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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... with an exhibition of her talent, and doubtless her reception on this occasion will be as hearty as on former visits-Mr. Charles Halle and Madame Norman Nerada will give a pianoforte and violin recital in the Town Hall, on Monday evening, Nov. 6. THE OXrOflD ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... place duoing the ensuing Term: -Oct. 28-Signor Papini's Violin Recital; Nov. I-Mliss Robertson's Grand Conceit; Nov. 7-Mr. Charles Halle ?? Norman Neruda's- Grand Pianoforto and Violin Recital; Nov. 10-Mr. Bran- dram's lsecital of Hamlet,t in aid of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yorkshire, Thomas Starton Starkey, Captain in the 9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers, to Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. Charles Hall, Rector of Terrington. August 13, at Saint George's, Hanover-squnre, London ?? Dalryiple des Vmoux, E~q., to the Lady Alice ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sessions will commence on Monday next. There aire at present seven prisoners for trial. PIANOFORTE rn-D VIOLIN RleCITrA.-'Mr. Charles Hall(hi and Madame Norman Neruda have fixed their next recital in Oxford for the 17th inst., at the Town Hall. MR. BLAGCROVE'S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... year, Sarah, widow of the late -John Walker, Esq. of Arno's Grove, Southgate, Middlesex. n., At Biooinshnry-place, John Charles Hall, Esq., of Lincoln's S Inol-flelN: ii hi, 4sth yeur. ar At Brighton, Wi'llim Roberts, IEsq., in his 40th yea~r. At Bath ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... We understand that it is pro- posed to make these concerts subscription ones. GRAND PiAoroeFOR AND VIOLIN REMITAL.-Mr. Charles Hall and Madame Norman Neruda will, we arc glad to e see, give another grand pianoforte and violin recital on ,Tuesday evening ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of George Gray, Esq., Yew Tree House. July 1, at Iver, BlEks, the Rev. Lewvs Duval Hall, Vicar Oef Corton, elder son of Charles Hall, Esq., of Lincoln's Ina, to Mary Kate, younger daughter of Cheeles Meeking, Esq., of 1ichings Park, Buoks. July 1, at Black ...