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Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Herald


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Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale Herald


... Bart, BaeU Woodd,Beq.,M.P. eorrulors, kitchens and out-offices : Imen, blzn £(t beef 7d to : secondary. to fi}d. Sheep, Captain Brady, Bev. J. S. Withington, TOnnUrpanee, feather beds, Ac., which are fu. y par Per ,b DO,MU - Dr.a, prompt. fai^ho™o?pi L ...


... and before proceeding to church the bond played the “Halleluiah chorus” good atyle. The company was ondtr the command of Captain Brady, who put the men through short driU. The corps then proceeded down Chapel Street, np Parliament Street, along West Park ...


... programme. During the evening. Captain Brady diatribnted the prises the successful candidates, giving a few words encouragement each. After a vote thanks from Mr. J. W, Kaye, the principal the college, to Captain Brady for presiding, very enjoyable evening ...


... Mrs. Reynard Sergt. J. Horner, £3 35.. A. B. Harter, Esq. „ T. Askwith, *2, Captain Brady Privt. O. Holdswortb. *1 10s., Captain Brady „ F. Buckton, *1 10s., Captain Brady O. Stott, *1 10s., Lieut. G. Milling Sergt. J. Rawlings. *1 Be.. Lieut. Milling ...

Sergeant Kira Stead, pair of boot* and pinafore, Mr J. Writ®ley Mm. Walker. Private Joeeph Parnhlll. bladder ..

... three hearty cheers for Mrs. Reynard, which were given lustily. IJuarter- Mast r.-SergC proposed three hearty cheers for Captain Brady (one more being added for Mrs. Brady and family). Capt. Brady in responding, said was much obliged to them for the manner ...

BOY HERO. Nearly twenty yean efter the Decleretlon Independence, treaty of peace waa made between the United ..

... of which, and the farthest advanced into the wilderness, was named Brady (younger brother or nephew of the eelebrated Captain Brady). . In the antamn of ,( J3 the only boy in this family—a bold, venturesome lad of fifteen—went eheetnnting on the highest ...

. HARROGATE. Bath Hoarrm^*— 23rd Sept.—PatieiltA diKimrmd,!*! admitted, 81; ißtluh(MpHal,67;HaUiD«r(MadaWM,4. ' ..

... applauae. There waa largo aodienoo. VoLOKTEBaa.—On Saturday afternoon last the Sifie Volunteers, under the oommand of Captain Brady, the Bipon Volunteers under Captain. Keazsiey and Wise, those Knanebny under Captain Powell, and the Tadouter company under ...

i .YACUTOTA•ATILIT MUDOT iMtch«« which hare been wen. Then oomprite win* agaiut Hcnwood, Bipon, Teadco, Bndford ..

... Tioe-nrcaidenU waa next proceeded with, and the following gentleman wan re-elected -.—Mr. A. M. Bataaen, the Baa. A. Blythe, Captain Brady, Hr. H. H. Capaa, Mr. M. Outer, Mr. H. Downea, Mr. H. Harriaon, Mr. P. J. Lynoh, Hr. B. HarUand, Mr. C. MaUar, Capt. Onthwaite ...

Pilux Lamm Box, Scab.—Th* to* To» th» «fMiag oadaotioß «l btten thto pillar baa bean ftoa 6.40 to 7.10. rary

... observed, the Chairman that hod received notes from Dr. Myrtle. Mr. Mawaon. Eev. O. O. Btownrigg, Bev. H. W. Holland, Captain Brady, and other gentlemen, regretting their inability to be present. Mr. J. Banana, proposing “The town and trade Harrogate ...


... thanks to their patroness, Mrs. Reynard, which was received with acclamation and three hearty cheers. A vote of thanks to Captain Brady and three hearty cheers concluded the business. KETTLESING. Bawn of Horn.—At meeting the committee of the above society ...


... Bernard „ O. Holdsworth 33 0 A. E. Harter, Eaq. Qtr.-Mek-Sgt. P. Pollan 2 0 0 Captain Brady flani, P* Bnekten 1 10 0 Captain Brady Band—W. Bernard 110 Captain Brady Flirt. R. Clark 0 Dr. Myrtle OorpL J. Petty.. 1 1 0 E. Ellis, Eeq. Band—C‘ ...