whic'n occnition the atteuidance was more hnume le- riourt than wre have hitherto obsierved * airrost ail theritalls n e in the body, the boxeti, and riallerien were occupied by a iffs brilliant aneremblage, giving a tout ensemble to this noble out ...


... ------- ratbirw's. Nia. 1. HGoo'n's INSMUtroIZ. Palrt XXII. Edinltirgh: Ja,,,es flrrg. This valuable pnrio.lioal, wve are happy to observe, is begil- ningP to add to the list of its sisual contributors some very cele- brated names; among others, those of Thos. De Quindey, better known as The English Opium Eater, whose chapter on Logic is both a profouid aud original essay; and Miss Fran- ...


... 4-OnIt(tiolvd. tI DIRGE FOR THE YEAR. Orphan hours I the year is dead, t Come and sigh, eome and weep; Merry hours! smile instead, For the year is but asleep. See, it smiles as It is sleeping, Mocking yonr untimely weeping. As an earthquake rocks a rsem In its coffin in the clay, So white Winter, that rough nurse, Rocks the death-cold'year to-day. Solemn hours ! wail aloud For your mother in ...


... FASRIONS FOR JANUARY. (From the Loadyss ewerpaper.) ut GENEIRAL OBSERVATIONS ON FASHION AND DRESS. s f Silk and satin aRc, as usual at the prescnt seasOn, among tho n most favourite slateiials for evening costume. For walking- ddress, HJUDOes of'ilk aro very suitable; but for evening or din- nor cestumo a lighter kind of trimmuring is requisite. Lace l fiounces and bouillonloges of tulle the ...


... LI T ERA RY If O TI E. The L-il sri- LUrv ii. Part 2S. C. Kiaight, 90t Fleet stroet conlainiq a cc-il dii nnticr of North Wales. The cal-bmat-d scoen rv far wlich Wiles is sn rearlawned, is ideqeriha~i in aey plasi g style; as a ?? we -extrct tlhe followiwzt- S-tmvflon -the chief mnantain of 'aleR -tbhe hih- -cot atila an elo onilh far ile F ith-weil of rourse be no- rr NW l , 'I'l Tel e m e ...