... SCHEDULE of FINES, FORFEITURES, and PENALTIES, Paid or Payable to the TREA- SURER of the COUNTY of GLAMORGAN, from MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS, 1849, to EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1850. Sum j whom Name. Su™ P*>'able' 'to be paid, or paid. but not, Remarks. paid. Caerphilly. L. 8. d. E. I. d. 0 5 0 Committed. Thomas Thomas 2 0 0 Mary Jenkins 0 5 0. John Pembridge .• 010 0. William Phillips 0 10 ...


... Severa! alterations having taken place in the Arrival a.nd Departure ot Trains ou the 1st September, and the Returu Tickets being again attainable under certain restrictions at a reduction of One-l'ourt;i of the Douuie Fare, we have given the correct time a« follows JI t From Bristol to Paddtngton. From Paddingion to Bristol. Class. h. Ill. Class h.m. 1 & 2, Express 8 10 a.m.i 1, 2, & 3 7 5 a ...


... A RETURN of FINES, FORFEITURES, and PENALTIES, Paid or Payable to the TREA- SURER of the said Coonty, from the MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS, 1849, to and including the EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS next following. Sums Sums paid, less Name of Party. Clerk's C' Remarks, Commis- not paid. sion. r Borough of Brecon. JE. s. d. Thomas Jones. 0 10 01. John Jones. 0 1 3 Hundred of Builth. David Evans 0 13 ...

X.9VDoar sfrA&iaaTS, uo

... MARK LANE, MONDAY I&FTEBMOON, JAN. 14,1849. There was again a very moderate show of wheat at this morn- ing's market by land-carriage samples fJOfit thj neighbouring counties, and though the condition was much ioproved by the frost, the trade was very dull. Some of the best pareela were selected early, at rates similar to those curieat on this day week but a decline of Is. per quarter had to ...


... NEWPORT TIDE TABLE. HIGH VTATBB. DEPTH A* DAYS* TLORN. EVEN. OOCK GATES January, 1850. h. m. H. M. J'T. nr. 10 33 10 52 83 9 11 17 11 30 22 6 22. 11 44 12 23 21 4 23,Wednesday. 12 67 1 41 21 1 24, Thursday 2 18 3 2 2il 7 25, Friday 3 34 4 17 24 10 26, Saturday ..•».••••••• 4 43 5 22 27 5 ...


... FROM CARDIFF TO MERT H.YR AND ABERDARE. Week Days—At 9h. 30m. Morning; Ih. O,n. and 4h. 30m. Afternoon. Sunduys—At 9 i. 30m. Morning; and 4h. Om. After. noon. FROM MERTIIYR TO CARDIFF AND ABERDARE. TT'eei: Days — At 8h. 15m. Morning; lh. lù,n. and 4h. 40m. Afternoon. Sund,tys-At 8h. lorn. Morning; and 4h. 10m. After- noon. FriOM ARERDARE TO CARDIFF. Week Day;s-At Sa, 15rn. Morning; Ih. 10m. an ...


... Before T. D. Batdwlor, mayor, and T. Hughes, Esqr.s. punctuality. It appears necassary to inform the public, that this court opens precisely at ten o'clock, and that if parties are not then present, the cases are dismissed. This morning, tho following cases shared that late, from the cause alluded to:— Michael Murphy, charged with assaulting his wife. Wiliiam Davies, charged with stealing coal ...


... FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZErTE-BAKKnurTS. Edward Dixoo, Gravescnd, oilman Samuel Sutton, Old Bailey, hardwarcman George Stone, Oolchcster, ;;roccr Nelson John Ilolloway, iMinorics, clock manufacturer John Sewcll Oowin, Swaffliam, Norfolk, bookseller Charles Wood, Diichcling, Sussex, butcher Benjamin Jefferics, Worcester, boat builder Jesse Hilton and Jonathan I'isher, Koleshill, Warwickshire, silk ...


... BIRTlIS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Jan. 21, Mrs. Evans, No. 8, Nelson-terrace, Cardiff, of a daughter. Jan. 18, at Bonvilston, the wife of M r. David Vaughan, architect, &c., of a son. Jan. 20, at Evergreen Cottage, the wife of Mr. William Davies, head gardener to Thomas W. Booker, Esq., of Veliudra House, of a son. Jan. 13, the wife of Mr. Evan Thomas, butcher, Saint Fagans, of a son. ...


... L9NSON MARKETS, &c. MARK. LANE, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JAN. 21.1849. i We have a continuance of very hard frost. Out supply of English wheat was moderate this morning, our arrivals of foreign since this day week have been triflirffil but the French flour is again considerable this week, say 5,05? sacks. Whqpt was a very dull sale this morning, at a reduction of Is. per quarter from last Monday's ...