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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l - ?? Fswyoo-BRovriE-On tile 29th ult., at St. Jdamcso Church, Piccadillv, Frederick Georpc William Foaron, Esq., of her b Majesty's G Dth Regiment, to Isabel, second daughter of Rear c Admiral Sui .. J. Gordon Bremcr, R.c n, K.C-ci, and Leliet of t the late Captain Henry Sabir.e Blrosne, of her MaiLjasty'4 85ch : Light Infantry. s WEtcrn-PootE-On the 2ud icstant, at St. Pauls, Southsea, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? of potabie prsons. THE Hox. Mas OwvTWr CAVE, of Castle Otway, widow of the late Hon. Robert Otway Cave, and eldest daughter of the late Sir Prancis Burdett, Bart., died in Dublin on the 30th ult. Mrs Otway Cave was on her way to England when, about a month since, she experienced an attack of erysipelas; this, however, was quite subdued; but she gradually sank under the exhaustion which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lie li BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. 18. BcnrTnS.-At Severn Stoke, the lady of the Rev. H. rhilpott, mn a daughter-At Ilyde-house, near Stroud, thle wife of3Mr.Joseph1 ~eBowstead, at daughter-The wife of Mr. Jonah Hadicy, of thE, Lea-mills, Berkeley, a daughter-At Tynyecitrau, near Neath, le the wife of the Rev. Johnx Jones, Blaptist minister, a son--At IL Foxley,Worcestershire, the lady of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 2Sth nIt., at Tickenhall Vicarago, Mrs. Richardson Cox, of a daughter. On the 2Dth lIt., the wife of Captain John Tobin, North Glouces- ter Militia, of a son. On the 31st ult., at Rotterdam, the lady of James Gibson, Esq., of a SOII. On the Ist hist., at Taplow Rectory, the lady of the Rev. A. B. Strettell, or a daughter. On the lst inst., at Hlighfleld, Hemnel Hemipsteaed, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BFLL.-Jan. 2, at Gordon-square, the wife of A. Bell, Esq., of a daughter. CHENERY.-Tan. 1, at LaneboueWoodlands, Berkshire, Mrs. 0. Chenery, of a IOn. CHEW.-Nov. 9, at Seebpore, the wife of J. G. Chew, E-q., of a daughter. COCKBURN.-Oet. 28, at Cawvpore, the wife of B. Cockburn, Esq., Aasist.-Suegeon, of a son. DALLA8.-Nov. 8, at Madras, the wife of Capt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 25th ult., the wife of Alfred B. Richards, Esq., barrister. at-law, of Lincolu's-inn, and of Wassell-grove, Worcestershire, of a son. 29Lh, the wife of Mr George Fox, of the Carpenters' Arms, Stabford-place South, Pimliho, of a still-born child. 3Qth, at 40, Russeil-square. the wife of James Russell, Q.C., of a son. 31st. at 4, Windsor-terrace, Maida-hill, the wife of J. Stewart ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl thle 51.1 hist., at.-li, Chiaring crosi, thc wife of Orviils Bid.- duoiph, Esq., of ason. Onl thle 3rd inst., at' 13, Dcvotishire-stre~t, Portlinld-place, the lady ?? StatilordI 1. 35ortheste, lsq., of a soil. On the '3d inst., at B~righteni, thee% ilou of BS. Spencer Foiiett, Esq., of a sonl. Onl the 2d hist., at 7, 1'clhliamcreseent, 11astings, ?? Samuel Phillips, of a soil. Oin the 20th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - IRT H S. At Rotterdam, on the 31st ultimo, the lady of JAM GmaSOca, Esq. of a son. At 49, Castle Street, on the 1st current, the lady of Rowmn, BLAIR MAoCOocRIE, Esq. of a son. At 2, James' Place. Leith Links, on the lat current, Mrs W. H. CEcnEsRN, of a son. At 4, Smith's Place, Leith Walk, on the 2d curt. ?? PAm,. of a daughter. At 31,Scotland Street, on the 4th current, Mrs TaEn. SISEm, ...

BIRTHS. January 5, a

... t Park-view, Chapelized, the lady of Henry Knot Courtney, Esq, of a daughter. January 3, at Rathmines, the lady of J. A. Greene. Esq, of a son. December 31, at I alloo, coulty Down, the lady of Robert Stu Nicholson, Esq, of a Eon. January 2, at htahasane Park, county Galway, the lady of Thomas A. Joyce, Esq, of a son. MARRIAGES. January 5, at Halverstown, the residence of tire bride's motber, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN) DEATHS BIRTHS. REAM-Tn I t Highta, Hanel 8emptead, Mr IL N. HRd4 of a dAughter.' HOPWOOD.-Ja. 3, at Bothfl Rectory, Northumberland, thcij of the Rev. H. Hopwood, of a daugbter. PAYNEf.-Jan 2, ?? House, Fairlord, Glouceaterahire tb wffe of G. A. Payne, Ebq of L'nokn'ein, of a daughter. BFGG. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHT OF A YOUNG WOMAN FRomt IJURNING, Urt. nnd It becomes onr melancholy duty this week to yves record another death from hurning. ?? unfortunato rms individual in; this ease wrns a young %yoitnn named vell Elizabeth Jones, asled 17, whlo reshlbd with her sister, a married woinian in the upper part of Bath- uis road, near the Norwood Arms. She was qnmgaged our on Fridayevening, at litlf-past ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HARRFD- Lately, at the Regirter-office. Isinatton, Mr. Walter ; Skule, youngest son of Mr. Charles Skule, o' High Wy. cambe, 13uck), to MiRl Ellen F39ter, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Foater, watch-marnufacturer, of thil town. August 6, at Trinity Church, Sydney, Mr. John Browa t to Mica Margaret Drew, both of that city:- u In wved!tck':i lucky b ig, her hand c Fair 21airgatet thru: ...