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Advertisements & Notices

... SPORTS, Friday, JF'September 20th, 186_1. Sailingstaddrowingrmatches, MA for various prizes, amounting to upwards of £50. JOHN OSTER, Hon. See. A j, He FlA EN UP, about a month since, a white faced EWE mis, TA'and LAMB.-The owner can have them returned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dtaggeons Mloney Speculabion. gtsacanteed by Government, wrl1 rbeid freon app n. enlosing a stamped direoted in envelope, to John oster, 15sQ,, 10, Northumberland-street, lng Strand, Londen, w.a. 6denl in, ?? OARD.]~ ~ '~?.CULVERWELL'S MONTHLY Du PROFESBIONA]5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iil G, GaRMble, Wma. Itbeteon. ,, tisnsdi Rhodue. J. S. Tarpkinsen. Captain Farrir. JisrnEca F~ora. My. Goetviiri Louis, John~oster (Soigeuoni , John Ambler. Saint. 0, Gamnble. , Gee, Firth. Gee. Mytri. GoBen F. Peel. James lens]. ,,Jue. Foster, Jot] Iotn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moneuy epecretation, Ituaranteed by G~overnment, wrill be sent free on eppilealion, enclosing a stamped direrted envelopo, to John~oster, Xsq., 8, Craigs -court, Checlng erono. Londeon, S.W.8 o TRIOE'S PATENT CANDLE . COMPANY, LIMITED. COLD MEDAL AT TIIX PARIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 250 0. to W. RL. King, Esq ,3eterley-road . 525! 0 0 O he: MO Engliah htsq -High-street- .. a25 .0 0O' the Mrs- John -'oster Br:nswik.terrace, be Sprirng-bank. 25 O00 -of' Rev.Richd.,Waldo ib M or tinghan ?? ?? . 2 0 0 pi A Beverley. Friend, per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... money speculation, Guaranteed by Govemnmentwll .be sent free on application, enclosing a stamped directed enve. PVe to JOHN OSTER, Esq., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cr4,t London, S.W. ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAOT, 1870, SBCTION IX. FINAL NOTMcE B. F. COUNTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Specula- tiou, guarauteedt by Government, wvill be sent free on altllication, enelosin r, stomiped. directed envelopes ts john 'Oster.Ps,. 8,[- Craig.'f Court.Caii Cross, London. S.W. eJ CHBRAP PBEPAID ADVEMP~IS-EMEN2'S,r Fee cemlsceseiie Inoirs-tiss of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... money speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOHN OSTER, Req., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London.S.W. I R BE.-NOTICE.-JOEIN P. MUTTEEN, A1 proprietor of the Moss Side Storeroome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... money spseculation, gularanteed by Government, will be sent free on appliation^,enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOHN OSTER ?? 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W. .]BRASS, R3ED, STRING, and DRUM and FIFE BANDS, PIANOFORTES and HARMONIUMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , gitutraliteetl by Govermtititent, will bersentfree onlmlpdlication, eticlosiiga stamlisledl . direotod oitvel qie toI John oster, Esq. 8 Craig's-Court, Clsrming . CAo, London, SW. 68243 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... money speculation, guaranteed by overnment, will be sent free on aopllcation, enclosliu a 8, omped directed envelope to John oster, E~q., B, Crare's. Coiv Cltarg CroM5, Londoo, &W. 1231 L I,1UaESTER.-The BRISTOL | M t.liRCIRY end ITIALY POST com be Obtained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... advantageous money speoulatlon, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on lplloatlon, encldan a stamed directed envelope to John oster, Enq., 8, Cra&ss mflk~ L Cross London, w. 127 C-LOU ORSTE K -The DBISTOL GNMROURY and DAILY POST cm be obtind of Mr. Wisws ...