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ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. THE MARKET WEIGHTON RINGERS. To the Editor of the Yorkshire Gazette. Sir,—A letter ..

... the 24th ult., signed by a Yorkshire Catholic nobleman, Lord Herries, and also one from a minister of the Es*ab lished Church, who signs himself Rector of the Deanery of Harthill, in both of which are used language of strong condemnation against the rector of Market Weighton, for refusing to allow the church bells to ring on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. W. Langdale, who himself ...


... BRBDHURST.—Wednesday, the 6th, Twelfth day or Epiphany, hiving been chosen a suitable occasion for the village school treat, Bredhurst ou that day presented an unusually lively appearance. The children assembled at Kensley-street, whence they proceeded, bearing flags and vociferating lustily, through this village ; being join jd in their march several members ot the new church choir, which is ...


... LATEST NEWS. PREPARATIONS FOR WAR. The truth cannot be blinked—nay, for that matter, there is no disposition whatever amongst to blink it —that preparations for war are making as appreciably this side the Channel as upon the frontiers of Denmark. The Austrian and Prussian troops have received the order to advance. The Danish army of defence is being martialled in battle array, in readiness for ...

BIRTHS. Sept. 3rd, at Galleyden, Great Baddow, the wife ofthe Kev. George Iloyd, II. A., of a son. p Sei

... ?? 1, ?? 0,t ge l>^o, Chelmsford, the wife of the Key. \\ illiain Gibbens, of a son. Sept. 2nd, at Leaden Roding Rectorv, the wife of the Rev I nomas Parkes, of a daughter. lu^'n 1 ?? 1 Hawkins-atte-Well, Romford, the wile of Alfred Hamilton, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES. Sept. 1st. at St. James's Church, Colchester, bv the Rev R S. Cummins, Rector, Alexander John Wallace, 'Esq., to Julia' ...

BIRTHS. Sept. 2nd, at Leaden Roding Rectory, lhe wife of the Kev ' Ihonias Parkes, of a daughter. ?? *

... l \ u Havvliiju-aUe-Well, Roinrord, tbe wife of Allied Hamilton, Esq.. of a son. «r S _P ?? l0t,, ,\ at Sib,e H «d»«_h»m. in this countv, the wife of ?? \ illiers 1'owke, Ksq., of a son. Sept. 13th, at ivy Villa, Southrainster, in this countv the wife of lbomas Carter Wigg, Ksq., M.K.C.S , of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Sept. 1st, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, bv the Kev. Matthew Cassan Browne, A ...


... •Latest news. The Emperor left Plombieres on Tuesday morning, and went direct to the camp Chalons. Official intelligence reached here from Vera Cruz states that, on tbe 14th July, the French retook Urnpau. On the 23rd July, the chief of guerillas, Publita, was attacked by French cavalry, and killed, together with large number of his band. Arteaga has been routed. It is stated that the ...


... After a lengthened and patient investigation, the prisoner Southey has been found guilty of wilful murder, and sentenced to death. The circumstances of the case were sufficiently extraordinary to arrest public attention throughout the country. In the first place the number of the murderer’s victims was for above the average. The instances are, happily, rare, in which five lives are taken by ...


... ‘WEST RIDING QUARTER The Mitenmmer Generel Quarter Sessions West Riding of Yorkshire were opened at | Heary Wickham Wickham, Meq., of the Riding, Amoages th trates were Memm T. H. Ingham, Wm. Tyson, Timothy Horsfall, worth, Joseph Craven, Alfred Harris, L. W. ¥ George Henderson, W. W. Wickham, 0. H. Coicael Crompton, Frank Wormald, J. B. Green Ackroyd, Wm. Holdan, J. were the Grand Namie Kell, ...

1000 to 10 agst Red Shoes 'off.)

... 1000 10 agst Red Shoes 'off.) ENTRlES.—Handicap Plate of £5O. New T.Y.C.— Warrior, Sat ; 9st «lb: Neophyte. Claxton, each 41b , Wild Thyme. Cecrups, Qui Vive, Whitby, each 4lb; Ardniillo, Blue Mantle, each 21b, Duke of York, Forester, Medina, each set; Benhogli«», 7st 121b ; A D, Wagner, Usher, each 7st lllb; 7st Dalesman, CeTlerinc each 7st 91b; Mechant, Mazurka, each 7st 71b; Begum, each 7st ...


... LATEST NEWS. M. FOULD'S FINANCIAL nh]iß]iea Tbe financial report of M. Fould has The Minister shows that owing to a 45,000,000fr. in the revenue arismg taxation, the Budget for 1866 will balanced. Relative to the rectified 8 the Minister estimates the surplus revenu yielde y indirect taxes 90,000,000, and points resources. He concludes will also be in equilibrium. «oi .onsiderable expenditure ...


... • ' '* ; . J .. ■ •• v. ■ *T ►: i, ft* *•' O#^* directed. The have given - measure. When, hoir d v)r, propos ' ntvwtf rt# fcha earnestness of their amounting, as he to •** * .» , ; ♦hey have just syffrage,was .• pott|ellq|d desire by the Bacn _, dicU } ».- .; 1 fa alt'' ward, the position of made, but the* •’.acerity *ifl vatu .. . f ...