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Advertisements & Notices

... money speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOHN OSTER, Req., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London.S.W. I R BE.-NOTICE.-JOEIN P. MUTTEEN, A1 proprietor of the Moss Side Storeroome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dtaggeons Mloney Speculabion. gtsacanteed by Government, wrl1 rbeid freon app n. enlosing a stamped direoted in envelope, to John oster, 15sQ,, 10, Northumberland-street, lng Strand, Londen, w.a. 6denl in, ?? OARD.]~ ~ '~?.CULVERWELL'S MONTHLY Du PROFESBIONA]5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... speCula- tion, guaranteed by Government will beh sent free on appllca- tion, enclosing a stamped diruected envelope, t JOHN _OSTER, Esq., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W. Gold Medul, Paris, 1878. First anvard and Medal, Sydney, 1880. Melbourne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPORTS, Friday, JF'September 20th, 186_1. Sailingstaddrowingrmatches, MA for various prizes, amounting to upwards of £50. JOHN OSTER, Hon. See. A j, He FlA EN UP, about a month since, a white faced EWE mis, TA'and LAMB.-The owner can have them returned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... speenla. tion, gua~ranteed by Governmnent, will be sent free on applia-o tion, enclosing a stamnped directed envelope, to JOHN 'OSTER; Eeq:, 8,'Caig's Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W. EFECTIVE VISION, either from age or disease. Mr. John Browning begs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... money spseculation, gularanteed by Government, will be sent free on appliation^,enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOHN OSTER ?? 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W. .]BRASS, R3ED, STRING, and DRUM and FIFE BANDS, PIANOFORTES and HARMONIUMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dafodi 14o fee 7Inc hes or ty;terboutsan )a. 10ice-rteebns utonh souicth, ie2 eth 8fo~he aorcfurnher; pardticlr plo Mr. John osTeR, o i 2 satreat, LAverool5 tl2VcS XVA.KER, ICKERLEY, & CO,,n as AUCTIO2NEERS, Z, CE'URCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL ly EBLSK HIALF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moneuy epecretation, Ituaranteed by G~overnment, wrill be sent free on eppilealion, enclosing a stamped direrted envelopo, to John~oster, Xsq., 8, Craigs -court, Checlng erono. Londeon, S.W.8 o TRIOE'S PATENT CANDLE . COMPANY, LIMITED. COLD MEDAL AT TIIX PARIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... maoney speaul- B on, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on applica- tion. enclosing a stamped directed envelope, to JOHNS OSTER, 3:sg., 8, Creig's Court, (haring Cross, Loudon, S. W. C] iT OWL S IvuableforCougiheu han,Bronohitis, flarlicna., Consumption ...