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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Palme.*.- tbe March, Rangoon. the wife cf Francis Jerome Palmes, of ..

... -_HiTjY. -On the 21st nit., at St. Thomas's Chuicb, York, by the Rev. Octavius Walton, Staff Serjeant Alfred Ashdown, the King's Light Infantry, Ada, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Kirby, 5, Mansfield Place, York. the ,at St. Mary's Canrefc, Scarborough, by Rev. A. Bolland, Mr. Robert Joseph TlrccLra, Miss Hannah White, both of Scarborough. —On the November, St. Giles's Church, Albert Park, ...


... A grand-daughter of the famous Suffolk paintei Constable, appeared as petitioner in the Divorce Court on Saturday. Mr. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mine* has been classified in a German bibliographic magazine under the heading of Old Testament Literature '. A monument to the memory of Sir Bartle Frere has been erected in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. A sketch of it appears in the ...


... meeting in opposition to the wine and beer licensing scheme. Thursday rooming last, a numerous and influential Meeting of the citizens of York was held at the Guildhall, tor the purpose of considering that portion of the budget hich proposes to graut a licence for the sale wine and beer to eating-houses, and to adopt such measures thereon might be deemed expedient. There were present the jjon. ...

BLU-i-iIS,MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Booty.- On the inst.. at Rudston Vicarage, Bridlington, the wife of ..

... of daughter. UteACrsov. On tbe 18th inst., the wife of Mr. B. reporter, York, of daughter. MARRIAGES. —DAi/Tox. —On the 15th inst., at parish church. Bidford, Warwickshire, the Rev. James Bonitb'e, vicar of Wrangthorn, Leeds, assisted the KfcT. A. Evans, vicar of the parish, the Rev. H. Travis Bocltbee, curate of Eston. in this connty. to Mary Ancusta, only daughter of the Rev. G. Forster ...


... LATEST NEWS. M. FOULD'S FINANCIAL nh]iß]iea Tbe financial report of M. Fould has The Minister shows that owing to a 45,000,000fr. in the revenue arismg taxation, the Budget for 1866 will balanced. Relative to the rectified 8 the Minister estimates the surplus revenu yielde y indirect taxes 90,000,000, and points resources. He concludes will also be in equilibrium. «oi .onsiderable expenditure ...

FOR SALE, a Neat PONY PHAETON, in good Condition ; also a GIG, suitable for a Pony. To be seen

... at Mr. F. Walkbb's, Cab Proprietor, Blossom- street, York. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. THOMAS WALKER, at his Auction Rooms, in New- stbeet, York, on TUESDAY, Bth Junb, 180., at Seven 0 -look in the Evening precisely. LOT L Five SHARES in the York Union ?? Company LOT 2. *^ J Five SHARES in the York New Waterworks Company, and One NEW SHARE in tbe same Company. Tha first call ol £2 10s. per ...


... CORN MARKETS CORK, Friday.— Bed wheat. 12s 9d ; barley, il» w oats, 9s 2d ; white oats. 9s lod to 10s 3d. ' '•*■ DERBY, Friday.— Fair supply of wheat to-day wh remained firm at late prices. Other articles about th« _ ** DUBLIN, Friday. -Wheat, white, 35s 6d to ...

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Births ?not exceeding four lines are charged 2s. 6d. each. Marriages?special announcements ? are ..

... four lines; and exceeding four lines 6d. per line extra. Ordinary notices inserted free. Deaths?with the wqrds Friends will please accept this intimation, or similar appendage, will also be charged 2s. 6d. each; if exceeding four lines, 6d. a line extra. Ordinary notices inserted free. Notices of either kind must be verified with the name and address of the sender, or they cannot be inserted ...


... BRBDHURST.—Wednesday, the 6th, Twelfth day or Epiphany, hiving been chosen a suitable occasion for the village school treat, Bredhurst ou that day presented an unusually lively appearance. The children assembled at Kensley-street, whence they proceeded, bearing flags and vociferating lustily, through this village ; being join jd in their march several members ot the new church choir, which is ...


... Latest news.l affairs f > Tuesday.—A serious crisis exists in ' A Zola deputation, numbering nearly a 168 ftnd »llowers, now waiting a few Ration r an ience with the Governor. The ete *ayo' 8 » re rese the ex-King's party ; three / ,er chief rotherti ar present in person ;it also includes unn, who come to protest The de »y. tation without pass from the Resident, carp matterB m °re critical. ...


... ‘WEST RIDING QUARTER The Mitenmmer Generel Quarter Sessions West Riding of Yorkshire were opened at | Heary Wickham Wickham, Meq., of the Riding, Amoages th trates were Memm T. H. Ingham, Wm. Tyson, Timothy Horsfall, worth, Joseph Craven, Alfred Harris, L. W. ¥ George Henderson, W. W. Wickham, 0. H. Coicael Crompton, Frank Wormald, J. B. Green Ackroyd, Wm. Holdan, J. were the Grand Namie Kell, ...