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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... months in active pre- ation, aunder the snpsrintcderice of Miriss SARAE GUNNISS ressidre Danecuro of the Theatre Royal. Drury Lane. The Nose aud Ieautiul Scenery has oern euticely Deelened aud P'ainted by Ito. Edwin Day, and thewhole of the o Mechanuial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... some niouths in active nre seration, iunder the superintendence of MISS SAi8ARA GUNN18Ss, ?? Danscuse of the Theatro Royal. Drury Lane. The New and Beautiful Scenery baa been entirely DesIgned and Painted by Mr. Edwin Day, the whole of tho Mechanical Ap- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... monthsi in active lpr- sirat ion, under the snperilstcnidence of MISS SARAH GUNNIS, . 'Cesntdre Dansusee of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. The .New aild Beautiflmt Sceneory has bcei Outiraly Deagued and Tainted by Mr. Edwi' nDay, the whole of thlea Ncthauical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as. --th in. tiivopre parallon, nder the superimtondenco of M18S SARAHI GUNNIliS, rromitre Dasceuse of the Theatre Royal. Drury Lane. The New and BeauttEf1 Scenery has been entirely Dosigned and Tainteet by Mr. Edwin Day, the whsolo of the Meehaulecal A4- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENT (A. LA WATTEAUI, I'redvecil under tho superintendence of Miiea Sarah Gunniss, Preener Damocuceof the Theatre Royal, Drury lane; and putupoe the ttage in the moat complete manner, regardless of expense, with Gorgeous Neew Dresses and Appointments, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIVERTISENENT J& LA WATTEAU), IPreducedunder the superinteldencoof MissSarah GunnLansProlezdiso Dananuse od the Theatre Royal. Drury Lane, and put upon the 15,age in the most complete manner, regerottees of expeaco, with Gorgeeu Neow Dresses end Appointments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIVERTISSEMENT LK. LA WATTEAU), Producedourier the suparlntendeoueof MBaSSarah GaunniosPrem14ro Dansens ot the Theatro Royal, Drury Lane, and put upon the Stage in the most complete' manner, regardless of expenco, with Gorgeous t ew Dreases and Appointments ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIVERTISSEMENT (A LA WATTEAB), Producedunder the supeintdencoof MiesSah Gannuis,Preminlro Danseuse of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and put upon tho Stage in the most complete manner, regardless of expoece, with Gorgeona New Dresses and Appointments, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIVERTISSEMENT IA LA WATTEA1J), Preduced under the superintendencoof MissSarah Gunulec.PrsmlIr0 Dsnseucs of the Theatre Royal, Drury lane, and put upon the Singe in the most complete manner, recardleos of eaxsanee, with Gorgeous Now Dresses and Appointmnents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MDONT -NEGRO, Prom the Conservatoire, Naples, and the celobratedi Basso, SIGNOR PUMAROLA. From Htr btajesty's Theatre and Drury Lane, WILL A PP B AIt THIIS EBVENING In Seleotions fron the great Italian OpraO. In tosquonoe Ct the immense ?? or and tuimultuous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONTE-NEGRO, Feom the Coneervatoire, Naples, and the celobrated Basso, SIGNOR F UNAROLA, From Her Majelsty's Theatre and Drury Lane, WILL APPEAR THIS EVENININ In Selectj ons from thl great Italian Operas. In ?? of the immenoe nUCCeeS of and tunmultuoue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ONTE-NEGRO, Fros the Conservatoire. Naples, and the eelobrated Baeso, SI(iNOR FUMAROLAL From Her Majesty's Theatwo and Drury Lane WILL APPEAR THIS EVENING In Soleotionn fronm the great Italian OPuras. In conseqelence of the immense suocem of and tumultuora ...