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Advertisements & Notices

... I X N E F O R D S The best remedv for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Head ache, Gout, and Indigestion- r Fl T~¶ 1 * and safest aperient for delicate M A G A TEx N r SI.A* constitutions ladies, children, f ~~~and infants.'f SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.. CAUTION-See that DINNEFORD & CO. is on e-erv Bottle and Label. 25508 ASK FOR DUNVILLE'S SPECIAL LIQUEURP AT gil Best Hotels, Restaurants, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Ch tr tAucion. Booms. flay 4Thudy), at Eleven o'cloek. VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD APPOIT- r wTS trf.6t d o!elht v dad e~n cottage I anofmtes, byonmngton and Weston sannington, and t ptbers, in choice walnutwood aseo Spanish mahoa bookcase and Se taire l-class bedroom suites of LI tmlemient, in American walnotwood and sh; handsome true Pensign bedateads, and other artioles. On view prior to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TOADVERTISERS. Th Equr OfEe is in Ece'alley, L )IECCE ofPREPAID DETShET (Irmntr n all other Miscellaileous Wants, ic bA yC 'The cha1rgeforPTREE CNSOUIV D~iY SS~i~N i _s O B SILLING. .Adverzaeli~lets of this clas that are booked will bei chargedth tinlSaeprice. Bueiness M11nounceinentoe lnoe',f-ed nad~er Sale by Private Treaty, 'Io be Let, wvae:ed, eec., will als be charged scale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3TRTHES, MARRIAGES, and DEATHS. m Nor qs anpeaxrmue und.ra, thiti ?? areeburved lnf .itrn mlI In ilte of 29, 6d. for 30 words and id for Cfch R-ldlitiona.l word, and must be prepuid. N7 notices of this description will he iisorted unlvs- R1tljenjticatel by the nazme nldnddrossofthe sudet or forwrarded throneim a tolici tor er aratgent or cor respondentof the Wpsrpr.T MAL.. IN MEMORIAM. eW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tlgahc&ddces- FURN ISHIG.' IE.PO I ..~~~Telephone 314, DEALISATION SALE. 80' IDISSOLtuTrox OF TKE PA.RTNER =3I OF pa RAY & MILES. S~ Newai rsRETIREMENT OF,; ALDERM&NL 'MLES, 6nI itled t j- tew- £80,000 To £90,000 61~ C oy WORTH OF LI1 ONYU RI SH ING G O00DS57f OF MUST BE RFALISED) THIS ?? wied wa Fith T HE S ALE £1 B.~ Wl:L BE CO.N'rflEDpe 6pbs THIS A-ND FOLLOWING DAYS. ho, ?? ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? axr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3R3ablit %uju~etnmt%. nfEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. T, Under the manaf smerst of Mr. hf. H. 8St~Nlson, Jlun. 'TitRD WEEK and IMhlENSE SUCCESS of theo geat Adelphi Deraia. 'NO THOitROVUlIFARE, for which tho celc- kniled Actor, Mr. S. EMERY, and a new ind powerful Coumpany, havc been specially engaged. THIS EVENING lThursday), Juno 1I, will be produced, with now and elaborate Scenery, NO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11YAMJ and CO.'S gSUpErIOR1 CLOTHI[NG for JG ENTLI, IEN, YOUNGI GrnNTLxMNwN aed BOYS. BIRMN11MNIAi-21, 22, and 23, New Street. LOINDON-66 and G7, (Oxford Street. LEEDS-42, Ilriggsto and DEWSBiU~tY-Wastgatct. 1iTYAIR aw CO.'S PECU~LIAII FU, ES YTM kL 21, 22, and23, New Street. andl the 11onitiit wfich the hold ffiieMrht, lvoafacturvvx. ,an JW'boesulo DMaltirg, acle thema to oiler sueiotit~r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VHEAP PREPAID ADYBBTISRMENTA For ocn~ociilve Ifltertion8 cof the cehasses of ADVERTISEMENTS particularizedc below, the oIollowivng awe the chargea: a. d. Two 11ea nine vo-r rtoatline)0 6 Ditto Three intertions .I 0 Ditto Six ineertiisa . 1 6 Three axci fur~r lineR, O n ce. I10 D to Three insertione 2 0 Ditto Six insertions . 3 0 Thene alarges apply only ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CR.BAF F.iJEPAID ,ADV.ERTISEMRiWTS. For~ coneectitive hisertions elibte claaseli of ADVERTISEMENTS partdcularisd be]ow, tbe kv~owing axe the cebargee Twcs.Urmes (nine worns to P, BrnE) .. 0) Ditto Three inisertions .. I 0 Ditto SiX iaaenrtions . 1 6 ~Ttree antd f our limes, One 1I 0 Ditio Three insertions .. 2 I Ditto Six ineertion; . 3 0 Theqeo abaxges apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'1 THEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM, VPER TUE MANAGEAENT OF ML1t. MERCER H. SIMPSON. . lg0IiIOUS SUCCESS OF THE PANTOMIME. IFE Mmnager, honoured by a long series of Pnutorutimo so scet.e and the great supnort and eiioonragement atforded i1 tlt. ,ltiC of Ilirr inehait rat d itS vinIty, has this yerr emadea- tj morel to s0l pa0 All hiM previolis successful Pantomrnimes, and he is ra ilioe ?? that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d hLeLOWELL AND DAY, .r BOOKSELLIERS AND STATIONERS, y d 52, NEW VSTREE', BIR 11INGHAMr. a 1DIARIES FOR DESK, POCKETi ansd SCRIBBLING : LETTT', DUNN'S3 DE LA RUE'S, &c., it Plain anul Best Bindings. eIOWELL AND DAY, I21, NEW STREET. r _. r 181 . 1EGAME OF BEZIQUE w ith Rules ansl Iteciters isl3 ~ e Bs.. L Ts. tER., 21s.. and 42s I 1 ;'HOWELL AND DAY, 1 2. NEW STREET. v 1869). N~EW YEAR'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADY CASH for Household F urniture rana Furnikh. R ing goods of every deseriptioo. O.ld ?? Street (cooe ?? wiIPiTRCHASH, at a Oouoltry appllcetiooe ettented to. p A T E N T m E T A L LI A I R - T I G II T C O F F I N S ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHEIZ. And are strongly Recommended by Medical Men. Orders given at the Officee of the Patent Metallic Alr-Tigh Coffin Company (Inimted), 158 ...