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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... -build- !loo, on and afterl'husroday neat, price Oct. 13, Austitnifrtars, Felb. 5, 1850P ALFiRED GODFREY, See. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- TIS EVENING will be performed Sehiller's play of FIESCO. Andrea Doria, Mr. Cooper; PrtnCiap etti.No Doria, Mr. C. Fisher; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Brothil s, 3, BRoys clsspaliebldSiiiFs, price Vd. AlF R ERD iO~tY Secretary. 13, Austin-friars, Feb. 5, 1850. HI¶EATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-The T SECOND ald LAST JVENILE NIGHT will take plaw e `1t-MORROW EVENING (Friday), on which occasion will ?? Merformed thie ...


... Mr. Alderman Salomons declined to take bail. CLERKKENWFLL.-Az2ii ledq,-vse, who gave her residence No. 13, Lincoli-court, Drury-lane, was placed at the bar before Mr. Coombe, charged by Mr. JohnBCDjamin Wyatt, architect, of 5, Barnsbury Villas, Islington ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be engagwed llt Mr. Mitchell's Royal Library, S3, Old Bood-street; and at the Box offlce of the Theatre. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- THIS EVENING will he presented THE SPOILED CHILD. Tag, Mr. V. 11. Angel; Little Pickle, Miss Maria Ternan (her first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lamheth. Messrs. W. Cosser and Son, Belvedere-road, Lambeth. Messrs. Miller and Field, 6, Bridge-road, Lambeth. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- THIS EVENING will be performed Schiller's play of FIESCO. Andrea Doria, Mr. Cooper; Prince Gianettino Doria, Mr. C. Fisher; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... price 3a., o V IESCO; or Tile Revolt of Genoa. An His- U torical Play, in Five Acts, now performing at the Theotre Royal Drury-lane,; altered from the German, of SC}ILLER, by J. R. PLANCHE, Es~q, PS.A. OrsLT. A New Tsate. By theoauthor of. ! Trap to Catch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Theatre. T. JAMES'S THEATRE.-Mr. BUNN on the S STAC E-Duc notice will be given of his First Apcpearancce. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- THIS EVENiNG will be perfoueicil Schiler's play of FIESCO. Ali res Doria, Mr. Cooper; PrhiccGanetitno Doria, Mr. C. Fisher; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tlhis Ervenini (Ash-Wedneeday), thre will he No Performnioe. THEA1 RE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- TO-MORROW EVENING will be performed Shakipere's tragedy 4l JULIUS CiESAl s Julitis5ewar, Mr.C. FLaher; OctaviurAC Mr. EvwiAtt ;MarcAiiton v MMr. J. Andei;c°' BrutwsS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- TIllS EVENING will be performed Shskspeare's tragedy of JULIUS t'ESAR. Julius Caear, Mr. C. Fisher; Octavins Caesor, Mir. Everett, MarcAntony, Mr. J. Anderson; Brutus, Mr. Vanden- hof' Cassius, Mr. Cathcart; Casca, Mr. Cooper; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Blrothiers. 3. Roennl Errchunge-buildirgis, price Gd. ALFRED GODFREY, Secretary. 13, Austin-friars, Feb. 5, 1I50. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- THIS EX ENING will be performed Sclillerr'5 play of FIESCO. Andrea Doria, Mr. Cooper; PrilneeGianottinro Doria, Mr. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-f EVFNIN;i ,vill 1 n, nrrfntnrde THE SPOILED CHILD. 1 T.M- W 1. Xnn, A- ; il Pickle. Mr. W. Davidvge; Mi- i'ieklk: Litln li.klk, Mi- M5. Ternaun. ! '.ini by th th' ntopirtlnn.e, cadll d HAR LEQlUIN AND kik, ii EEN l:ESS nI, ...