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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. At ANecastle, at All Saints, on the ]6th inst., Mr Joseph Marston, bookseller, of this town, to Miss Jackson, of Appleby, Westmorland.-At St. Andrew's church on the 23rd lost., Mr Ralph Chisholm, Ford Hill, Northumberland, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr Robert Clark, Lovaine-place, At .kytcn, on the 22nd inst., Mr Michael Snowdon, blacksmith, Greenside, 'to Miss Isabella Bowman, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHSES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. CATTRIlMOL21,-Jam 19, at Clspbamysa% Mrs. G. Caltterm of a 1 daughter. J OXE.-Jan. 21, at Hamilton-terram, St. John's-wood, the wife of W, P.P. 0oxe,?Aq., of a daughter. hi DUNCOMBE -Jan. 20, at the Viorag, Crowle, lnoolnrr, the 21 wife of the Rev. W. Dunaoorbe, of a sm. GIBBS.-Jan. 19, at Frognal, Hanpsted, the wife of HL HL Gibbs, G Eeq., ot a son. HOLXESDALF. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3Sirlljs. On the 19th inst., at Clapham rise, Mrs George Cattermole, of a daughter. On the 22nd inst., at Montreal, near Sevenoaks, the Viscountess Holmesdale, of a daughter. On lbe 16th inst., at Westbonrne grove West, Bayewater, Mrs Edmund Maude, of a son, which only survived two hours. On the 17th inst., at I South place, Knightsbridge, the wife of James Baber, Esq., of a daughter. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. eJan. 14, at Clifton, the lady of John Nixon, Esq. of Chelten- iham, nson. Jan. 14, at the Vicarage, Market Lavington, the wife of the oRev. Mayow Wynell Mayow, a eon. 5 Jan. 17, at Bolton, the wife ofthe Rev. B. Baekhouse, a son. Jan. 21, in Cornwallis-treecent, Clifton, the wife of John HI. shore, Esq. a daughter (still-born). Jan. 22,at Prospect-vi-la, Redland, Mrs. Chas. Colman, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [ADVERTISEMENTS.] The late Mr. Youatt, in one of his orations to the members of the Veterinary College, observes- that by the improvements in modern chemistry, the medical pro- fession are enabled successfully to treat diseases which were previously supposed as not within the reach of medicine. This truth has been manifested for many years, but in no instance of greater importance to man- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS.-At Bath, the lady of Capt. Longworth Darnes,a son. -At ier residence, Cheltenllam. Mrs.William Kent, a son (Still. a ?? Oak]ands, near Dursley, the wife of E. A. Freeman, I Esq.a son -At Chelsea, the lady of Henry Wm. Cripps, Esq. a t ?? wife of Mr. Win. White, Brimscombe. near SLroud, a t On-The wife of F. C. Armstrong, Esq. Kidwelly, a ?? t Glaslyn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARMAGEB, AND DETH&S BIiRTHS. AIFKEN I.-Iam 24, at Hangplae, the Wif of J. Mikeus, Esq., o a .daughter. - BAIRTLIlJen. 22, at Whetetone, MIdlx, the wife of r. T. e L1XBS.-Ja. 22, at Monks-park, Wiltse the wie of B. B. Beams, It Feq., Capt. 50th ltcgt, of a mn BUDINGYl.-an 22. at the Retoery, Milbrook, the vffe of the PAY. T. Huraingham, of a daughter,. COXO-Jn. 19 at St. Paul's-road, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. 6th of December, 1849, at the Cathedral, Calcutta, Ed. ward T. Dundas, Esq., of the 19th Bengal Native Infantry, to Louisa Anna Maria, youngest daughter of the Rev. Mordaunt Barnard, rector of Little Bardfleld, Essex. 17th inst., at Rendlesham Hall, J. Tollmache, Esquire, M.P. for Cheshire, to Miss Duff, daughterof the late James Duff, Esq., and step.daughter of Lord Rendlesham, M.P. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 19th inst., ?? Vicarage, Bucks, thewife of the Rev. George Phillimuore, of a daughter. On the 20th lest., at Grove-road, Southseca, the wife of Captain William Foote, of the Royal Marines Forces, or a son. On the 22d inst., at the Rectory, Millbrook, the wife of the Rev. Thomas Burningham, of a daughter. On the 23d inst., at Wartling Vicarage, Sussex, the wife of the Rev. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Jan. 24, at the Cottage, Cumnor, Fanny, wife of F. H. Daweon, Esq., of a daughter. Jan. 21, at Crowell Rectory, in this county, the wife of the R Rev. J. Lindfield Roberts, of a daughter. . MARRIED. Jan. 22, at St. Mary-le-bone Church, Mr. Thomas Hilliar, to Frances, youngest daughter of Mr. John Dunphy, formerly of lBurford. DI ED. E Jan. 16, at Whitchurch, in this county, John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fla All Marriage: sent from a difstance must be authenticatdO 11 by the signature; of oee of our agets or by that of a hinie Iho 5 correspondlent. soc 3IvtOiz On the 20th inst., at the Vicanrage, Crewle, Lirlcolnshlre, the 0 lady of the Rev. WAY. DuNcomias, of a son. a On the 17th inst., at Barlow Hall, Liancashire, the wife Of Ost Wilt. Coroetris Itnoonal, Esq., of a daughter. X Ba the 23rd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, .F On the R rd ingstat the Cathedral, by the lc. W. Willson . A. Mr. Joseph Gaskell, of Grdenheys, to Miss Mary Ann Ajcloroft, ?? Brnughton . Onl Lhe23r-d-ingit. at the Cathedrall, by the Rev. Ni1. Wilson;, MA, Edward.0ee, Esq. of Liverpool, to Amelia Poehaino, daughter of :John Hi'-chi Eaq. of-Ardwicls. .On the 23rd inst. at Grosvenor-shreet Chapel, Vyte-e. Dr-- Clueje,; sMr. James ...