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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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... ; Why is a fool like twenty hundred weight? W Why is .t Cockney sparrow like an article wvhicl has lately r attained to pobliC ithVOUlY ? Why is the son of William Tell like aL person who has 0 nearly met with Ft very serious accident? Why is a ?? likely to make a comnmnotion in the alphabet? . W hy is a meritorious action like a broken key n Why is a cat like an act ?? parliamrentt? , When is ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 723 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Lr At the midnight ot a closing year, an old mant stood at his . ;} window, and gazed( with a look of mournful despair up to Ut 11 the iunmoveable and ever beaming heavens, and down to tile It white and silent earth, upon wvlichi there dwelt no mortal so 1A i jolcess, so sleepless as hinself; for Isis grave was near hi- A' i it was covered with the snow of age, and not with the ver- lo dure of ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 928 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 'CIL; PRO;NOST1(CA'TIONX' oF HIGH TtlDES. THiE Ms ETRPo1L N.- Th11; title, .JI AttIcxc., pIcrtiill1x'pC I- s ver clnd arocicd tie Adeiphi WVtiiT acd iuugerticrd andi H ?? frocticth[ tihe Arciiish' ps Paicci's, icin-r the . ighest tflood-tli d sinct- tile prmc l cxigaticc of the pcredictiocc C tithct hiavec cctc'ci so mucnch cinccitc--es ia the pidhlie nicdc. At Deptterpo ldtberhttic cc cid ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2069 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SIR R. PETEE AND HIS FARMERS, | The forllowsing letter 1;as been adliressde by Sih 1t. IPel to thc eenant firmeties on his estate: -- r w1 wiish to comm unic ate ?? vou oil thc nire-ent itael i and lio prospect of aigricultiure so fa as thei concern our rela- tisos of andilord anue tenant, and I I now nit that I Could *lect as v better tiode of' Ceomnminication thale .his whicih I ha vle ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3581 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... - --IMP-RO-VEMEN-T . DrRBY IMPROVEMENT' ACT. On Saturday lat an adjourned meeting of the comtin- sionerg under the above Act was held it tht Guildhall, IV. EATON MOUSLtY, Esq., in the chair. The proceedings of the committee appoi tc d to receive ap- plications for thc ?? or secetf y and collector to the corn- mnissionors wxere read. Mr. Masieiry proposedttlsrt Alr. Josel) h Jonetbe ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2565 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... |I It ELAN)D. f The vvorl; goes bravoly onl. 1cspairing Protectionists are s aroused, waverers are pronouncing in favour of thei great national movement, and free-traders are desertg tshe ranks ini which they fought and won battles. The petition of Lord Glengall has already pretty clearly elicitedl the change which tlhas taken place in time opinion of the 11firimer advocates of free- atrade. ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1966 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

We have very great pleasure in referring our agricultural friends to the announcement in our advertising

... DERB1-0Y itER C Ur, Y, il DA'A,I 91S)AIY. TIJA\I A P' 2, t5.;0 ve havc verl.: grat plcamlire in t e .irgng our agricul- ! tural ?? to tlec announi mcnit is ?? advertising I .. ., . . . I . . .. . - columns of a meeting to ble tikd in DOrby, on Fridav week, biy the mrnembers of thie SotuTI; DE.iuYSv:Iu.:. SOI-EI. Fogl 'rCL OVRF.TF'TTN or AiuEtiuireit vi) Bmrr.u sur usrttY- A large attemdance ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2157 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THE R.V. ROBERT WHISTON, AND THE DEAN I AND CHAPTER OF RO;CHEFSTER. I On Friday evening last, a mieetirig was5 held irs the Grand Jury Root of tile Trown Hall, Deilby, '1 for tire purpose of openisig a pubilic subscription, and, expresasing synspatlry on t behalf of the R1ev. RonEKa Wsrrovos, whose exposure of thle s abuses of Carhedrafl rrsts has incurred'sis threatened expel- p slurs fronts ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3052 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I . - 11 I I --l IN !N'i ?? YCL - v~~ii. vt Fn'liwt 'vIt it' the a irges' benti * ?? ?? ib~iii ?? iaid Ill the r I. * 1 I'Iii 11tiC't i. ll to like di lger, ki.i a tahitii ?? 'IOIi!;W Ptisilt lilblicat toOS a f . ?? iii. ii livi i mlctndr goeN, ?? ?? i.! f ti' ex ijr cmploylneni i t' d v - 1 tidD I li'd i11t . li'illt tinhem.l Thi.Ie oil 'a K e Ill len ?? i' had li1.roti -h 1'it it e h t ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 757 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... MIDLAND REDUCTION OF SALARILES.-The fceessionl of nearly all the staff of this Company, on account of reductions in the wages, caised considerable embarrassment to the Com- pan)y. Happily it is now ended. Though we admit and admire economy, we do not like little sixpenny and slilling reductions. If red uctions in the staff are to be made, let it be ' by keeping no more cats than will catch ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 844 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 1l'ROTl'l0.rlCTION. MIEETIN(i AT EDENBIDirGr' KEiNT, A. tleetint), nosnerotislN :ittendetdl, of gentlleten favouralile letO 'irtlectioln to all bra lee-1c ?? Beitkh i industry, was ?? II We'dnesday aftertiont, oit thle Crown Itiii, thienbridige, frte lirpoese of forming a1 society. ti I ocluetie the plrishes 'if Edenl ?? PI'ettshurit, WL ?? 1st a, Cow den. Chtidsdingstonle, and 1 1 lieter, in ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3380 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... (ALCULATION FOR TILE CURIOUS. Suppose a person wvas to 1ay by, on the first week ir I 5(, one pin, and on the second Wletk twvo pins, on the third four, t on tlhe fourth eight, &c. doubling the previous weeks' aumount for a year (say h2 weeks), how many pins would he have at the end oC the year, and what weight would they be, reckon- ing eighty pins to the ounce ? l Answer-Four thousand five ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1850
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 750 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News