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... its resistless march, and In the peculiar helplessness of its unhappy victims. the 6th of October last, not long arrived in America from England, entered my new home, just completed for on a piece of railway laud in Saline county, lying tome seventy miles ...


... men had him removed. James Tarr—what an appropriate name!- one the oil princes, has died worth splendid fortune, even for America. In the fall of 1866, when gold was worth 2 dollars 60 cents, he was offered cash for the fee-simple the Tarr equivalent to ...


... later times Crockett made the greatest name for himself any tamer, not in England alone, but also in France, Germany and America. I remember well the time when the six lions were loose one tune in Astley’s, when old Batty had the place. The Sanger* had ...


... men, •who never mind spending money if there is even a proba-1 .ility a fair return. As to the general pubUc of Kng- and America, submarine telegraphy has been out the question. The price of ever short a message was always very high—in fact enormous—and ...

mother. V*utier h*d often threatened her an jury, but aathe ecUlom left her mother'a, un, .J>le to carry ..

... have divided the expenre between them. Thb Last Invention! —An ingenious instrument for dyeing hair ha. been invented in America. It consist* an arrangement like a large pair acimon : but one blade consist, of hollow cone, like an extinguisher, and the ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, ANU DE.U'US Ckwrgtt.—Biriksi I*. •kt.. Murr the announeet/vn'

... castle, and scarcely an American came to England who did not go once to Warwick (bear, bear). The feeling on the n.alter America was very great. After referring to the sympathy expressed the friends of Lord Warwick, and by the press and public generally ...

SATURDAY, JAN. 13, 1872

... in full time was attached every nerve. The Last Invention ! —An ingenious instrument for dyeing hair has been invented in America. It consists of an arrangement like large pair of scissors ; but one blade consists of hollow cone, like an extinguisher, ...


... to see America you must to the west. But really it was difficult to say where the west was. Standing one day about 100 miles west New York, was conversing with gentleman upon American affairs when the gentleman said, Oh, if you want to see America yon should ...

®ar We deem it right to state that we do not at ® icutify ourselves with our Correspondent’s opinionr '

... comratrcialmen, who never mind spending money if there is even probability of fair return. to the general public England and America, submarine telegraphy has been out of the question. The price of ever so short message was always very high—in fact enormous—and ...


... of doing go. Numbers of persons desirous of assisting in the restoration of the caslle had done so » practical manner, and America was doing *o largely and liberally. He was therefore much pleased the town of Leamington was not going bcbind-Uand in so good ...