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BIRTHS. Sept. 2nd, at Leaden Roding Rectory, lhe wife of the Kev ' Ihonias Parkes, of a daughter. ?? *

... l \ u Havvliiju-aUe-Well, Roinrord, tbe wife of Allied Hamilton, Esq.. of a son. «r S _P ?? l0t,, ,\ at Sib,e H «d»«_h»m. in this countv, the wife of ?? \ illiers 1'owke, Ksq., of a son. Sept. 13th, at ivy Villa, Southrainster, in this countv the wife of lbomas Carter Wigg, Ksq., M.K.C.S , of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Sept. 1st, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, bv the Kev. Matthew Cassan Browne, A ...


... W __-«•_ wu tabe great care to aecure the oorrect printing j ef Advertisements . we cannot be answerable for inaccu- racies, or for any oenssquenee. arising tbsrefrom. TO COBREBPONDENTB. Ite aottos can be taken of anonymous communications Whatever is intended for insertion must be written en cas aide of tbe paper only, and authenticated by the nam* aad address of tbo writer; not necessarily ...

at from ss. to 6a. per dozen

... LARCH, QUICK, AND OTHER TREES. FRUIT TREES, including Lancashire Gooseberry. &«, WHITBY BANK FOR SAVINGS Established in the Tear 1819. This Bank is open for the transaction of boslnea every Monday evening, from 7 to 8 o’clock, and every Saturday morning (for Country Depositors), from 10 11 o’clock, except on Bank Holidays. Deposits of one shilling and upwards are received, but must not exceed ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Graham.—On the l'2th inst.. at 9, Chesterfield Gardens, Loudon, Ladj ..

... a son. Thomas —On th* 13th inst,, at I*B, Greta Terrace, Scar- borough, the wife of W. G. Thomas, Esq., Captain j W.Y.K.V. West Bank, Heworth, York, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Black—Dcgglebt.���On the 13th inst., at All Saints', Scarborough, by the Re*. John King, M.A., rector of Crook, Durham. Robert Black. Dryburgh Villa, Malton. te daughter of the late William Dnggleby, j Beswick Hall, this ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Palme.*.- tbe March, Rangoon. the wife cf Francis Jerome Palmes, of ..

... -_HiTjY. -On the 21st nit., at St. Thomas's Chuicb, York, by the Rev. Octavius Walton, Staff Serjeant Alfred Ashdown, the King's Light Infantry, Ada, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Kirby, 5, Mansfield Place, York. the ,at St. Mary's Canrefc, Scarborough, by Rev. A. Bolland, Mr. Robert Joseph TlrccLra, Miss Hannah White, both of Scarborough. —On the November, St. Giles's Church, Albert Park, ...


... A grand-daughter of the famous Suffolk paintei Constable, appeared as petitioner in the Divorce Court on Saturday. Mr. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mine* has been classified in a German bibliographic magazine under the heading of Old Testament Literature '. A monument to the memory of Sir Bartle Frere has been erected in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. A sketch of it appears in the ...

BIRTHS. Brooks.—Dec. 22nd, at the Cottage, Mistley, tho wife of William Brooks, jun., of a sou. MARRIAGES ..

... BIRTHS. Brooks.— Dec. 22nd, at the Cottage, Mistley, tho wife of William Brooks, jun., of a sou. MARRIAGES. Amos— Bruce.— Dec. 17th, at the Parish Church, Stanway by the Rev. E. 11. Crate, Curate of Al.berton, Mr. James Stuck Amos, baker, of the latter place, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. William Bruce, farmer, formerly of Dony- land Hall. Colchester. J J BAKER— LEGGETTE.— Dec ...